Chapter Thirty Four: Race For The Cure

Author's Note: Okay peoples…here it is…another climatic battle of Jamie vs. Grey…and I got to thinking…maybe it might be a little more interesting from Grey's perspective and such…so let's try it. Thanks to all who read and review please keep this up. Oh and I know Hon Maru Temple blew up in Tekken 5…but…this is my story and it hasn't been blown up LOL.


Hon Maru Temple…

Grey had never liked religion…which was actually somewhat ironic since his biological father was a Baptist Minister and he was raised in a Catholic Orphanage with nuns and priests.

He had always thought that the concept of a higher power was a nice thought to have…but since there really wasn't any proof of it, there wasn't much to believe.

Despite his attitude and grades, Grey was a very smart individual, and he had read the Bible backwards and front. As a book on itself, it was very fascinating, but he didn't get anything else out of it.

The Bible prattled on and on about how God was going to punish the wicked…but in modern times…it seemed like all the wrong doings were going unpunished…so where was God?

But just because Grey didn't like religion didn't mean that he didn't like all aspects of it…for example, he loved old, musty churches and places of worship.

But he didn't think he'd ever seen anything as beautiful as Hon Maru Temple.

He and Lee had trained back here before, and after one such training session, the older man had taken Grey back here and explained the history of the temple.

It was beautiful at night…the heavily lacquered wooden floors shined with the clarity of a mirror, and everything around the room seemed to have been placed somewhere for a symbolic purpose.

"…if only the outside world was the same…" Grey muttered to himself.

He achingly rubbed a spot on his chest…it was a spreading sore that he'd received yesterday after his fight with Bryan Fury…Heihachi had hit him for asking too many questions.

After fighting with Bryan, and sending him to the ICU ward of the hospital Grey figured he should have felt…completed…the only other emotion that should've been left was grief…over the loss of all his friends and family…but he thought he had avenged them.

So why did he still feel like the killer was running free?

Bryan had smiled while Grey pummeled him and told Grey that someone had hired him to do it…and while Bryan got what he deserved…that meant there was someone else out there who deserved far worse.

And Grey began to figure out who it was.

At first he refused to believe it…Heihachi couldn't have…

After all; he had adopted him…Heihachi had often said that Grey was like a son to him…

But something about it nagged at the back of his mind…and if indeed, his instincts were right, then he felt as if he was going to be sick.

If his instincts rang true, then he'd been living these past three months in the house of the murderer…living in the lap of luxury and doing sick twisted…errands for the killer of his family!

"No…" Grey shook his head, and squeezed his eyes shut. "That's not true!"

After all, it made so much more sense to hear Heihachi's story…Grey knew he was special…an avatar no less; but a specific unknown group had thought Grey was another Nephilim and wanted him dead…so this group hired Bryan to torch Grey's home and hopefully him as well.

But if this was true; then who was this group? And why hadn't Heihachi told him who they were? Grey had done practically everything Heihachi had asked and still…he hadn't come through with his promise.

Heihachi's main objective was to have the Nephilim, and the girl who looked like a Japanese popstar…Mina…captured and placed in the Zaibatsu's labs. Heihachi wanted the Nephilim Jamie dead…but he hadn't specified what he wanted with Mina.

Grey had hoped that he'd let her go…after all, she really was an innocent in all of this…and even if Heihachi wasn't going to let her out…then Grey might break her loose. He'd done many things that he wasn't too proud of for vengeance…and he honestly didn't want to do anymore of Heihachi's "errands".

Shooting Jin with the poison arrow had been a loyalty test…and Grey had qualms about doing it…at first, he only thought he was going after the stupid Nephilim…giving Jamie what he deserved; after all, if Jamie hadn't been flaunting his "Nephilim-ness" around like a fuck-tard then Grey's home wouldn't have been torched.

But Jin…he was going to be a dad and…

And…dare Grey say it…his preconceived notion of Jamie was starting to unravel…throughout this whole tournament, Grey had never seen the Nephilim do anything evil…Grey was just jealous…jealous of the friends Jamie seemed to get without even trying and maybe…as corny as it sounded…Jamie wasn't the real asshole here…

Grey walked over to the altar and lit a candle in prayer for his dead family…and as he did the doors to Hon Maru slammed open…and Grey just knew that Jamie was behind him.


