A Happy life 2

Dally's POV:

Let's go ahead one year after Cherry and I had our baby boy, Little Johnny. He was a year old now and Cherry and I loved him with all our hearts. We're still living with Ponyboy, Darry, and Soda, but they don't mind at all that we have a baby in the house now. They know how much Cherry and I are in love, so it doesn't matter to them.

Well, i got a job as a cahier at a grocery store. It's not the best job in the world, but I make enough money for the three of us. Cherry gets paid as a babysitter. She really loves babies, so that's her specialty. Now it was the summer of 1967 and already greasers and socs started getting smaller and smaller and you wouldn't hear much of them any more. Two Bit and I actually have become really good friends and Ponyboy and I have remained best friends.

On the morning of the first day of summer in 1967, Cherry and I woke up in the morning, laying nexct to each other. Little Johnny's room was right next to ours, so we had a baby monitor next to our bed. Life was great and we couldn't ask for anything better. Cherry and I loved each other so much that we acted like everyday was our anniversary, but I believe that that's how every couple should be. Speaking of anniversarries, ours was coming up soon! I wasn't sure what to get her yet, but I was going to go shopping tomorrow with the others and while she was in one store, I'd go and get her a gift.

" Good morning, honey," she said as we both got up. I gave her a kiss. " Hi, sweetheart," I said. " How'd you sleep?" " Fine. I had a dream about you and me." " Yeah, what were we doing?" She smiled as she put her hand through my hair. " We were watching a beautiful sunset on the side of the Grand Canyon. It was beautiful and I really hope that we can go there someday because I thought it was so amazing. I've never seen a sunset there. I've never been there before, anyway, but you know how I love sunsets, don't you?" I nodded. " I sure do, babe!" I gave her another kiss. " Awww," she said. " You're so sweet, Dally. I love you so much." You can tell how our usual morning conversations usually went, but I liked them. I thought that going through a coversation like this each morning increased your positive energy.

We both went in the bathroom to take a shower. We took our showers together. We would wash each other. Cherry would put the shampoo in my hair and rub it in. And yep, she would wash me in that certain area, but I didn't mind at all. I liked it!

Afterwards, we went in Little Johnny's bedroom. He had just woken up, so Cherry and I went over to him. I picked him up and said, " Hi, buddy, you want daddy to get you some breakfast?" He made a cute little sound as I tickled him. " Aww," Cherry said. " He loves his daddy, Dally!" I laughed. Every time I laughed, Little Johnny would giggle like he was responding to me. Cherry took him. " Hi, there!" she said. " We better feed you, huh, Little Johnny? Yeah, we should. I bet your hungry, I bet you are." Ponyboy was starting up breakfast. " Good morning," he said. " How's my little Johnny doing?" " He's been a good boy," I said. We referred to Ponyboy as Uncle Pony to Little Johnny even though he wasn't my brother, but we were in the same house and Ponyboy was like a brothr to me, so that's what we called him. Ponyboy piccked Little Johnny up. " He looks like you, Dally," he said. " Yeah?" I said. " You think so?" " Yeah. Who do you want to be with?" Ponyboy asked. Little Johnny was trying to say something. He pointed over to me. " Da..daddy!" " Awww," Ponyboy said. " He wants his daddy." He handed him to me and I heald him. I really love my son. I never knew how wonderful it would be to become a parent.

" Where's Darry and Soda?" Cherry asked. " They went out to the store. They're planning to go up town to do ome shopping tomorrow. I suppose that we could all go." I nodded. " Sure." I put a bib on Little Johnny and I put him in his highchair which used to have been Ponyboy's when he was a baby. " Here you go, Little Johnny," Ponyboy said as he got out the can of baby food. " These are carrots, okay?" I nodded as I opened the can and got out the spoon. " You ready to eat?" I said to Little Johnny. I made a laughing sound so he would laugh and when he laughed, I put the spoon in his mouth to feed him. Cherry and I took turns each day to feed him, so tomorrow Cherry would feed him.

Suddenly, Darry came in, out of breath, holding Soda. Soda was all bloody. He looked like he had been badly beaten. " He won't stop bleeding, he won't stop bleeding!" Darry crid. " What happened?" Ponyboy shrieked. " There was an accident!" Darry screamed. " We had an accident!"