HOOORAY! Another Update!

So I shall leave the long AN for the bottom of this chapter and get right into the next chapter…..

Here it is: You BIT me?

Disclaimer: So I checked and I still don't own Sailor Moon (bummer), I do however own Doctors Munro and Rockworth. BOOYAH!

P.S, I am eternally grateful to everyone who reviewed. Words cannot express how happy reading all your reviews made me. Thanks heaps guys!

P.P.S, I have included a little more of the other scouts in this chapter. I seriously had no control over that though…..full kudos to my muse. She sure can be persuasive when she wants to be!


Serena sobbed into her hands, oblivious to the four friends surrounding her, their faces all creased with worry. She wasn't sure why Darien's words had hurt her so much. She should have been used to it by now. They had been insulting each other for 3 years now that today should have been no different.


Serena took a shuddering breath, halting her sobs. That wasn't right. Perhaps a week ago his words would have been fitting. She would have taken them with a grain of salt and hurled her own insult back.

But not today.

Not after he had spent the last 24 hours taking care of her. Showing her a softer side she wasn't sure he had.

Today his words stung.

Serena furiously wiped at her eyes, now angry at his words. How dare he laugh at her being the cause of another girl's jealousy! She was pretty. She had been told many a time by her friends and family. Why just last week she had turned down a date with a very cute guy.

Pausing mid wipe, Serena thought back to the moment. She had declined his date, she remembered, because at that moment Darien had entered the Arcade and sent her the strangest look that the thought of accepting the date had made her feel guilty for some reason. So she smiled politely, said 'No' to the date and promptly left.

Had she waited a few more moments, she would have seen a relieved expression cover her apparent nemesis' face.

That would have perhaps helped prevent the incident from moments before.


"Serena?" Raye tentatively reached out a hand, gently pressing it against Serena's forearm. "Are you Ok sweetie?"

Serena shook her head, choking back another painful sob, pulling back slightly to wrap her arms tight around herself.

"Do you need a hug?"

At her affirmative nod, all four scouts leant forward and wrapped their arms around their hurting leader. Pouring all of their positive emotion into the broken girl, they all breathed sighs of relief as her sobs slowly stopped, being replaced by hic-ups moments later.

"I don't – hic – know what – hic – came over – hic – me!"

Mina smiled and reached over to brush hair off of Serena's cheek. "You're sick and not thinking straight. Besides what Darien said was a little out of line. Not to mention that Doctor." Mina sighed. "Don't worry Sere – everything will work out."

"You – hic – think?"

Mina smiled knowingly and flashed her 'V' sign again. "I know!"


Down the hall in a new room, Darien was in a fairly similar conundrum. But where Serena was surrounded by her four friends drawing strength from their love for her, Darien was sitting alone, the heavy weight of what he said crashing down on him. His own guilt was so heavy; he was oblivious to the angry glare resting on him, courtesy of his best friend.

"What have I done?" he moaned into the silence of the room.

"I think you went too far Darien."

Darien lifted his head, suddenly recalling Andrew being in the same room. "I have haven't I?"

Andrew nodded and crossed the room to fall beside his best friend. "You have to fix this Darien."

Darien nodded again, suddenly finding his throat very dry and closed up. Lifting worried eyes to his friend, he gestured, unable to find the right words to say.

Understanding, Andrew reached out and pressed a hand to his shoulder. "Apologizing would be a good start."

Darien froze and glanced over to Andrews's girlfriend, who was leaning casually against the door frame. "What do I say?" he whispered.

Rita pushed off of the wall and moved to crouch in front of Darien. "You will know when the time is right." Standing up she turned and moved to the edge of the room, pausing she glanced back. "I'm gonna go check on Serena. When I come back, you better have something nice to say."


"Why did I think he was different?" Serena fumed, now well and truly past her tears. "Why did I let him get to me?"

Lita cracked her knuckles and glared menacingly at a passing orderly, satisfied when he gasped and ran past the room. "Want me to go 'talk' to him?"

Serena sighed and slowly shook her head, instantly regretting it when pain struck and her vision blurred slightly. Moaning softly, she lifted a weak hand to her forehead and rubbed slightly.