It was game time…everything he felt before was just a lapse in judgment…it was time to end this…he smiled; turned; and addressed the douche bag.


Getting to Hon Maru Temple wasn't hard…and that's what worried Jamie.

It was located deep within the Mishima Compound…and at night, should have been guarded like Area 51 or Fort Knox and yet strangely, it was barely guarded at all.

Sure, there were a few groups of Tekken Force here and there but Jamie either avoided them, or knocked them out with a few well placed sleeper holds or blows to the head.

And so, here he was…at the stairs to the ornate Shinto Temple.

Jamie Parker…the Nephilim closed his eyes, and grabbed onto the railing…it felt smooth and cool to the touch, he sighed and slowly…slowly, began to ascend the stairs.


So much has happened before at this temple…


Images flashed through Jamie's mind like a projector running too fast…immediately, the Nephilim began to remember his last visit to this temple.

-Barreling up these stairs two and three at a time to save my brother from Devil-


-Robbing Jin of the opportunity to fight his father…only an Angel can kill a Devil…leaving Jin to lay face down on the temple floor…


-Saying goodbye to my comatose brother and entering Devil's dimension to kill the demon…


-Cold, ancient, murky, cathedral…fighting Devil…


-Ascending Angel Ritual…defeating Devil…saving Kazuya…should be dead but lived…I…LIVED…

And suddenly, when Jamie opened his eyes he was standing at the doors again…the familiar…serene…lacquered doors…and he realized that he didn't have any more time to waste on the past…

Grey was waiting…his fate was waiting…he couldn't fail…no…he wouldn't fail…Jin wouldn't die…

Jamie didn't want to take a human life but he knew that he had no choice…

And with that thought, Jamie focused all his strength in a kick…blasting the doors off their hinges…he stood in the temple's threshold…Grey stood with his back to him at the altar…slowly, he turned, and smiled.

"So," He asked casually. "Is he dead yet?" He asked the question as if he were discussing the weather.

"No. He's not gonna die." Jamie responded hollowly…still standing in the threshold.

His arms were folded across his chest, and his face had a blank stare of neutrality on it.

"Aw…bummer…oh well, that poisons supposed to be wicked painful so it won't be too long huh?"

"There's a cure." Jamie replied.

"Really?" Grey asked with genuine surprise. "Looks like I needed to get that 'incurable' thing in writing…so I'm dying to know…what is it?"

"Your blood." Jamie said simply.

He still hadn't moved from his spot…and Grey found that his blank face and cool demeanor were a tad unnerving…and Jamie saw it…just a twinge of shock and fear in Grey's demeanor at the mention of the extreme cure.

"As far as justice goes it's kinda poetic don't you think?" Jamie asked.

And that's when he began to walk slowly towards Grey…who also walked towards him.

"So," Grey said with a smirk. "You think you can do it? You think that Mr. High and Mighty Nephilim can get down and dirty with the rest of us?"

"Alots changed Grey…you just seem to bring out the murderous intent in people…and it's not like you'd be missed anyway; I'll do the world a favor by taking a fuck up like you out of it." Jamie retorted.

The two stood close now…within arms length…both unflinching, waiting for the other's first move.

"So…" Grey lowered his doe eyes to Jamie's groin then flitted back to the cobalt eyes of the Nephilim. "Am I gonna be your first? The one who pops your homicide cherry? Sorry baby, I'm not gonna be gentle."

"I figured you wouldn't…and that's fine; but either way, you're coming back with me."

"I guess we'd better start this little evening off right…" Grey said with a small, side grin…his lip rings glinted in the light. "Give us a kiss."

Jamie responded with a crushing right hook…all his strength, energy, and emotions went into that punch…

And the fight began…Angel vs. Avatar…


Grey staggered back from the punch and spat a glob of blood from his mouth.

"You're right hook hasn't improved man." He chuckled.

