Fruits Basket OVA Series

Disclaimer: I don't own Friuts Basket.

Notes: I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed this story and were entertained by it. This is the final chapter of the series but it paves the way for the TV series. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the conclusion. I plan to write more Fruits Basket fanfics. My next one will involve Shigure reuniting with Kikyo.

Fruits basket chapter 26: The end and the beginning

It was a hot, summer day as Yuki and Shigure ate a boxed lunch that thankfully did not consist of charcoal. "To think, in a few days you'll be going back to school and Kyo will stay with us. Please promise me that you won't break my furniture." Shigure begged.

Yuki ate the last of his tempura before answering. ''You should make Kyo promise as well. He breaks the furniture more than Me.'' said Yuki.

Shigure couldn't help but laugh. "I have a feeling that something is going to happen. Not just to us but to the entire zodiac. Don't you?'' Shigure asked.

Yuki looked at him with disbelief. "Other than the fact that my relationship with Kyo is going to get worse, I don't think any thing's going to change.'' Yuki replied.

Shigure looked at a picture of him and Kikyo that he had never managed to throw away. He looked at it for a while before slowly putting it away. 'Maybe you're right." Shigure said to himself.

Kazuma and Kyo's trip to the mountains had ended. After arguing about staying with Yuki, Kyo finally gave in. As he packed his things, he asked: "How long will I stay with them?" he asked.

''You will stay for the entire school year at least.'' Kazuma replied. Kyo felt relieved. The last thing he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with that damn rat and that psychotic pervert Shigure. He looked outside the window. Kyoko Honda's body was lying there or he thought she was lying there. "I won't forgive you.'' she declared coldly. He shook that thought out of his head. ''Are you all right?'' Kazuma asked. Kyo turned to face him.

''Yeah, I am.'' Kyo replied with a hint of a smile.

Shigure was in the Main house with Akito. They talked about Yuki and his living conditions with Shigure. "Yuki thinks that he's free, but soon he'll be here again. Kyo is strong, I'm sure he can beat him.

But perhaps I could have them both with Me." she said with a twisted smile on her face. Shigure smiled in a sinister way. ''I'm sure you can.'' said Shigure as he ran his fingers through her hair. Akito stared at him with wonder and excitement. ''You think that, but you won't have the chance.'' Shigure thought. Kureno looked on and shook his head with sadness.

Yuki was attending to his garden. Summer would be soon over as the school year was coming, but the plants still needed a lot of water. "It's good to be here away from Shigure. I finally have some peace with myself." He thought.

''Yuki!" a voice shouted. Yuki stood straight and turned around. Shigure appeared before him. It was hard to tell the expression on his face but it was clear to Yuki what he was going to say.

''Akito would like to see you.'' He said. Yuki tried to not look fearful in front of Shigure but it was no use. He hadn't seen Akito in one year and could only imagine what he'd do, how he'd look…

''Yuki, are you all right?" asked Shigure with a sincere look of concern on his face.

Yuki shook his head. ''I'm fine. I'll have to see him. I have no choice in the matter." Yuki replied, trying to act as though it wasn't really anything. Shigure smiled but wasn't convinced at all by Yuki.

The next day Shigure accompanied Yuki as they drove to the Sohma compound. For the first time since they had lived together there was only silence between them. After twenty minutes of driving, they were finally there. ''Here we are.'' said Shigure. The door was opened by Hatori. He looked anxious, for he knew exactly the outcome of Yuki's visit. ''Hello Yuki and Shigure." greeted Hatori.

''Good evening, Hari. Yuki and I will stay together as he meets with Akito.'' he explained. Suddenly Akito, dressed in her usual pink and white robe. ''Hello, Shigure and Yuki.'' She greeted politely. When she said his name she gave him a cold, sinister smile. Yuki's eyes grew wide in fear.

''Perhaps Yuki and I may speak in private.'' Akito demanded in a sic kingly sweet voice.

''Of course, you may.'' Shigure replied. Hatori looked anxious, even though he knew Shigure would not say no. Yuki stared at Shigure with complete disbelief. Akito continued to smile as she led Yuki with her, squeezing his hand.

The room was exactly as Yuki remembered it. It had the same darkness, the same emptiness. Akito sat down on the hard, cold floor. ''Sit down.'' She commanded. Yuki, too afraid to deny, immediately sat down. ''You're happy to be with Shigure aren't you?" she asked in a voice of sinister curiosity. ''Yes.'' replied Yuki trying not to show fear in his voice. ''Do you think you'll stay there as long as you wish?" Akito asked, slowly losing her temper.

Yuki didn't know what to say. His body began to sweat from fear.

Suddenly Akito took out her whip and slapped it across his fear. Yuki cried out in pain. ''How dare you not answer me! Your life is black! Without me you have no reason to exist!'' she yelled as she beat Yuki on his chest and back.

Gashes of blood flowed slowly as Yuki screamed in pain. It seemed like an eternity until someone knocked at the door. Reluctantly Akito stood up and opened the door. It was Shigure. ''May I come in?'' he asked. ''Of course, you may.'' Akito replied in a voice of strange politeness.

Yuki stared at him with hopeful, pleading eyes. Shigure walked towards him and reached his hand forward. With little strength he had, Yuki grabbed it. Shigure took his other hand and lifted him to his feet. He held his hand and led him out the door. Akito stared at them with disappointment at Shigure but hope for the future.

When they were out of the dark room Hatori with a concerned look on his face came to greet them. ''Are you all right Yuki?'' he asked. Yuki considered this question for a few moments. He wasn't all right at all. But as perverted and immature as Shigure was, he was all he had. He would be all right but not now. ''I will be.'' He replied softly. With that, Shigure cheerfully said goodbye to Hatori as they went out of the door and made their way home.

Kyo sat in a busy metro train looking out the window. He saw no point of living with Yuki and Shigure. But he didn't want argue with his master. The one good thing about living with Yuki was that he could win against him face to face. ''I swear to you Yuki, you're dead!'' he vowed to himself.

In the grounds of Shigure's house a young girl with brown hair and lovely blue eyes took out her flat orange tent and began to cheerfully take it out and set the tent up.