Mirroring the action, Amy reached forward and pressed her hand over Serena's, pulling back sharply at the heat beneath her hand. "Serena!" she scolded. "You should be resting, your temperature must have spiked again. I'm going to go and find a Doctor." Breezing out of the room, she disappeared down the hall, returning moments later, a pretty blonde beside her.

"Hi Serena. I'm Doctor Anders. Amy tells me you're burning up again." Stepping close to Serena she dropped a chart onto the bed and reached out to press her hand to her forehead. "Feels like you are." Glancing down she frowned at the bruise marring her elbow. "I know your last experience with a needle wasn't pleasant, but I need to get an IV into you."

Serena bit back a sob remembering the way Mercedes had struggled to find a vein and turned part of her arm into a pin cushion. "I just won't watch" she whispered, turning her head away.

Doctor Anders eyed the distraught girl speculatively. "I'll try and make this as quick as possible. Perhaps if your friends could give us a minute."

Serena lifted her hand to stop the argument she knew was going to follow from her friends. "It's ok guys. It will only take a minute. Mina!" Serena narrowed her gaze at her blonde friend. "Stop crying! It's just a needle."

Mina nodded, tears spilling out of her sky blue eyes. "I know Serena." She wailed. "It's just, now you will have to stay here forever! My Aunt had one of those put in and she never left!"

Serena felt her jaw drop and distracted by Mina's obvious concerns, missed the insertion of the needle into her hand, the tube for the IV following shortly after. "I'll be fine Mina."

Mina shook her head, not convinced. "That's what my Aunt said too!"

Serena closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. "Snap out of it V!" She screeched, startling the sobbing girl into silence. "You are not going to help me get better, by sobbing!"

Raye lifted a hand to stifle her laughter and carefully schooled her features into mild concern. "Serena is right Mina. Calm down."

Mina fell heavily onto the spare twin bed and shrugged off the arm Lita tried to wrap around her. "I'm Sorry Serena."

Serena went to move her hand and noticed for the first time, the IV attached. "Wha –" she started, lift tired eyes to the Doctor.

"They provided the distraction I needed. Now, this will help keep your fluids up, but in a short while I will change it over and give you come antibiotics, see if we can't shake this flu." Smiling kindly, she patted Serena's knee, wrote some information on the chart and promptly left the room, narrowly missing Rita.

Rita moved into the spot Doctor Anders had been standing in moments before and lowered herself into the chair. "How are you feeling?"

Serena coughed slightly. "Like I have been run over by a bus, then reversed over, then driven over again, all while encased in concrete."

Rita giggled. "So not very well then?" At Serena's affirmative nod, she smiled, said smile faltering at Serena's next question.

"How is Darien?"

"Why are you asking about that sleaze bag Serena?"

"He was just as sick as me Lita."

Rita patted the hand resting on her blankets, understanding washing over her. "He is fine Serena. Extremely angry at himself, but Ok."

Serena settled back onto her pillows, a troubled smile gracing her features. Suddenly exhausted, she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. Feeling the strong hands of sleep take hold, she gave in, the soothing touch of Rita's hand the last thing she focused on, before everything went black.


"It's about time she went to sleep." Mina jumped up off the bed, her face still red from her tears but eyes bright and shining with a renewed force. "Right, so how are we going to fix this?"

Raye fell heavily onto the bed Mina had just vacated. "Why don't you just leave this Mina? It's up to Darien to fix this now."

"If I let him into the room that is…." Lita trailed off dangerously.

"We have toooooo!" Mina whined. "Look, Darien is as stubborn as a Tree."

"Ox." Amy corrected.

"Right! As an Ox. He is going to need help."

"But why bother Mina?"

Mina gasped, shocked at the lack of enthusiasm from Raye. "Raye!" she scolded. "How can you say something like that? Those two stubborn morons are made for each other. Seeing as they cannot get their act together and let some annoying Doctor get in the way, we are going to have to intervene."