He staggered from the punch as though drunk, but quickly, leapt into the air, with his arm extended in a 360 punch. The blow connected with Jamie's jaw and he too staggered backwards.

Quickly, Jamie regained his footing and dropped into his fighting stance…Grey too, dropped into his. Both stared at each other for a moment trying to gage the others next move.

Jamie sprang first with a low punch to Grey's kneecap; Grey realized too late that it was a fake punch…with his other arm, Jamie blocked Grey's right hook, and brought his other fist up, for a quick punch to Grey's face.

Grey angrily swung another punch at Jamie…this time, the blow connected and the Nephilim staggered backwards.

The Avatar walked to Jamie, who was still reeling from the blow and grabbed his shirt, pulling the Nephilim closer.

"You're not even trying…" He purred.

Jamie retaliated with an angry cry, and a head butt.

Grey still clung loosely to Jamie, but the Nephilim broke the grip and flung Grey into one of the pillars.

He landed awkwardly against it but still managed to keep his footing.

Jamie, meanwhile sprinted towards him, but Grey planted a back kick into Jamie's stomach.

"OOFF…" Jamie grunted as he staggered back.

Grey quickly got up, and advanced on Jamie. He swung a punch, but quickly, Jamie ducked and swept Grey back on the floor.

"And what a surprise; you're on your back again!" Jamie quipped, as he drop kicked Grey in the stomach.

Grey tried to grab at Jamie's ankles but the Nephilim deftly jumped out of the way…unfortunately, Grey used the opportunity to get back up.

What ensued next was furious hand to hand combat…both, to the untrained eye just blonde and black blurs against the ancient Japanese backdrop.

Jamie struggled to keep up with Grey's furious punches, and he did admirably.

Both were angry at the other for different reasons…and although Jamie was taught by Mina's father never to fight angry he couldn't help it.

Anger was what fueled this fight…and it was anger that could win it.

Jamie blocked a heavy punch from Grey, and while he staggered he brought his leg up to perform an axe kick…Grey spun out of the way and the next instant, the Avatar had put the Nephilim in a choke hold.

"Not gettin' tired are ya? I'm just startin' to feel it." He panted.

Quickly, Jamie sprinted backwards, and slammed Grey against one of the pillars so hard, that he actually felt the foundation rumble behind him.

"Uuuugggghhh…" Grey groaned weakly as he fell to the ground.

Jamie got down and slammed Grey's face hard against the wooden floor…not wasting any time, Jamie pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and latched them together…

One shackle on Grey's wrist…and the other on his…

"Stick around." Jamie said angrily.

Grey looked down in shock and surprise, and decked Jamie hard in the face.


Heihachi Mishima stared at the dozens of computer monitors along the wall. They all showed different areas in the Mishima Compound.

"These are the images from the Hon Maru temple." Lee said.

The silver haired man brought up the images from Hon Maru…and instantly, Heihachi saw the fierce fighting on display before him.

"A pity the fans won't get to see this…they both put up a hell of a fight." Heihachi quipped.

"Should we send them in now?" Lee asked.

Heihachi noticed that Lee winced slightly when Grey got roundhouse kicked to the temple.

"No;" Heihachi began, stroking his beard and watching the battle. "Let the two continue to fight…let their rage build…with the rage comes the resurrection of Ogre."

"But technically; the ritual doesn't start until tomorrow night." Lee protested.

"Very true;" Heihachi agreed. "It's a pity to interrupt such a battle…"

"They'll do it again tomorrow night…just with different souls inside them."

Heihachi watched as the Nephilim produced a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and latched them to himself and Grey.

"I wouldn't have expected that at all…this Nephilim is far smarter then we give him credit for."

"Or stupid; with them both tied together it will be easier to capture them…will it not?" Lee asked

"Yes," Heihachi mused. "If we let them continue fighting they'll kill each other…and we can't have that can we? Send the soldiers…remember, I want them alive."

"Yes sir." Lee replied.

Heihachi smiled and leaned towards the monitor watching the drama unfold as if it were a major sporting event…a pity to interrupt such a battle indeed; but…sacrifices must be made he supposed.


