" Yumi, you look beautiful." Aelita said.

" Aelita are you sure I'm doing the right thing?" Yumi asked, adjusting the long white skirt of her wedding dress.

" Yumi, you and Ulrich have had a crush on each other since you were 14, he was 13, but whatever. The only thing keeping you from marrying each other was your parents, and your ages." Yumi raised an eyebrow at her best friend. " Well it's true." Aelita insisted. Yumi couldn't help laughing.

" Well, it's finally happening, Sissi's worst nightmare. You did invite her right?"

" Of course, I couldn't let you pass up a chance to torture Sissi."

" Good, how did you manage to survive this?" Aelita had married Jeremy only a few weeks ago. Yumi and Ulrich's wedding day was only a week after the first couple got back from their two-week honeymoon. Sam and Odd were set to marry after Yumi and Ulrich get back from their honeymoon.

" Are ya ready to get hitched?" Sam asked, bursting into the room. Aelita and Yumi began laughing even harder, tears already streaming from Aelita's eyes. Then Sam started to laugh at the sight of the two women.

" Is everyone ready?" Jeremy asked, as he slipped into the room, Odd right behind him. They sort of froze when they saw the women practically rolling on the floor laughing.

" Yumi, Aelita, Sam! You three need to pull yourselves together! The weddings going to start in five minutes!" Jeremy scolded. The girls just laughed harder. Jeremy threw his hands in the air. " Odd, get them to stop! Otherwise we may have a problem."

" How?" Odd asked.

" Well, unless the brides and the bridesmaids plan on rolling down to the altar, they have to stop!" Jeremy ordered going back to the groom's room.

Meanwhile (and during)

" Jeremy, what if something goes wrong?"

" Ulrich the only thing that might go wrong is someone'll pass out, knock into a candle, and burn the place down."

" Good Odd, that will put his mind to rest." Jeremy said.

" Well, you didn't let me finish, but we know none of us will because we made it through Jeremy's wedding." Ulrich rolled his eyes at his friend's attempt to cover his stupidity.

" Wow, this is the day we all knew was coming." Jeremy said, changing the subject.

" All of us but Ulrich and Yumi that is." Odd said. Jeremy and Odd laughed. Ulrich scowled at them.

" We're just teasing. Well, after this it's Sam and Odd, then…"

" Then we get started on the next generations of Belpoises, Della Robbias and Sterns!" Odd announced. The guys laughed a little.

" Come on Odd, let's tell the girls that it's almost time." Jeremy said, and they walked out. Ulrich stared at himself in the mirror.

" This is it Ulrich, the day you've thought about since you were thirteen." He breathed deep. " Lets do this." The door opened.

" Hey Ulrich, you're needed at the altar." Ulrich nodded and followed the guy out to the altar and waited. He walked past his parents, his mother smiled. He stood in his spot. The wedding march started and everyone turned to the back. (A/N I've never been married, and I've never been to a wedding, I have no idea how these work, so I'm doing it the way I think they do it on television.) Odd walked beside Sam, and they split, Odd stood by Ulrich, Sam stood on Yumi's side. Then came Jeremy and Aelita. Next came the flower girl, which was Yumi's cousin's daughter. Finally came Yumi, on the arm of her father. They walked down and stopped, Yumi's father kissed her cheek and sat down. The minister began the usual thing.

" Now Ulrich wanted to read his own vows to Yumi." Ulrich pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

" Yumi, you have no idea how long I've waited for this. I first saw you when I was twelve, and first came to Kadic. We became friends, and the first thing that came to my mind was 'one step closer'. We've been through more than just about anybody. I still remember when we first kissed, almost. We were interrupted, but from then on, I felt better about the whole thing, knowing I had even a slight chance. When I finally got up enough courage to ask you out, and you said yes, I was over joyed. Now, we're getting married, and I'll tell you, I'm just about out of courage, I've used so much on you.

" I'm looking forward to spending everyday with you, waking up with you by my side. I'm looking forward to growing old with you, dying with you, and being annoyed by Odd with you." Yumi laughed. " I am running out of things to say. So I'll finish with this, now that we're married, I'm looking forward to life." Yumi smiled.

" Wow, I never figured Ulrich as a romantic." Odd whispered to Jeremy.

" He had help from Aelita." Jeremy whispered back. Odd sniggered. Jeremy elbowed him in the ribs.

" Now Yumi would like to read her vows."

" Not sure if I can top that though. Okay, you're right Ulrich; we have been through a lot. Fights, jealousy, and Sissi." Ulrich held back laughter. " You've saved my life countless times." She said, not caring that nobody else knew what they were talking about, except their friends of course. " You are the best thing to happen to me, and, there aren't enough words an any language to express it, so I'm not even going to try." She turned to the minister. " I'm done." He continued.

" Do you, Ulrich Stern, take this woman, Yumi Ishiyama (SP?), to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

" I do."

" And do you, Yumi Ishiyama, take this man, Ulrich Stern, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

" I do."

" You may now kiss the bride." Ulrich smiled and pressed his lips to Yumi's. Everyone cheered. The newly-weds hurried out and got in the 'Just Married' car.

" Ulrich, did you mean what you said in your vows?"

" Of course, that's why they're called vows." Yumi smiled.

" I love you." She said.

" I love you too."

A/N look at the fluffiness! It's fluffier than a kitty! Well, tell me what you think! and if you've been to a wedding, and remember it, please tell me how close I came, please, and tell me what I did wrong, so I can use it for future reference.

Oh, and I know I should be working on my other story (if you're reading it) but I got this in my head and it wouldn't go away, but I swear I'm working on it!