
"And you're Phoebe's ex-husband" Chris stated.

"How do you know?" They questioned.

Chris shrugged. "I've heard."

The doorbell rang, but none of them made a move to open the door.

Glad for the distraction, Chris volunteered to open the door.

Chris opened the door slightly, and saw Katya.

"You?" Katya asked, incredulous.

"What are you doing here?" Chris asked, perplexed at seeing her.

"I should be asking you the same question. Why are you here?"

Chris opened the door, and let her in. "Let's talk inside."

"I've already told you Piper, that these demons were already vanquished when I was still young. I've already told you all that I know" Cole told the eldest Charmed one.

"But what you told us isn't enough for us to know how to vanquish it." Piper said, annoyed.

"If you want, I can get into the Underworld for some information."

"Don't you dare go back into that place." Phoebe said calmly, taking a seat beside her sister.

Phoebe looked at Cole coolly.

"You're being hunted by demons wanting to destroy you and the Source for wanting to control you. Don't you think they might have set up traps for you?" demanded Phoebe.

"Are there any other ways?" Cole asked. "It's a risk I'll have to take."

"We'll think of other ways. One that doesn't include risking lives unnecessarily." Phoebe said firmly, more to her sisters than to Cole, whom she's still refuses to look at.

Cole's hopes soared up; knowing that, in some way, Phoebe still cares for him.

Making sure that his aunts are still in the kitchen, Chris brought Katya to the living room.

"So why are you here?" Chris asked.

Katya wasn't sure she can trust him. Years of escaping the bad guys had made her wary of people around her.

"Why do I have to explain to you?" Katya asked. "I'm looking for the Charmed Ones, not you. How would I know that you're the same Chris from my timeline?"

"I'm a Halliwell. A good witch. What more assurance do you need? Unless you want me to go into details about the first time we met?" said an amused Chris.

Katya flushed "There's no need." Remembering the incident where she had mistaken Chris as one of the demons and tried to kill him. She was filled with embarrassment when she found out that he was just tailing her so as to make sure she was safe.

"I was sent back in time as a bargaining tool to get my Uncle to work together with the Source for domination of the entire Underworld." Katya explained.

"And?" Chris pressed on, knowing that that isn't the end of the story.

"That's all you have to know." Katya said crisply.

"Look, Katya. Either you're giving me the whole story, or I will not be able to help you." Chris said calmly.

"I'm not going to be sitting down here explaining my life to you when I only know you for a short period of time, and I have to find my Uncle. Trust me, this is the last place I would go to if I had the choice." Katya told him.

"Your uncle is here." Chris told her.

When he knew he got her attention, he continued. "And he's sitting in the kitchen with all my Aunts."

"Is he and your aunt Phoebe.."

Chris shook his head. "We're not allowed to say anything about it. Future consequences. Always remember that." He warned.

Katya nodded.

Chris nodded. "Come on, you finally get to see my mum and the younger version of Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe."

Chris and Katya went into the kitchen where his family members are still in their discussion. When they saw him with an unknown, everyone stopped their discussion.

"Katya?" Cole asked, surprised.

"Uncle Cole" she greeted with a slight nod as she surveyed the rest of the witches in there.

It was easy to differentiate the sisters from one another. Heading the whole discussion would be Piper, Chris's mother, whom she knew, died back in her timeline. The other sister, the only blonde, Katya knew she must be Paige. The last sister, the one who was avoiding her uncle Cole's gaze, Katya knew that this is Phoebe.

"Pleased to meet you too. And yes, I'm Phoebe." Chris's aunt introduced herself.

Katya widened her eyes slightly.

"I guess you didn't know that Aunt Phoebe is an empathic." Chris explained.

Katya then looked at Phoebe in the eye, holding the gaze.

Phoebe nodded approvingly. "Your mental defences are strong." Phoebe noted.

"Sorry for being blunt, but who are you?" Paige asked, curious about this slim, black eyed beauty standing in front of them.

"I'm Katya Turner." She said.

"Turner? As in " Paige asked and Cole nodded slightly.

"I'm not directly related to him, but I can be considered as one of his nieces." Katya explained.

"You're from the future" Piper concluded. Katya nodded again.

Cole lanced a fireball at Chris.

Good thing Chris managed to dodge in time, the fireball nearly hitting his shoulder.

"Are you out of your mind?" Piper shouted.

Phoebe stood up. "She's here."

"Who's here?" Paige asked, confused.

Cole lanced another fireball, this time near Piper. As reflex, Piper froze the fireball, and saw a few human forms for a slight moment before they disappeared.

"Shit." Piper said, when she finally figured out what Phoebe's referring to. Kiana; the invisible sister of the demonic triplets.

Not long after, the whole kitchen is filled with chaos. Fireballs being lanced, invisible demons being TK-ed into the walls, time being frozen by Piper just to know where the demons are, while Paige orbed herself and Phoebe up to the attic to find a solution to their problem.

"What happened to the book?" Paige asked, horrified by the amount of blank pages in the Book of Shadows, which she knew was filled up previously.

Leo orbed in. "The demons are brought back to life, meaning that they're never vanquished. Records will then be non-existant." He explained.

They heard more glass being smashed downstairs.

"Get Piper up here now." Phoebe commanded Leo.

Less than a few seconds later, they're back in the attic.

"I'll see if I can help them." Leo told the sisters, before orbing down into the kitchen.

"This spell." Phoebe pointed to the spell to see the unseen. "We need to see them before we can vanquish them."

Holding hands, they chanted.

"In this tween time, this darkest hour,
We call upon the sacred power.
Three together stand alone,
Command the unseen to be shown.
In innocence we search the skies,
Enchanted are our newfound eyes."

"Mum!!!!" The Charmed ones heard Chris shout out. Paige hurriedly orbed her sisters down into the kitchen.

More Reviews please!! And I'll update as soon as possible!