The RPG Party- Part 12: Attack of the Killer...Whatevers

Featuring Barret, Cid, Deus, Ramsus, Miang, Wild Animals...and Calvin and Hobbes


Everyone was tired from the Yggdrasil repairs, and the house is asleep. It is noon, but only a singular person is awake...and that person is a bit 'busy:'

Barret: Hmm, what can I do to make this an exciting day?

Voice from the heavens: It shall be memorable.

Barret: *looks up* Huh? Who are you?

Deus: I am Deus, your 'god.' I will take care of everything.

Barret: Really?

Deus: Of course. Now, wake the others up. Don't worry about me.

Barret: WOO HOO!!! *Runs upstairs into bedroom* HEY EVERYONE, WAKE UP!!!! *Everyone's eyes sleepily open*

Fei: Damn it, why are you waking us up so early?

Barret: It's hardly early. It's noon.

Misty: It's NOON! EEEEEEK! I got too much beauty sleep! *Starts jumping on the bed, completely waking everyone up*

Ash: Ugh.....

Cid: @%*(&%(*@#!!!!!!!!!!! Well, guess we should all go downstairs.... *Gets up*

Red XIII: I suppose so. Let us go watch the television.

Brock: Sounds good!

Tifa: I'll be down in a minute... *Everyone goes downstairs, with crazy hair and in their pajamas and struggle for seats in front of the TV*


Misty: You can go sit on the floor with your pikachu!

Ash: No way! You look like a toad in the morning, you know!

Misty: Why you little- *whams him over the head*

Aeris: I look awful in the morning, too....

Cid: Well, at least your hair doesn't look like Cloud's! *points to his head. His hair is sticking up and, indeed, looks like Cloud's hair*

Brock: *is staring at Tifa*

Tifa: WHAT do you want, Brock?

Brock: You don't wear a bra under that outfit, do you?

Tifa: *looks down* &$@&%@!!!!!!! I forgot to put one on! Nooooo! *runs to the bedroom*

Rico: Say Elly, it seems quieter here than earlier.

Elly: That's becuase Bart, Margie, Sigurd, Bart, and Chu-Chu all left yesterday.

Rico: Oh yeah, right....It's not fair! Whenever I come to a party, everyone else is leaving!

Fei: Since no one else is turning on the TV, I will! *grabs the remote and turns it on*

Ash: Hey, look! It's a pokemon wildlife show!

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pi! (That's my Great Aunt Gertrude!)

Misty: Ooooh, it's a Togepi! *Ash and Misty continue looking at pokemon, scooching toward the TV, until they run into each other*

Ash: Hey, that was MY seat!

Misty: No, MY seat!

Ash: &@%*^@!!!!!!!

Misty: Well, @&%*@# you!

Brock: Oh man, I think I'd better change the channel. *Picks up remote*

Barret: COOL MAN! It's WWF wrestling! *Starts chanting* HOOT, HOOT, HOOT, HOOT!

Elly: Oh man, I can't stand wrestling...

Aeris: Me Either!! *grabs remote from Barret*

Barret: H-Hey!

Cloud: I want the remote!

Cid: No, I do!

Rico: The TV is mine!

Brock: We're watching what I like best!

Fei: Gimme!!

Ash: No, mine, mine, mine! *The guys get in a huge fight for the remote. Tifa comes down*

Tifa: Men.....

Aeris: I really don't think we should be spending our last day like this.

Misty: Well, there must be SOMETHING we can do......

Red: *strains ears* Guys, listen carefully. Do you hear something outside?

Girls: *listen Very Very Carefully*

Tifa: Hmm......It almost

Elly: Sounds like a........

Misty: TIGER!!!!

Aeris: Maybe we should let it in!

Misty: YEAH!!! *opens door. A little boy and his tiger come roaring in. The guys look up*

Barret: *to himself* Yes!!!! The *@%(& fun he promised is finally starting!

Cloud: Did you say something, Barret?

Barret: Uh, no.....

Cloud: Good.

Fei: *Walks over to boy and Tiger* So, just who are you?

Calvin: You've NEVER read our comic strip?? I'm Calvin!

Hobbes: And I'm Hobbes!

Red XIII: I've read the comic strip! But I thought the writer retired.

Calvin: He did! But we still live on! Hobbes is my BEST friend!

Rico: Damn, I thought he was a stuffed tiger.

Hobbes: I feel insulted by the comment! I'll have to eat you!

Rico: You could, but it might be painful. Mutants are much tougher than humans.

