Cold rain water poured down on Sara freely as she walked through a grassy field that had a old beat up house. "This is where it all began." Sara said to herself not caring that she was drenched, her black jeans drenched, black leather jacket drenched, and shoes sinking into the wet ground. Sara stared at the house and slowly approached it. She opened the door and saw that everything was just as it was when her father's murder took place. Beer bottles everywhere trash scattered everywhere. She walked into the kitchen and saw the sink filled with unwashed dishes, vodka bottles everywhere shattered glass. She walked into her bedroom and opened the closet, she moved some floor boards and grabbed a box hidden in straw. She opened the box and sat on the floor looking at the pictures she drew, poetry she wrote, and two bracelets that both said 'My heart is yours.' "God I bought these when I was 9." They were blue and a single heart on it. Blue was her favorite color. She looked at some of the pictures she drew and smiled. Rose's, Dragon's, Wolves, Eagle's and Hawk's. The best one she drew was a drawing of a red dragon wrapped around a vodka bottle shattering it. She grabbed some of her poetry and began reading one, "Opened bottle, opened heart, broken spirit holding on tightly, sitting in the dark holding the bottle looking for answers only receiving hits. Blood boiling so hot breaking through the skin, seeping in the floor like water." Sara sadly smiled and put the stuff back in the box. She stood up with the box in hand and looked up at the top shelf. A small teddy bear that was white, well dusty looking now. She grabbed it and put it in her shoe box. She walked towards the door and turned around taking a last look. She then went to the back yard and walked over to the rusty shed. In side was junk old car parts. She walked towards the corner and removed the slabs of broken concrete. She pulled another box but this one was filled with pictures of mostly scenery and of her brother. There was only one of her parents which was of when they there was only her brother. She grabbed the box and left the shed. She then walked over to a tree and set the boxes down. Over the hill that the tree was on was the ocean. She grabbed her digital camera and took several pictures. Even when it was raining it was still beautiful. She grabbed the boxes and walked back to house where she left a tank of gas. She went inside and poured gas inside every room in the house. She exited the house and took one last look, she then lit a match and threw it on the trail of gas. Watching the house burn for a moment and then grabbed the boxes and walked away. Catherine was waiting at the top of a hill for Sara and saw her coming with the house burning in the background. Sara slowly walked up to the car and was greeted by Catherine standing with an umbrella. "You ready to go home?" She asked while pulling Sara into a hug. "In one minute." Sara said as she put the boxes on the ground opening the one with the drawings, poetry, and bracelets. She grabbed the bracelet's and gave one to Catherine. "My heart is yours." She said while putting it on Catherine's wrist. Catherine grabbed the other one and placed it on Sara's wrist, "My heart is yours." They gently kissed and watched the house burn together holding hands