It was another normal day for the Avatar and company; Aang, Sokka, and Katara were on Appa, fleeing from an enraged Prince Zuko. They had just lost him when five people fell from the sky, landing perfectly on the huge, furry bison.

"Where are we?" the one with the short, red hair asked the tattooed boy guiding Appa.

"Hi! I'm the Avatar. Who are all of you?"

"We're the Guardians of the Veil," she replied. "I'm Will. That's Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin."

"This doesn't look like Meridian," Hay Lin told the group.

"Wow, brilliant deduction, Sherlock!" Irma joked. Aang looked around, confused.

"Who's Sherlock?"

"Where are we, exactly?" Will asked again, cutting off Irma's explanation.

"Well, right now we are in Earth Nation waters," Katara said, speaking up. "Which nation are you from?" This time, Taranee spoke up.

"Um, America. But it seems that you wouldn't know where that is. You wouldn't happen to know where Phobos is? Or Elyon?" Katara shook her head.

"Are they with Prince Zuko?"


"The banished fire nation prince who's been following us," Aang explained.

"And he's coming up right now! Watch it, I think he's going to fire on us!" Sokka yelled. Eyes widening, Will took out the heart of Candracar and said, "Guardians Unite!" Aang watched amazed as they transformed into the guardians. Sokka fainted, but Katara never even noticed. Her eyes were fixed on Zuko's ship.

"He's firing!" she yelled. "Turn, Appa!" But she didn't need to scream; Hay Lin blew the burning rock away as easily as if it was a feather. Aang looked at her with newfound respect. He had not seen another Airbender for a long time, especially such a talented female. Zuko fired again and Irma put it out with a little water. It fell harmlessly back to the ocean beneath them. Once more, Zuko fired, his unbelieving eyes taking in the spectacle above him. Cornelia directed it straight back at him, and everyone scurried under the deck. It hit the ship and burned out, leaving only a scorch mark and a dent. Zuko came back out on the deck and scowled. Who were these girls? How were they so powerful?

Everyone onboard Appa was amazed. Not only could they fly, but these girls had power over all four elements. Everyone started talking at once.

"How did you make the water shoot from your hands?" Katara asked Irma.

"Where did you learn how to blow it away like that?" Aang asked, fawning over Hay Lin.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Sokka asked Cornelia.

"Whoa, whoa," Will said, flying closer to Appa. "One question at a time. And," she added, laughing slightly, "Cornelia has the rebel leader, Caleb, already." Sokka looked dejected.

"But…but I'm a warrior!" Katara hit him, and Aang laughed.

"But how did you make the water shoot from your hands, um, Irma?" the waterbender asked, ignoring her brother.

"Well, I don't know," she replied. "Ever since Hay Lin's grandmother told us we were the Guardians of the Veil, I've just been able to when Will's transformed us." Katara was shocked.

"Wow! That's amazing! Can you teach me some new moves?" she asked eagerly. Irma shrugged.

"Sure." She complied, and made a cloud over the ship below them rain, directly on top of Zuko and his uncle Iroh. Katara and Aang laughed, but Sokka was still feeling too sad at being rejected.

"Would you guardians like to travel with us?" Aang asked, clearly hoping that at least Hay Lin would. They conferred with each other quietly away from Appa, and returned quickly

"We must," Will replied. "We need to see if we can find a way back to Earth, or at least to Meridian. All we know is that we got here through a strange-looking portal. We thought it was a trick of Phobos," she explained sheepily. Aang was overjoyed to hear that Hay Lin would be traveling with them, and Sokka was even glad that he would have some more time to work on Cornelia. Katara just looked sadly back at the ship that was now a tiny dot.

"So, will you be able to fly for a long time, or do you need to rest on Appa?" Aang asked.

"We can take turns resting on…Appa is it?" Taranee suggested. "By the way, what is he?"

"A flying bison," the young Avatar announced proudly. "And this is Momo, my lemur."

"Your…what?" Taranee asked.

"My lemur!" Taranee shook her head. This place was getting weirder by the minute.

"Hay Lin, do you want to rest first?" Aang asked eagerly.

"And Cornelia?" Sokka added hopefully. Katara shook her head. Those two were hopeless. Sokka shouldn't even be going after Cornelia!

Like I shouldn't be pining over Zuko, she told herself firmly. "There's plenty of room," she said. "Three more can fit, can't they Appa?" She petted the big furry bison, who grunted at her.

"Well, Blunk smells way worse. I guess I could go first if you want me to," Cornelia said, drifting over Appa and landing besides Katara. Hay Lin sat up front by Aang, and Taranee and Will flew behind Appa, keeping watch for the ship that had attacked them earlier.

Up front, Hay Lin and Aang were having a good time talking about their element.

