He didn't know what was going to happen from now on. In some ways, it was like his life was coming to an end. How was he going to be able to live without the other one?

He knew that it was right, that it was the only way it could be. That didn't stop him feeling as though his heart had been torn from him. Part of him felt betrayed, although he knew that for the other it had never been as serious as it was for him. And he knew that he would still always be there, if in a different way.

Roy looked across at the smiling woman in white, back at the man between them, before reaching into his pocket and removing the precious objects.

I'm entrusting Maes to you now he thought as he passed the gold circles over.



Roy thought it was typical. A promotion, yet a demotion it really was. Added to that was the fact that he would be leaving his best friend behind. More than just his friend really. Admittedly, they had a far different relationship than when they were younger, but it was still more than simple friendship.

But now they would be so far apart, the one still in Central, working his way up through the Investigation Department, while he was relegated to East Headquarters. There was no way for them to see each other. He didn't know when that would change.

That fact made this supposed summer of recognition into a winter of separation



He stood to attention. It would not do to show any sign of weakness now. His hand was raised in a salute as others broke down around him. He could hear that voice ringing around him. He didn't think he would ever be able to forget it.

"Why? Why mama? Papa!"

He stared ahead, refusing to give in to the grief. He struggled in vain to find something to hold on to. He remembered, years ago, he had come up with a theory. Maybe –

NO! Never that. Never.

One by one the others filed away, until only he and one other remained. She spoke, he answered. She spoke, and somehow the gates broke.