Disclaimer: I obviously do not own startrekor any of its characters for if I did the theme song for Enterprise would NEVER have happened! Don't own wesley or starfleet/ Starfleet academyand Jenna and Eddie I just made up off the top of my head.

Chapter # 1: The Mission

Wesley sat at the piloting consol staring out into space. He had been sitting there for over three hours and was starting to get tired. Why the hell did I offer to take the first night shift? Wesley thought to himself. He was used to sitting and working for long shifts from his time on the enterprise but that sill didn't make him any less tired or any less bored.

He looked back over his shoulder to the rear end of the shuttle craft to see both Jennifer (Jenna) Thompson and Edward (Eddie) Garason still sleeping soundly in their separate cots. Beside Jenna lay her half open copy of Anne of Green Gables that she had obviously had dropped when she fell asleep. All three of the them were second year cadets at Starfleet Academy and after nearly twenty hours in a cramped shuttle craft, all three of them were tired.

They had been given the mission of delivering some routine medical supplies to Starbase 41. The mission itself was not that dire nor was the need for these supplies. The real purpose of the mission was to test their knowledge of Starfleet protocol and reactions in real life situations. It was not the most glamorous of missions but unlike their battle filled missions on the holodecks, the risks here were real. If they were unexpectedly fired on by the Romulans, they would have to act and react like professional, fully commissioned, Starfleet officers, and if they got hurt or killed, there was no computer they could ask to freeze or reset the program. Mind you, the chances of them running into a Romulan warbird this far from the Neutral Zone was extremely unlikely. More likely we get robbed by some Ferengi. Wesley smiled cynically to himself. Wouldn't be the first time. The chances of ANYTHING happening though were pretty slim.

Wesley stifled a yawn. He was continuously aware of the fact that they were still being monitored by Starfleet. The shuttle was specially designed with the computer monitoring their every command and a holorecorder filming their every move. When they got back the data would be reviewed and they would be graded on their performance. This fact made the trip far less enjoyable because as a result, conversations (when they dared to occur) were kept short and impersonal for fear of appearing unprofessional or unintentionally insulting one of their examiners. He had heard too many horror stories of students letting certain inside jokes slip during the mission, or personal secrets being revealed, later to be viewed by teacher and have it held over them for the rest of their Starfleet career. It sounded a bit melodramatic but it had happened before.

Bored... Bored... Wesley began drumming his fingers on the consol. One more hour and then I can sleep. Eddie probably had a worse shift than him because he only got four hours of sleep before he had to relieve Wesley for his own shift and in comparison, that was probably more tiring than staying awake for twenty hours straight.

"Mmmm, go away you stupid monkeys…"

Wesley smirked as he looked back to see Eddie roll over in his sleep. Of all the things he'd actually learned on this trip, few had anything to do with Starfleet protocol. He learned that Jenna was allergic to peanut butter, Eddie talked in his sleep, and he hated the smell of musk perfume that someone in the last shuttle group had obviously spilled on one of the seats. That seemed to be the way of things in his practical studies at the academy. While he didn't want to brag, he, personally, had little to learn about Starfleet protocol that he didn't already know. Being a Starfleet brat and having the experience from the Enterprise made things like shuttle craft piloting and docking protocol second nature and practically childs play. For people like Jenna and Eddie though, who both had non-Starfleet parents, adjusting to the strict regime took a little more effort. Eddie constantly forgot about making log entries and was kind of controlling. Jenna was always leaving details out of her mission reports and could be very defensive if you caught in a bad mood. But from what Wesley could see, what they lacked in habit they made up for in pure talent. Jenna was a genius in computer programming and Eddie was one of the best pilots he knew. With some experience, he knew they would both make great officers one day. Not that he knew either of them that well. Wesley wasn't very close friends with either of his two assigned classmates, but he figured of all the people to get stuck with, these two he could at least count on to do their share of the work, so he certainly couldn't complain. He got along with them well enough , and for a simple mission like this, that was good enough.

Wesley yawned again returning to reality. He checked their ETA: eight more hours until they reached Starbase 41. He stood up for a moment to stretch his legs and then sat back down. He hoped when they got to the base that unloading the cargo took an extra long time. He seriously needed to take a long walk before his muscles became permanently cramped. Man I hate shuttle crafts.

To be continued...

I know! Not much happened in this chapter but it is an intro one so deal with it! Chapter 2 is already written and just needs to be typed. That should happen within a day or so. Chapter 3 is also almost done.

PLEASE review! Good or bad, friendly or flaming! I don't care. Just tell me what you think and be honest.

P.S. This is in no way a Mary Sue. That girl REALLY loves Wesley for some strange reason that I fail to seewhich is why I made a point of NOT giving Wesley a love intrest in this story! For those of you who know what I'm talking about, enjoy the Wesly/Mary-Sue romance free zone. For those of you who don't enjoy anyways.