Be Good to Me

By: StalkerDex

Well, here it is. The infamous paring that everyone has at least allowed to cross there minds at one point in time….2D and Noodle…BUMBUMBUM! Anyway, I wouldn't have written this is my friend hadn't have asked me to, but I decided, what the hell, why not? So, here it is. I hope it's worthy!

Amongst the trees she sat, surrounded by foreign noises and strange breezes bursting through the openings. She could hear, feel, touch, and experience life as never before in moments like these, moments that weren't….

"Real!" Noodle cried out as she awoke. She was completely wired within a second's time.

"Finally!" she cried out as she realized just what day it was…

She ran quickly to the kitchen, where she knew her band mates would be, just waiting to celebrate her special day.

"Murdoc! 2D! Russel!" she yelled, unable to contain herself.

Russel and 2D chuckled as Murdoc grumbled and pulled out his lighter, approaching the cake.

"Happy Birfday Noodle!" 2D shouted as she ran up and hugged him. He smiled as he thought back on the day when she was so small she could just hop into his arms. However, she was far beyond that age now, and it was time to treat her like the adult she really was.

"Yes, Noodle, Girl…Happy 18th," Russel smiled as she removed herself from 2D's arms and approached him.

"Thank you, Russel," she replied, knowing how hard it was for the drummer to accept her new maturity.

She looked away from him to Murdoc, who was muttering obscenities under his breath and lighting the candles on her cake.

"Good morning, Murdoc," she offered, a tone of expectancy in her voice.

"Good morning, Love, and 'appy birthday…" he replied, not overly cheerful, but not completely miserable either. It must've been hard for him to accept her adulthood as well, because he didn't usually keep up his evil Satanist image when it was time to celebrate something for her.

She walked over to him gracefully and embraced him in a long hug. He smiled while his head was resting on hers and patted her on the back.

"Thank you Murdoc," she whispered before breaking their hug.

She turned around to see 2D, fork in hand.

"So, when do we eat!"

Noodle giggled and took a knife out of one of the kitchen doors before cutting the cake.

"Here 2D, you can have the first piece."

He smiled and started to run over for his beloved cake before Russel put his hand out right in his face's path.

SMACK! 2D ran straight into it, just as Russel had planned.

"You go on and have the first piece, Girl, it's your birthday."

Murdoc chuckled his hideous chuckle for a few minutes while Noodle smiled and took her piece. 2D was laying sprawled out on the ground and rubbing his aching head.

"Oi! Wot was dat for?"

"For bein' an' idiot," Russel replied.

Murdoc began to laugh even more as he played with his lighter. 2D just looked back toward Noodle and smiled his awkward, yet charming, smile at her. She giggled and held out her hand to help him up. He took it gratefully and once she pulled him up they met each other's eyes for a moment, and suddenly 2D's stomach dropped to the floor.

"Erm…I fink I'm gonna be sick!" He yelped as he dashed for the bathroom at top speed.

Noodle watched him running for the bathroom, confused.

She shrugged as she looked at Murdoc and Russel. Russel returned the shrug while Murdoc was rolling on the ground with laughter.

"Bloody hell! What a Tosser!" Murdoc cried out between his laughter.

Noodle rolled her eyes and continued to cut the cake for everyone else.

Suddenly, the phone rang.