"I have to agree with Mina." Rita moved to stand beside the blonde goddess. "Andrew filled me in on the plan you guys had – wasn't that the whole reason behind it, to make them finally realise their feelings for each other and force them to act upon them?"

Raye nodded slowly. "But look what happened? We tried and failed!"

"Look at it as a set back Raye. The day isn't over yet, there is still time."

"Yeah!" Mina Cheered. "What Amy said!" Dancing on the spot, she clasped her hands together twirling dramatically. "This is a set back that is totally fixable!" She sung, dancing harder as Lita joined her.

Taking a wide birth around the now break-dancing pair, Rita sat down beside Raye. "I'm gonna need your help with Darien Raye. He needs another person who will not take 'No' for an answer to push him into coming in here."

Laughing as Lita pulled Mina into a headlock for bumping into her, Raye nodded. "Alright Rita. But lets go now, I don't think you want to see what happens ne – " Raye trailed off as Mina swiftly bit Lita's arm to force her to let go.

"You BIT me?" Lita screeched.

"You had me in a headlock."

"But you bit me."

"You deserved it."

"Did not!"

"Did TOO!"



"GIRLS!" Amy swiftly interrupted the argument. "Serena is trying to sleep!"

Mina stepped back from Lita and eyed the softly snoring blonde. "Please Amy; Serena could sleep through a bomb going off directly above her."

Lita nodded, agreeing with Mina's comment. "Have you ever tried to wake her? Luna has resorted to physical violence to wake her."

Amy sighed heavily and moved to sit in the chair beside the slumbering girl's bed. Pulling a text book out of her sub-space pocket, she proceeded to study, ignoring the horrified expressions on her friend's faces. "What?"

"Amy…." Mina began slowly. "You are studying?"

"Yes Mina! The end of year exams is 6 weeks away and I am in no way prepared!"

Mina slowly backed out of the room, tugging Lita with her. "Well, we are just going to….go somewhere…..because someone is calling….and they need our help…..with….something." Turning she hurried from the room, Lita hot on her tail.

"On that note…." Raye leapt off the bed and rushed out of the room. As much as she agreed with being prepared, studying while her best friend was in a hospital bed was not something she wanted to get caught up in. Following as Rita moved down the corridor, Raye paused at the sight before her. Growling at their lack of tact, (chatting up an Intern while their friend is sick!) Raye stomped past the two, shaking her head in amusement.

"So…why did you become a Doctor?"

The male Doctor coughed uncomfortably. "Well, I liked the idea of helping people and my father is a Surgeon."

"Really." Mina batted her eye lashes at the Intern, smiling brightly.

Bumping Mina out of the way, Lita pushed herself forward, impressed that she was still shorter than the Doctor before her. "That's really sweet of you wanted to help people."

Blushing heavily, the Doctor adjusted the stethoscope around his neck. "Thanks….I think."

"So I'm Mina and this is my friend Lita. Lita who was just going" Mina elbowed Lita out of the way, glaring at the Green Scout.

"Was I Mina?" Lita growled dangerously.


"Uh – Anyway, I would like you to meet my colleague, Justin!" Pulling a passing Doctor to his side, he sighed happily as Mina and Lita forgot all about their pending argument and smiled happily at the new addition to their conversation. Watching as the two girls turned to each other and had a very quick silent discussion, he shrunk back slight as they turned to them both, very bright smiles on their face.


"I'm Mina!" Mina extended a hand to the Doctor (Justin!).

"Nice to meet you Mina" Justin Rockworth grasped her hand, gasping lightly at the buzz that traveled up his arm from the touch.

"You too" Mina murmured, frowning at the tingling sensation. Narrowing her eyes slightly at the extremely attractive Doctor before her, she grinned suddenly. "So, are you an Intern too?"

"How did you know?"

Mina giggled. "I watch Scrubs; you have a very Season 2 J.D look about you."

Chuckling in response, Justin relaxed slightly. "That show is probably as close as you get to a real hospital." He reluctantly let go of her hand. "So why are you here Mina?"

