"Stu…I…I need to talk to you…" Noodle sighed as she entered the living room where Murdoc and 2D sat in their awkward silence.

"Wot is it?" he questioned, instantly concerned with his love.

Murdoc's stomach dropped as he looked at her, pleading for her not to tell him about what they did. She lowered her eyes to the ground and was about to speak when they heard the door to Kong burst open, glowing white eyes staring at them

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, D!" Russel yelled as he started to walk toward 2D, ready to strangle him.

The singer quickly jumped up off of the couch and was about to run when Murdoc grabbed his arm and told him to stop.

"Wait a minute, there Dullard. Russ…stoppit now! Noodle's an adult, she can do what she wants!"

Russel stopped, glaring at Murdoc, his anger shifted.

"You're not MAD? How could YOU not be pissed about this?" Russel screamed.

Murdoc lowered his eyes as Noodle shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh my god…" Russel growled as he realized why Murdoc was so defensive.

"YOU SCREWED HER TOO!" Russel shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"Wot?" 2D cried, turning his attention to Noodle.

"I was going to tell you…"

Before she could finish her sentence Russel cut them off.

"You know what, Murdoc! I can almost forgive D, but not you…I mean, at least D doesn't know what he's doing…"

"YES I DO!" 2D shouted, stunning everyone into silence.

"What?" Russel questioned, no longer yelling.

"YES I DO KNOW WOT I'M DOING!" 2D turned and looked at Noodle accusingly, "SHE'S THE ONE THAT'S BEEN SLEEPIN' AROUND AND MESSING WIT OUR HEADS! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" He cried as he pointed his finger at her and continued to shout, "AND IF YOU DON'T THINK THAT I KNOW WOT I'M DOING YOU'RE WRONG…YOU'RE JUST SO GODDAMN WRONG! I CARED ABOUT YOU! I GAVE YOU…god Noodle…" he suddenly calmed down, "I gave you my everything…"

Noodle put her hands over her eyes, trying to shove the tears back inside, but her battle against them was useless. They started to pour out relentlessly.

"I'm sorry, Stu…I'm sorry! I didn't mean it…I'm just…I'm just trying to figure this out…"

"Figure wot out?" he questioned.

"This whole, being an adult thing…and…"

Murdoc stared at her, waiting to see if she'd tell her secret.

"I'm…I'm trying to decide how I'm going to be a mom…"

2D stared at her, wide eyed.

"Issit mine?"

She nodded at him in the affirmative.

Russel sighed as he walked over to Noodle.

"C'm here girl…let's go talk outside."

Noodle nodded, sniffling, and followed Russel outside. They needed to talk in private.

Once they were outside they stood in silence for a moment. Russel could feel the awkwardness of the situation getting to him, and he didn't like it.

"So, eh…ahem…"

"I love 2D," she stated, flatly.

"I know you do."

"You do?"

"I could see it ever since you were small."

Noodle smiled to herself.

"Yes…I've been waiting for the day that I could have him."

"Have you told him you love him?"

Noodle paused.

"No…I…I haven't. I mean…we've been having sex…but…I never told him…"

Russel sighed.

"So why did you sleep with Murdoc if you love 2D, and for God's sake, why haven't you told D?"

"I slept with Murdoc because…because…well…I'm not sure why…I just…oh god it was just a heat of the moment thing…"

"I understand."

"And I don't know why I haven't told Stewart I love him…I don't know…I just don't know anything right now."

"What about the baby?"

Noodle sighed.

"I'm going to keep it."


Then the silence took over again.


2D and Murdoc were sitting inside of Kong, staring at each other. For once 2D was bestowing a glare upon Murdoc, who was giving him a look of utter shame.

"I'm sorry, Stu."

"No yer not."

Murdoc sighed.

"Wot're you going ta do then?" Murdoc questioned.

"About the babe?"


2D went silent.

"I want it…I want to be with Noodle, I want us to have a family…"

Murdoc stared at him attentively as 2D looked as if he'd stumbled upon gold.

"Muds…I'm gonna be a daddy!" he shouted out loud suddenly.

"Ye…?" Murdoc replied, slightly disturbed by 2D's sudden joy.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" 2D shouted as he ran for the door.

"Bloody hell…" Murdoc grumbled as he pulled out a cig and put it into his mouth.

"What a tosser…" he grumbled as he lit it up.


"Well…I suggest you go and talk with D…" Russel stated before the door to Kong flung open and hit him in the face, sending him on a roll down the hill toward the zombies. 2D came rushing out. Noodle was staring in Russel's direction about to run after him to save him from the zombies before 2D grabbed her face and kissed her desperately.

"Oh, Noodle!" he whispered between his kisses. She was completely shocked, but returned his kisses anyway.

"Why are you kissing me?" she questioned once he pulled away.

"I jus'…hell…I luv ya so much!"


"Look, even though you've been having a rather, eh, trying couple of weeks, I know you love me. I just know it…right?"


"And you'd never hurt me intentionally, right?"


"And you want to have this baby together, right?"


"So you'll marry me then?"

"Y…huh?" Noodle looked at him, stunned, before her heart seemed to flutter out of her chest.

"YES! OH YES I WILL!" She cried as she hopped into his arms.

Noodle wrapped her legs around his waste and they kissed a long and passionate kiss as Murdoc stood in the doorway, smiling at the two of them, before laughing at Russel, who was being chased around by zombies. All was restored to normal at Kong studios, except of course, the new little munchkin that would be entering their lives with a kung fu kick.