He he…Hello all there! Alright I don't have an exscuse for not updating in like 2 years. What can I say? I was just a bit busy? Please forgive me if there is anyone still out there who is reading this story! I'll try to update more regularly I promise! But I'll need lots of encouragement…hint hint.

Harry glanced after the girl as she walked away. He watched the way her hips moved and her hair swished. She was pretty, he thought. Maybe he'd see her around at Hogwarts some time…

Buffy hurried to keep up with the man in front of her. She realized all his sons must have gotten their height from him and his strides were long. She almost had to use slayer strength to keep up!

"By the way, Buffy, my name is Arthur Weasly." Buffy immediately felt stupid because she had forgotten to ask! She had just followed a strange man!

'So what?' A voice inside her head whispered. 'Not like you couldn't take him. He looks like a pushover, despite his height.'

'Who are you?'

'I'm an old Egyptian princess who has been put inside your head! Now listen to me I command you!

Buffy wondered at the stupidity of the "Egyptian princess."

'I'll listen to you when pigs fly. I'm a slayer, you don't get to just order me around!' Buffy yelled angrily at the intruder.

'Awwww, but I thought we could be friends! I've been so alone all this time… I need someone to talk to!


'I'll do anything to stay around'


'How cute was that James-look-alike? I'll help with him!'


I can provide you with all the mental pictures you could ever want!


Ah ha! The slayer has a crush!


Buffy didn't have any time to keep arguing as the Weasly started talking giving her directions.

"Ok Buffy, just put a finger on this tin can and it'll take you to Dumbledore ok?"

Buffy had forgotten about portkeys and the memory of what they were came flooding back.

"Is their a reason why you're laughing Buffy?"

Buffy thought about the laugh that would get back home with Xander and Willow. Tin cans that took you to places far away. They could laugh for hours on that…If they weren't stuffy old adults by now…

"No Mr. Weasly, I'm sorry." With that Buffy put a finger on the can and disappeared.