Mina turned sad suddenly startling the Doctor. "My best friend is sick and this Doctor was trying to steal her true love, so we came to prevent that from happening – you see he was taking care of her (he is a studying Doctor himself) and she got like even sicker than he could handle – not to mention he got sick himself, so he brought her here and we came because I thought she was dying…." Pausing to take a breath, she leant against the counter. "So then when we got here this other Doctor was mean to my friend and then the other Doctor (the one who likes her) said something bad and we are trying to fix it."

"Ok…..that sounds…..interesting"

"I know right?" Smiling happily, Mina glanced down the hall. "Do you want to grab a milkshake or something?"

"Uh – how old are you Mina?"

"18. Why?"

"Just checking." Justin mumbled. "Sure, I'll just let the Co-Chief Resident know I am taking a break." Turning he picked up the phone and after a brief conversation, smiled and lead the way to the elevators. "What about your friend?" he asked suddenly.

Mina smiled. "She'll be fine. Three other friends are working on fixing the situation." Throwing a wink Lita's way, she disappeared into the elevator.


"Wow, she sure works fast." Lita commented, smiling at the remaining Doctor.

"No kidding."

"So, I'm Lita." Lita extended her hand, surprised as the Doctor returned her hand shake his grip firm.

Noticing her surprise, Doctor Travis Munro frowned. "You look surprised."

Lita nodded. "Not used to a firm hand shake."

Travis nodded in understanding. "They grip your hand, like their shaking their grandmothers?"

"Yeah!" Lita nodded. "It's so frustrating."

Travis smiled. The girl standing before him was like no one he had ever met before. "So, you are obviously friends with the patient in room 301?"

"Serena. Yeah."

Glancing at the board he reviewed the Doctor looking after her. "Dr Anders is looking after her." He commented. "She is really good."

Lita grinned. "She managed to put an IV in Serena without her even noticing."

Travis chuckled. "She has a habit of doing that. You should see her with a needle and surgical thread; she stitches like no one I have seen!"

Lita smirked. "Remind me to ask for her, the next time I need stitches."

"Happen often does it?"

"With Serena AND Mina around, it can. Those two are terrible! Glancing back at her friend's room, she smiled softly. "Speaking of Serena, I had better go and rescue her. Amy is probably boring her to death with homework. Sleep or not." Tossing a smile over her shoulder, she turned and strolled down the hall, stopping as Travis called out.

"I would like to see you again." He blurted.

"Me too." Lita smiled softly, her hand reaching up to nervously play with her hair. "I'll be here for a while, so you know where to find me."

Nodding, Travis smiled brightly. "My shift ends in two hours. I'll come find you."

"I'd like that." Turning to hide the blush creeping up her face, she all but floated back into Serena's room. Throwing herself down on the spare bed, she turned and regarded her two friends. Breaking out into giggles at the pair (Serena had turned away from Amy and pulled the pillow over her head and Amy had clearly given up trying to get Serena to listen – asleep or not - and was reading a magazine), Lita took a leaf out of Serena's book and settled back into the pillows. By the looks of Serena, she would be there for a while. Sighing happily, Lita stretched happily. Might as well take a quick nap, she mused, letting her eyes drift shut.


"So. Darien. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Darien glanced up at the fuming Raye, shrinking back slightly from the anger washing off the Fire Goddess in heavy waves. "Not now Raye."

"What do you mean 'Not now' Darien? When is NOW going to be?" Tapping her foot impatiently, Raye waited for a response. Not getting one, she strode into the room and moved to stand before the defeated man.

"Raye…" Andrew began, stopping at the glare from Raye.

"Darien." Raye began; her voice softer. "I like you, you're a good friend, but seriously!" she fumed. "You need some serious Serena advice."

Lifting his head, Darien regarded the dark haired girl before him. "Advice?"

Nodding, Raye motioned for Andrew to get up, sliding into his seat as he did so. "Yup. There are few things you need to know about her. She likes chocolates (well any kind of sweet really), cartoons, sunshine and ALWAYS forgives."

"Always?" Darien asked, his eyes lighting up in hope.

"Always. She can't hold a grudge for the life of her. The longest she stayed mad at someone was 3 days and that was only because her brother hid her Anime collection. No one comes between her and that. Sammy sure learnt his lesson. Especially when Serena got him back….I don't think he has found that game she hid and this happened two years ago!"