Hobbes: Oh....yuck!

Cid: So, why are you here?

Calvin: God was beckoning to us.

Hobbes: It was a sign from the heavens.

Elly: A sign? How peculiar...

Susie: Hi! I'm Susie Derkins, from Calvin and Hobbes.

Calvin: Damn it Susie, you had to come ruin our fun!

Fei: This is *&%#@ boring.

Barret: Yeah really. I thought god had more in mind!

Tifa: Huh?

Barret: Nothing....

Susie: Anyway, Calvin escaped from school to come here. I came to get him back into class.

Calvin: Aww, man!!!!!!

Cloud: Sorry, Calvin. Nice talking to you guys.

Hobbes: GOODBYE! *he and Calvin leave*

Brock: Very peculiar.

Misty: Maybe something more exciting will happen today.

Ash: Yeah, really.......

Cid: I GOT IT!!!!!!!!

Everyone: What?


Aeris: Don't we need a rocket for that, Cid?

Cid: No problem! I'll go make one! *Runs out the the backyard* It will be done by sunset!

Tifa: Hey, that sounds kind of fun.......

Misty: I get plane sick. Would I get rocket sick, too?

Ash: uh, I hate to inturrupt, but......

Rico: But what?


AHHHH!!!!!!!!! *jumps out of the way*

Aeris: What are those things?

Brock: They're khangaskans!

Khangkaskans: Kanka, Kanga, Kangaskan! *Start running around in circles*

Cloud: Shit, they're making this cabin even more beat up!

Pikachu: PIKA!!! (stop!)

Khangaskans: *stop*

Ash: Hey, maybe I can catch one! Pokeball, go! *throws pokemon at a khangaskan. It misses. The pokemon gets extremely angry and runs upstairs.*

Khangaskan: KHANGA!!!!!! *destroys the bed*

Elly: NOO!!! They just destroyed Fei's and my favorite place to sleep together!

Fei: Oh no! That's awful! *starts sobbing*

Rico:, how can we get these, uh, things out of here?

Red XIII: I don't know, but it's sure not happening, look at what else is coming! *everyone looks*

Tifa: Oh no! It's CHOCOBOS!!! And mad ones!

Cloud: Does anyone have any greens?

Aeris: I never know I'd need them in heaven......

Barret: That %&$@* guy, I'll get him for this!

Misty: Cid is sooooo lucky he's not here.

Chocobos: WARK! WARK! WARK! *start forming a circle around our heroes*

Barret: What the *&%*(%&(@#%*(*@%*^?

Brock: Maybe some of my pokemon could help restrain them. Vulpix, go! Geodude, Go!

Vulipx and Geodude: VulDude? *Start looking at the chocobos and suddenly run over to the Khangaskans, helping in the mess.*

Ash: Great, just great. *looks more closely* Oh, no! PIKACHU!!

Pikachu: *Is running around madly, thundershocking everything in sight*

Red XII: Does anyone have any idea WHY everything decided to come here?

Barret: &@%*(&@%*(!!!!

Aeris: What is it, Barret?

Barret: Uh, uh, nothing! Nada! Really!

Chocobos: Wark! Wark! *Start pecking at everyone madly*

Tifa: Owww!!!

Elly: Hey guys, maybe we could get everyone in our gears to shield us!

Fei: Uh, Elly, the Yggdrasil left, remember?

Elly: Oh, right. *@(%&&(@%!!!!!

Rico: Maybe I can use my body to kill all of them! *Uses steel fist on himself and charges toward a chocobo*

Chocobo: WARRRRKKKK!!! *All chocobos and Khangaskans change in on Rico*

Cloud: Uh-oh.... *Rico charges out the the way, so the animals crash into the wall and break it down*

Barret: Hey, this wasn't in our renting contract! We could get sued!

Khangashanks: *Close in on Aeris and start ripping at her dress*

Aeris: Quit it! That's RAPE!

Misty: It's the Attack of the Killer...Whatevers!!!!

Brock: Yeah, no kidding....

Red XIII: I wish someone would help us!


Female voice: Hey, you don't need to shout that loud!

Elly: Damn, those voices sound familiar.... *Two people come up*

Ramsus: Hey everyone.

Miang: What's up?

Tifa: Uh, are you aware of what you guys are wearing? *Ramsus and Miang are both wearing speedo suits*

Ramsus and Miang: Yes.

Cloud: Why are you wearing them?

Ramsus and Miang: The sex was good.