Using his momentum, Jamie jumped up quicker and spun Grey around with the handcuffs until he crashed into one of the pillars.


He struggled not to fall and succeeded, and flung Jamie into the main altar…the Nephilim crashed into it…destroying the sacred gate, and committing the ultimate act of sacreligion to this Japanese faith.

Not wasting anymore time, Grey flung Jamie onto the ground…the Nephilim landed on his tailbone but quickly got up, and kicked Grey hard in the face before pulling him up, and kicking him hard in the back.

The avatar quickly spun his legs around, and knocked the Nephilim to the floor. Immediately, Grey placed his feet against Jamie's shoulders and pulled and tugged at the handcuffs.

Jamie screamed in pain and agony as he felt his shoulder begin to dislocate and give way…but finally, just before his arm completely dislocated itself, the handcuffs snapped…freeing the two.

Both did kick ups and dropped into their fighter's stances…Jamie winced in pain and gingerly tested his arm; although it stung it was still usable…Grey looked down at Jamie's left hand and the knife that it held.

It was a beautiful weapon…one where the actual blade split into several prongs…one could find these types of daggers at any sword store, but rarely did you find these actually sharp enough to cut…it seemed as if the owner took immense care of it.

Jamie was familiar with the weapon as well…it had been wrenched deep in his intestines when he and Grey had first fought.

Grey had left it behind; Jamie now held it.

"That's mine!" Grey snarled.

"You're about to get it back!" Jamie cried.

And the two ran at each other again, trading blows in lightning efficiency…both faces locked in perfect hatred with each other…Grey swung a punch, and it connected with Jamie…followed by a kick to the gut.

The Nephilim doubled over in pain…Grey was about to unleash an axe kick on the Nephilim's hunched form…

"Time for this little angel to go to heaven…"

When Jamie found an opening…quickly, he plunged the knife forward


And the next thing he knew, it was lodged hilt deep in Grey's lower stomach.

"…uuurrrrrgggghhhh…" Grey gurgled, his face locked in astonishment, as he stared down at the wound.

Jamie too…his eyes wide watched as a dark patch began to spread across Grey's shirt.

"I…I…I…didn't…want…" Jamie stammered.

He had never killed another human being before…the actual physical aspect of killing someone wasn't the hard part…it was the emotional part…the act of stabbing the knife through Grey and watching the life slip out of him.

"You…you did it…you actually did it…" Grey wheezed and chuckled.

He winced as he pulled the knife out and let it fall to the floor.

Blood soaked the weapon as it clattered against the wood.

"I never wanted…I'm…"

And suddenly, the doors to Hon Maru slammed open…Jamie looked up, half expecting to see his friends waiting…instead, he saw Heihachi, and throngs of Tekken Force enter.

Several soldiers who bore medical symbols on their jackets grabbed Grey and took him out…Jamie was too shocked to do much of anything but stare.

"Bravo; bravo!" Heihachi clapped. "Splendid fighting my dear boy…you almost killed my precious foster son…then where would we be?"
"…Heihachi…" Jamie began angrily.

"I'm disappointed…I had heard you were famous for your clever retorts and was so looking forward to them…ah well; you've had a traumatic experience, but once we capture you're little friend Mina, perhaps you'll open up?"


Suddenly, Jamie snapped out of his stupor long enough to realize the situation at hand…he was now trapped in Hon Maru with a small legion of Tekken Force and Heihachi himself.

Immediately, The Nephilim whipped into action; busting out his full prowess on the surrounding enemies…letting his rage guide him all the way…finally, Heihachi stepped in, and grabbed the Nephilim…pulling him into some kind of headlock.

Jamie struggled with all his might but couldn't break the vice like grip…he was aware of a tingling sensation and then…a jolt of electric energy whip through him…and then, all was black.

He felt himself hit the floor with a thud, and the last thing he heard was;

"Take them both to the Zaibatsu and prep them for the ritual; tomorrow we take the girl…"

Mina…Jin…I've failed you al…

And then; all went dark.

Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait but I wanted the fight between Grey and Jamie to be really good…don't worry though cuz they'll be another one in upcoming chapters…anyway, please read and review!