Chuckling softly at the picture Serena must have made, Darien sighed. "How do I get her to forgive me?"

"Say Sorry. That usually works."

"Told ya!" Andrew crowed, flinching at the hand that swatted at him.

"Stay out of this Andrew." Rita hissed.

"Sorry." Andrew murmured.

"Anyway" Raye glared back at Andrew, "trust me. Say you're sorry, admit your feelings and watch Serena melt like butter!"

"What?" Darien gasped.

"Oh come on Darien. You would have to be blind not to see the attraction between you two." Raye smiled brightly. "Don't bother denying it. We all know the truth."

Darien leant back on the bed. "That obvious huh?"

Raye nodded and patted his shoulder consolingly. "Now go win her heart!"

Standing, Darien swayed slightly on his feet, before tumbling back onto the bed, his hand clutching at his head.

"Forgot you were sick!" Raye leapt up and hurried to the door, sticking her head out she watched as the only Doctor on the corridor watched Lita walk away. "Doctor!" she called startling said Doctor into action. "My friend is sick!"

Leaning back as the Doctor hurried in, she watched as he faltered mid-way into the room. "Shields?" he asked.

Darien moved his hand from over his eyes and smiled slightly. "Munro. Didn't know you were on-call today."

"Yeah man, got called in. So you're sick huh? And apparently upset the patient in room 301."

Groaning in response, Darien gingerly sat up. "Word travels fast huh?"

"Especially when her friend is really hot."

"Hey!" Raye exclaimed.

"Take it your another friend?" At Raye's nod he continued. "My apologies. Didn't mean to offend."

"Accepted. Anyway, speaking of room 301, I'd better go check on her." Leaving the room, Raye shook her head. What was with this place?

"As I was saying. Her friend Lita filled me in. When are you going to apologize?"

"Not you too!" Darien moaned. "I'll apologize soon alright! As soon as the room stops spinning!" Closing his eyes, he fell back on the bed. Lying still for a few moments, Darien sucked in air. Slowly sitting up again, he carefully opened his eyes, grateful that the room had stopped spinning and there was only one Doctor standing before him. Feeling his stomach lurch, Darien clapped a hand over his mouth.

Noticing his fellow Doctor turn green, Doctor Munro grabbed the nearest object and shoved it under his face, wincing as Darien proceeded to throw up what looked like a weeks worth of food. Reaching a hand out, he frowned at the heat radiating off of Darien's forehead. Glancing over his shoulder he regarded the two people still standing in the room.

"You two might want to get out of here. You don't want to catch this. I'll get him under control then I'll move him to 301." Winking, he turned back to Darien. "You buddy are pretty sick." Holding the bowl in place, Doctor Munro groaned.

Sometimes he really disliked his job.


I am going to leave it there. 10 pages are surely enough for now!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been CRAZY busy lately….work has been a nightmare, madly going to the gym (summer is fast approaching and I am MILES away from a beach body), and got stuck in a rut writing wise. But, I have connected my laptop to my stereo, blasted my favourite tunes and managed to type up another update.

*sigh* I'm exhausted!

I don't know if I told you guys or not, but I have braces now. Yup. I officially look like a 16 year old school girl (apparently I really do when I have my hair up) which is not helping with the 'meet guys' plan I have going, but hey, my awesome looking teeth will be worth the effort.

Can I just say though, I never realized how much damage bread can do! Seriously, I had a sandwich and spent the next two hours picking the bread out of my wire! It was torture!

Anyway, only 4 chapters to go! Fingers crossed I will get it finished by Christmas (which I am really hoping to do, cause I want to get into the spirit and write a seasonal fic). So, I shall post this and start writing the next chapter!

Oh and please (with a MILLION cherries on top!) review! I love that you have all added me as a favourite Author and it makes me so happy that you have put my story as a favourite, BUT I would love to know Why! Seriously, you're reviews make me so happy on bad days and I really love reading your comments!


Hugs, Kisses and Sandwiches for all!