"When we land, I can show you how to make an air scooter!" Aang told her. "They're a lot of fun. My friends back at the Air Temple even made a game out of it!"

"Wow! That sounds cool," Hay Lin told him. The little boy was cute, and he obviously had a tiny crush on her.

"I'm the last Airbender left, though," he said, slightly more somber. "I haven't seen another Airbender in over one hundred years."

"Wait. You're one hundred years old?"

"I was frozen in an iceberg. Katara and her brother Sokka rescued me. It's sort of a long story."

"That must have been freezing!" Hay Lin giggled.

"Yeah," he said. "It was. So how come you can fly?"

"I'm a guardian of the veil! We all have wings. Can you?"

"Well, with the help of my staff. Here, take the reins!" Grabbing his staff, he jumped off Appa, and the rest of the guardians gasped. Cornelia flew over, but saw him gliding on his staff.

"Oh. I didn't know the little boy could fly, too," she said, to no one in particular.

"He's an Airbender. He can fly, make air scooters, cause tons of trouble, and the like," Sokka explained. Katara hit him.

"He's nice, don't listen to Sokka. Aang's the last Airbender and the Avatar, the only person in the world who can control all four elements. It's kind of a huge responsibility for a twelve-year-old. I'm the last Waterbender in the southern Water Tribe." To illustrate her point, she pointed at the cloud beneath them and moved her hands, positioning the moisture above Sokka's head. Unclenching her fists, she drenched Sokka. Aang, looking back and seeing how wet Sokka was, laughed.

"Good one, Katara!" She smiled.

"We're traveling to the North Pole so that Aang and I can master Waterbending. He has to stop the war that the Fire nation started."

"That seems like a lot of responsibility on such a young kid. At least there are five of us guardians. One for each element, and then Will for energy and to transform us with the crystal. So why is that Zuko guy following you?" Irma asked.

"He was banished from the Fire nation, and he needs to capture Aang to restore his honor." Without warning, that night by the river came back to her.

She was practicing the water whip, pretty unsuccessfully, when she heard Zuko's ship land on the shore. Rushing back to camp, she ran into a pirate, and finally managed the move from the scroll. She literally ran from the frying pan into the fire, landing in Zuko's arms.

"I'll save you from the pirates," he said. She was tied to the tree, but she never told him anything about Aang. Not even when Zuko showed Katara her mother's necklace.

"You don't understand," he had said. "I need the Avatar to restore something I've lost…my honor. In return, I can return something you've lost…"

"Katara? Katara!" her brother yelled, frantically waving his hand in front of her face.

"I'm fine," she said, waving his hand away. "Anyway, he was banished and he needs to give his father the Avatar to be restored as rightful heir to the throne." Cornelia had not missed her face when Katara spoke Zuko's name, and would have asked her about it when Will and Taranee sat down on Appa.

"We're sorry, but our wings were tired," Taranee explained. Aang hopefully looked at Cornelia and Irma, and they got the message. They flew off the bison, keeping an eye out for Zuko.

Aang and Hay Lin talked for hours, stopping only when it was her turn to fly behind the giant bison. Sokka still had no luck with Cornelia. He decided that he would just have to impress her next time Zuko attacked. When Irma was resting, she started showing Katara some of the more basic moves that she could do, although Katara had to draw the water from the clouds around them.

Very soon, too soon for Aang, it started getting dark and he looked around for islands that Appa could rest on.

"Oh no," he said. "I can't see anymore! How are we supposed to find a place to rest tonight?" He silently berated himself for being too absorbed with Hay Lin to notice how dark it was getting. Poor Appa would have to fly through the night because of him.

"Don't worry," Taranee said. "I can light up the general area, but it might be dangerous if that prince is in the area anywhere."

"Just go ahead and do it," Aang told her. "You guys wouldn't be able to keep switching places all night long. Someone might get hurt." A huge ball of fire flew from Taranee's hand and lit up the night sky, illuminating a small island not too far away. Sokka hurried away from her, thinking that she was a Firebender.

"Aagh! Firebender! Katara! Tackle her!" he ordered her. Katara rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"Sokka! These…guardians aren't from our world! How else would they fall out of the sky? Transform? You are such an idiot sometimes." Sokka blushed. He stayed away from Cornelia, embarrassed that he had accused her friend of being a Firebender, which she obviously wasn't, or else she would have tried to grab Aang right away. He still didn't entirely trust her, but she had helped them find a place to rest. And had helped Zuko pinpoint the location of the Avatar.

A/N: This is probably going to be a short story, because it's mostly a stress reliever between chapters of Bless the Child, Argetlam, a story of mine under the Eragon section of this site. Hope you like the first chapter, it's mostly just to introduce the plot line. Read and review, people!