I'm so very sorry! I was dead for a couple years, so … I couldn't update. Thanks for all the reviews though! Much appreciated.


'' body

After the shopping trip, the ragatag group wandered back to the Aiwayuki mansion, meeting up with the other Leafe Knights, and was presented with an interesting predicament. Where were the switched going to sleep? And how were they going to get ready for bed?

'Hayate' looked at 'Himeno'. 'Himeno' looked at 'Hayate'.

"We don't need to sleep in different clothes!" they intoned simultaneously. "We can just… um… sleep in the clothes we're in now!" They nodded vigorously.

Kei elegantly raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, of course you are." He smirked. "And how would you explain that to her parents?"

'Hayate' shifted uncomfortably. "Hayate can just tell my parents that I'm going to sleep over at a friend's house, and then I'll come to Leafenia. That good?"

The knights thought it over for a while. Of course, Mannen, Hajime and Shin agreed heartily in about 5 seconds, but they didn't count.

Sasame smiled. "I don't see any problems with it?" He looked at Kei and Goh. Hayate didn't have any say in this so he was ignored. 'Himeno' glared.

Goh grinned happily. "It's been a while since Himeno has been in Leafenia, yes? We can show her all the new things that developed!"

Kei sighed. He had enjoyed watching the pair squirm. "It's fine by me."

'Hayate' grinned. It still looked very out of place, but this smiling Hayate had began to grow on them. 'He' started to bounce happily. Then again… maybe not. The Knights looked slightly nauseous.

"So I'm going to Leafenia?"

"Yeah. General consensus, it seems."

'Himeno' sighed. "I'll go talk to her parents."

'Hayate' gasped. It was really disconcerting to see Hayate act gay. No offence to homosexuals, but Hayate did seem to be … really really really scary. Freaky scary, not OMG-I'm-going-to-die scary. Like he used to be.

"You can't go see my dad and try to convince him with THAT type of voice! He'll never believe you!"

'Himeno' made a face. 'She' cleared 'her' throat. "What about this?"

The Leafe Knights almost died of laughter. 'Her' voice was so squeaky; it would be a miracle if Himeno's dad didn't mistake his 'daughter' for a mouse.

'Himeno' glared fiercely. It lost most of its effect coming from 'her' mauve eyes, rather than Hayate's cold blue ones.

"Alright, alright! I get that I'm no Himeno!" 'she' growled. The laughter stumbled off, with a grin or chuckle still escaping.

'Himeno' breathed. In, out. "What about this?"

'Hayate' eyed her body critically. "I think that'll pass. But you'll never win anything for acting, that's for sure." 'He' grinned.

'Himeno' scowled and opened 'her' mouth, but Kei shooed them away. "We've wasted too much time already!"


"You want to sleep over at a friends?"

Himeno's dad looked at 'Himeno' with a critical eye. "You've never asked to do that before. You just went and called later."

Sweat beaded on 'Himeno's' brow. 'Hayate' shifted uncomfortably. "Um, sir!" 'Hayate' made a conscious effort to keep 'his' voice low and monotone, like Hayate's normal voice. "She needed to go to … that place."

Kaoru-san eyed 'Hayate'. He understood Himeno's position with the Leafe Knights and wholly accepted it and was happy that Himeno could do something that she wanted… but the fact that it was his only biological daughter in the midst of 7 able-bodied men made him a little squeamish, letting her go by herself. He sighed.

"Fine. She can go. But she's taking a cellphone with her."

'Himeno' nodded quickly. 'She' wasn't quite sure how to use a cellphone – 'she' knew what it was, but never actually used it before – but 'she' was relieved that the talking part was over. 'Her' voice-box hurt from talking so high.

'Hayate' also nodded quickly. 'He' really really wanted to get to Leafenia quickly, so that 'Himeno' and 'he' could try to figure out a solution to this mind-hurting problem.


Thanks again for all the reviews! I'll try to update in the next 5 years or so. xD Jkjk. I might update soon, maybe not. I'm not really sure. I was thinking about putting this on hiatus before, but … shrugs. Just don't hold your breathe waiting for the next chapter.

Reviews help persuade me though… ;) winkwink nudgenudge xD