Barret: Whatever you say....

Ramsus and Miang: The sex was very good!

Fei: You came here to tell us that 'the sex was good?'

Miang: You would know, Fei. YOU saw us!

Rico: Oh yeah, remember that? That one time we saw Ramsus and Miang waking up in those speedos...

Aeris: Now THAT'S a scary thought.

Brock: Can I join in? *grins*

Misty: You sicko! *glares at Brock*

Elly: You know Fei, it's been a couple episodes since we....

Fei: I know, but it would kind of be hard to do it right now. Look at this place! *All the walls have crashed down. The cabin is practicallly destroyed*

Ramsus: I hardly came here to watch a bunch of sick exhibitionists, anyway.

Red XIII: So, why are you here?

Miang: We have been called by our God.

Ash: What the %&$#*?

Tifa: How come every single thing here seems to have been called by a god?

Ramsus: Somebody here obviously asked Deus to make the day memorable. Don't you think it's memorable?

Cloud: All right, who's the &%&*^@ That called Deus here?

Barret: Uh, hehe....

Everyone: Barret, you *@%(&@(%#*!!!!!!

Miang: So, your day will be very memorable.

Rico: Uh, that's good...I guess

Ramsus: However, when Deus defined memorable, he didn't mean fun! Mwahahahahaha!!!!

Elly: Oh no! What are you going to do to us?

Miang: You will all die a painful death from our gears! Gears, come here! *the gears show up next to the chocobos*

Fei: &@%*(@#(*!!!!!!

Barret: Sorry, guys.......hehehehehe

Misty: *is praying desperately to the god of pokemon, Mewtwo*

Ramsus: All right Miang, let's hurry this up! We want to go back to the speedo thing!

Miang: Right on, Ramsus! Chocobos and pokemon, attack! *Ramsus and Miang climb into their gears. the Chocobos begin pecking at everyone*

Ash: Everyone, DODGE the attacks!

Brock: Let's see how fast we can run! Come on, it's a contest!

Red XIII: Humans...always getting us into these messes....

The dodging continues for a couple hours. It appears that they will eventually tire out and be stomped to death by Ramsus and Miang's gears. Only one person can save them.....


Two Hours later, with Cid in the Backyard

Cid: Hmm, this rocket building is going more slowly than I thought. I wonder how I can get this done more quickly?

An odd rhodent: Hey, bro, I can help you.

Cid: Huh? Who are you?

Hammer: Wait a minute, you're not Fei. I'm Hammer, a cool salesman. I sell parts for gears, ships, and even rocket ships.

Cid: You got some stuff to sell me?

Hammer: Actually, I have a rocket right here...some assembly required, of course.

Cid: &@(%*&@!!!!! Oh well, give it to me.

Hammer: here it is. *Takes out rocket* That will be 1 million gil.

Cid: Thanks!

Hammer: Take care! Adios!

Cid: Bye! *Lifts up bag* Oof! This is heavy! *Takes bag off*

And, standing there, is a full size rocket!

Cid: All right! He was *(@%& kidding when he told me it needed assembly! This thing is a beauty! I think I'll go show everyone else so we can go into space! *walks back to house, where he is completely surprised at what he sees*

Cid: Hey, wait a minute! What the hell is going on?

Ramsus: You all must DIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: Sweat, huff, puff, puff... *Everyone is tiring out. Red XIII just misses getting hit by Miang's gear. Luckily, Aeris notices Cid...*

Aeris: LOOK! It's CID! Cid, help us!

Barret: P-please! This is so &@%(@*#%&@(*)@!!!!!!!!!!!

Cid: Hmmm.....OK, um... *starts thinking*

Fei: Hurry up, Cid!

Cid: I know! How about you all come on my rocket ship!

Elly: You built a rocket ship? *Is almost stepped on by Ramsus' gear* AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Cid: Everyone, RUN!!!!!!! While they're distracted!

Everyone: We're coming!!!! *Everyone starts running with Cid to the ship, some on Red's back*

Ramsus: Hey, where are they going? *Miang stops randomly stomping things and looks*

Miang: *%@(@!!!!!!!! They're running away! Go after them!!!

Ramsus: OK, boss! *They start stomping after them in their gears*

Ash: Oh no! They're coming!


Cid: Here it is! Climb in everyone! *Everyone gets in in time, except...Brock!*

Miang: Get the one remaining straggler!

Brock: I think it's time I say a prayer for help...

