Disclaimer: Don't own startrek or any of its characters... blah blah blah!

Hey! I'm back! At least it wasn't a whole month for me to update even if it was longer than I expected! So here is the next chap! Finally something happens in it! But I won't spoil it for ya! Just read on and you will see! Enjoy!

Chapter 9: War of the Worlds


Wesley sighed as he sat down in a lab chair. He closed his eyes listening to the soothing sound of the base, the constant hum of power of being sent to all parts of the ship. In his eyes this was the sound of purpose, the sound of life. The base was alive, working away at its daily tasks even though its crew was missing. It had always been a calming sound to Wesley, one that most people didn't even notice, especially after living on a ship or base for a long time. But having been on a dead, powerless ship had made him more appreciate this sound. It was his safeguard from the silence of space, the kind of silence that only came with death, the one time when you were truly alone.

Wesley opened his eyes and stood up, looking the lab over once more. He had volunteered to investigate the fourth lab because both his were smaller than the ones Jenna and Eddie were scanning. He had just finished scanning Lab # 3 and was disappointed, but not surprised, to find nothing out of the ordinary. The lab wasn't even in use but, for the sake of being thorough, he had looked it over anyways.

Wesley was just about to leave when suddenly, he heard something. This time it wasn't foot steps. It was something more. He craned his around straining his ears to try and decipher what it exactly it was. It sounded like some sort of faint buzzing noise or a static, but he couldn't be sure. The strange thing though, was it wasn't coming from a particular direction. Instead, it was all around him, and it was getting louder.

Louder and louder it got. Wesley gasped covering his ears trying to protect them from the earth-shattering sound. It was deafening, and then, like stepping through a thresh hold, it clarified. The buzzing disappeared and all that was left was the sound of people at work. The lab had come alive with the sounds of movement and daily activities but, for some strange reason, no one could be seen.

Amidst the sounds of movement two voices could also be heard in the distance. They were arguing but they weren't in this room. They were in the fourth lab where Wesley was about to go. He rushed across the corridor into the other room, hearing the sounds of foot steps as he passed. People on their way to their next shift, he supposed. But why could he hear them and who were those two voices?

As he got closer the voices grew louder. He reached the center of the room and was now in the center of the argument between a man and a woman.

"This is all your fault, you know that?"

"My fault? How is any of this MY fault? It was your idea in the first place!"

"Don't even try and blame this on me! I may have started this but you were the one who finished it! You were the one who put us here! Now look at us!"

"Just because I –


"What –

"Hold on a sec! Don't make a sound." The other person paused. "Do you hear that?"

Wesley searched the room for whatever they seemed to hear. He didn't hear anything beyond what they were saying though.

"What is it? What do you hear?"

"I think there's someone in here. I can hear them breathing."

With this comment, Wesley eyes grew wide. Could they hear him? And who are they? Wesley held his breath.

"Are you sure its not just one of us?"

"Yes, I'm sure," the person said sounding more annoyed.

They were silent for another moment.

"I don't hear anything…"

"I was sure I heard something," the person responded, sounding slightly mystified.

"Well," the other person replied, sounding like they were gathering up their possessions, "I don't hear anything, and I have a meeting to get to at 08:00 so I'm going to bed. But this conversation is not over." Wesley heard foot steps walking towards the door.

"Fine, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Wesley heard the foot the foot steps leave the room. Another pair of hands was gathering up objects that Wesley couldn't see. Wesley had to say something. If they could hear him, he had to know.

"Hello?" he asked unsure if he would receive an answer.

"Huh? Who said that?"

"You can hear me?"

"Yes. Who are you? Or a better question, where are you? How did you get in here?"

"I'm -

"Cadet Garason to Cadet Crusher," Eddie's voice interrupted as it sounded over the comm. "Hey Wes, what's taking so long?"

Wesley blinked a moment before responding, still caught up in the shock of hearing these voices. Wesley tapped on his comm. badge. "Eddie, hold on a sec, I –Ahh!" Wesley cried. He grabbed his ears, dropping to his knees as the static suddenly seized him, blasting in his ears and in his mind, drowning out the voices of the both worlds.

"Hello? Hello… Are you still there…what's happen…" The voice faded into the static.

For a few more moments all Wesley could hear was the mind numbing static. He couldn't block it out, and then, just as suddenly as it has seized him, there was silence. Wesley sighed, panting as he let go of his head, relishing in the soft hum of the starbase engines.

Suddenly, Jenna and Eddie burst into the room, rushing to his side.

"Wes! Oh my god, what happened? Are you alright?" Jenna asked looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah man," Eddie said, he too looked concerned, "you just yelled in mid sentence, and then you wouldn't respond. We thought maybe that brain eating monster had actually gotten you."

"What?" Wesley replied, still feeling dazed. "Oh, um, I'm fine. I just tripped. That's all. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Jenna asked, not looking convinced.

"Yeah… yeah. Uh, let's get out of here, ok? We still have more decks to search ok?"

"Yeah, sure," Jenna replied.

"You find anything down here?" Eddie asked suspiciously.

"No… no, nothing at all."

To be continued…

So there ya go! Another chap neatly wrapped up! A bit of a cliffy in the sence that it leaves ya with more mystery! Hope you enjoyed it! It was fun to write!The next chap is coming soon!

As always, please review! Whether good or bad, fab or flaming, I don't care! Just be honest! If you hate it that much then flame away, just also include what I'm doing wrong! I don't mind critisism! It helps me improve!

Thanks a bazzillion!