Ramsus: Trample him! *Stomps where Brock was standing....only to discover he isn't there!*

Brock: *inside Rocket* Wow, something transferred me in here! There is a god! *kisses the bottom of the rocket ship*

Everyone: Yuck....

Miang: Damn! We failed!

Ramsus: Oh well, who cares? We lost every time in Xenogears!

Miang: Yeah, say, now I get to see you in that speedo suit again!

Ramsus: Same here! YAHOO!!! Let's fly off to a far away place!

Miang: Good idea. Let's fly off! *Miang and Ramsus fly away in their gears, probably to have more 'fun in speedo suits'*


Inside Cid's Rocket Ship

Cid: 5........4........3............2...........1................ BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!

Red: I'm very relieved we made it.

Rico: Yeah, I've had enough excitement for the day. My normally very strong body is starting to tire.

Tifa: My back hurts.

Cloud: You mean it doesn't hurt every day, Tifa?

Tifa: Shut up! *slaps him*

Fei: Don't you love the feeling of weightlessness, Elly?

Elly: It's great! Say Fei, that gives me a great idea...

Fei: Me too. *grin*

Elly: *very big grin*

Misty: I'm sooo jealous of you, Fei and Elly!

Ash: I'm just about ready to puke.

Cid: So, anyway guys, it looks like we can just fly around until- *is cut off by system announcement*

System voice: Fuel is very low. Land at service station.

Cid: &@(%*&@(*&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That Hammer! He wasn't kidding when he said it needed assembly! That bastard! He should have told me!

Rico: You have to be careful with Hammer, he can get tricky sometimes.

Cid: Well guys, it looks like we're going to land...

Evil Voice: NOT SO FAST!

Aeris: Oh no, what now?

Deus: I am Deus, your god. I have made the day interesting for all of you.

Red XIII: Too interesting...

Deus: And it's about to become more interesting. Ramsus and Miang failed, but I'm not about to! You're not getting out of this party alive! PREPARE TO DIE!

Barret: Damn! It's all my fault! *starts getting all riled up*

Fei and Elly: *Look up from their 'activities'* NOT DEUS!

Deus: You will all suffer! *Starts getting ready to attack*

Cid: I only have one chance to hit him with fuel this low!

Brock: This from the guy that saved me from those gears....

Misty: You never know Brock, you never know...

Cid: All right, here goes!

Deus: You will not hit me, morons!

Cid: 5....4......3......2.......1......FIRE!!! *Just as Deus is about to attack, The beam fires from the rocket...and hits it!*

Deus: GAAAHHHH!!!!!! I underestimated you humans! You win the battle, but not the war! I will be back! *Deus vanishes off in the distance*

Misty: Yay, we did it! *Does a victory dance*

Tifa: Yahoo!

Elly: ALL RIGHT!!!

System voice: You are out of fuel. I repeat, you are out of fuel.

Cid: Well everyone, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we're going down.

Everyone: Yay!

Cid: But the bad news is, we're hitting the ground hard. We're out of fuel.

Everyone: Oh no!

Ash: We're all gonna die!!!!

Cid: Let's all have a silent prayer...oh wait, maybe that's not such a good idea...

Red XIII: *Looks out window* Well, it looks like we're going to hit in 5-4-3-2-1

KABOOM! The rocket hits the ground! Are our heroes doomed? No! It appears they're still alive!

Barret: We're really lucky, that's all I can say.

Cloud: And, luckily, the chocobos are gone.

Aeris: Wow, look! It's getting dark outside! We're going to have to go!

Brock: Cloud, when do we have to leave this house by?

Cloud: Midnight, tonight. *checks watch* It's about 7 pm right now.

Tifa: Say Cloud, we'd better get going. I think it was in the contract that we couldn't damage this place. *Everyone looks at the destroyed walls*

Brock: DAMN!!!!!! We'd better get going so they can't track us! &@%*&^@!!!!!!!!!!

Cid: I can take everyone back in the highwind.

Misty: Good. I was afraid we'd have to walk.

Rico: So, should we all take an hour or so to pack up?

Aeris: Yeah. How about we meet in front of the highwind in an hour? Then we're leaving.

Ash: OK!

Fei: Hey, wait a minute! Elly and I never got to finish what we started!

Elly: Yeah! *pouts*

Everyone: *Groans*

Brock: Can't you at least wait until we drop you off?

Fei and Elly: Uh, I guess...........

Cid: In that case, it's settled! We're leaving this place in an hour! Get packing! *everyone leaves to pack*


To be continued.................