I am so sorry for the delay! You guys are amazing! Your kind reviews are the best high ever :)But I'm sorry to say I will have to put this fic on hold for a little while now. Only for the reason that I've planned to be nice to our girls and let the relationship develop. But if I continue writing right now it might quite possibly end up in death and despair.
So I will leave you with this chapter and promise not to be gone for long.



Chapter seven: Difficulties with cleavage.

Fingerprints, dusting… Good Sara! And then the tape… just lift the print nice and easy… there you go. Now just label it… there you go Sara, just write; print, bathroom… Cath in the shower… Sidle! Get a hold of yourself!

I sigh deeply. This is really bad. I can't even work with her on a case without picturing her naked at the scene. Forbidden mental images creep vividly into my mind and I try desperately to shake them. Now really isn't the time.

"You got something?" Ok, that husky tone of hers really isn't helping matters! I turn around to face Catherine only to catch her leaning against the doorframe, watching me.

"How long have you been there?" I ask with a smirk on my face as I stand up from the bathroom floor, holding on to the old, white tub for balance.

"Oh, not long…" She tries her innocent voice, but her eyes deceive her. The case Sara! Focus on the case! My inner voice is so screwed…

"I... um… fingerprints." I stammer, holding up several pieces of lifting-tape. Nice Sidle! Two whole words! And judging by the expression on her face, Catherine has caught on to my train of thoughts.

"You about done here? Greg and I are set to go." Warrick's head pops up in the doorway and I nod.

"All set." I manage to utter, surprised at how well my voice is working now. I even manage a smile before picking my things up off the floor to follow him out.

Catherine is still smirking at me, so it's not exactly an accident when I brush up against her chest when I pass her in the doorway. Her gasp at the contact is enough to last me through the car ride back to the labs.


And the night continues in the same fashion. Oh, so innocent touches whenever we are in the same room. And it hasn't escaped me that by the middle of shift, her shirt is missing the three top buttons. Well, I'm not the only one who has noticed that and I find myself smacking Greg on the back of his head after he barely manages to keep from drooling over Catherine's cleavage.

"What!" He looks at me accusingly as he rubs the back of his head with his palm.

"Just preventing you from getting killed for ogling a co-worker." I shrug, leaving out the part that I'd be the one to kill him if he didn't stop looking at my girl like that.

"Aw, Sara! You know you're the only girl for me." He grins and bats his eyelashes at me. I'm about to make a snide remark when someone beats me to it.

"Sorry Greg, she's mine." I feel Catherine's arm pulling me with her as I try not to blush at her words.

"Ow, no fair!" Greg puts on his best fake-pout face. "You girls need some help with those track marks?"

"I think we'll manage." Catherine tells him before dragging me away.

"Where are we going?" I ask her, realizing that she's still pulling me with her down the corridor and not towards the AV-lab. But she just smirks at me.

"Catherine?" She's still ignoring my attempts to get her attention as she drags me further down the hall.

"The research rooms?" I ask as I see where she's heading and a mischievous grin spreads across her face as she pulls me into one of the small rooms at the deserted end of the HQ and closes the blinds.

"Cath, what are you doing?" I ask her, trying not to laugh at her strange behavior.

"What am I doing?" She's looking at me like that again. Like a feline predator cornering its prey. The look that makes my knees weak and my center throb.

"You've been driving me crazy all night, a brush here, a touch there…" She has me cornered now, I may be taller than she is, but right now she has me backed up against the wall, breathing heavily, without having touched me yet. God, I'm in trouble. "…and then I find you flirting with Sanders?" She raises an eyebrow and I know she's playing with me. Oh well. I can play too.

"He was paying far too much attention to your cleavage." I must say I'm proud of myself for being able to construct entire sentences at this point. And since she's standing so close, I cannot help but trace two fingers over the exposed skin on her chest. Her swift reaction blows me away. The tiniest of gasps escapes her lips as her pupils expand to twice the size.

"I can't really blame him though…" I whisper, noticing that my voice has dropped significantly.

"God Sara…" Hearing her moan my name like that causes my libido to rise to impossible heights and I close my eyes, kissing that same spot my fingers just traced.

I hear her gasp as her hands find my hips and pull me into her. A small fraction of my mind is registering that though secluded, we are still at work. But her pelvis rocking against mine sends every one of those thoughts flying.

"Cath… what are you doing to me?" I breathe raggedly as I kiss my way up her neck, her soft moans encouraging me as her hands move up my sides. She pulls away just enough to face me and I swear right then and there that if she'd let me I'd be forever lost in those deep blue eyes of hers.

"I'm seducing you." Her sultry whisper threatens to undo me as her eyes gleam with lust… for me. Every animal instinct in me awakens and all I know is that I want her, no; I need her, right here, right now.

With a growl I swirl her around and push her up against the wall. There is a look of surprise and pure arousal on her face as she pulls me to her with such force that I have to take leverage on the wall behind her as not to crush her. Her soft lips demand mine, claim them as she growls into my mouth. God, I've never been so turned on in my life! Her scent, the feel of her skin, those hands on me, her lips, and those incredible sounds she makes…

My hands find their way under her shirt and I think I may have ripped a few buttons trying to get it open, I really don't care right now since I just discovered that her bra clasps in the front.

Oh, this is my lucky day!

Snapping that clasp open I cup her soft breasts, teasing her nipples and enjoying those beautiful gasps she makes at my touch. I find the soft spot on her neck, sucking and biting the creamy skin and there it is… that soft pleading whimper. God she's addictive!

Thrusting my hip against her I know she can't take much more of my teasing. Her hands are tugging at the hem of my pants and she's panting loudly now.

"Please…" She moans and her hot breath on my neck sets me on fire. "Sara…Please… touch me…" Her pleads go right to my heart, down my body. I will never be able to deny her anything, least of all this. I capture her now swollen lips with mine, for in a searing kiss I can tell her so much more than I ever can in words.

"I love you." I whisper before I slide my hand down into her pants. I can't hold back that deep moan as I feel how wet she is. She's arching into my hand, moaning loudly and as I slip into her she's the most stunning sight I ever laid eyes on. Thrashing and thrusting against me, moaning and pleading, she –Catherine Willows- has surrendered all control to me, to what my hand is going to her.

The power surge is great, but what throws me in this moment is the overwhelming love I feel for this woman. From this moment on, I'd be forever lost without her.


I can't keep the grin of my face as I walk back into the break room. Not only did I just have some of the best sex in my life, but I also got a date after shift.

If I hadn't stopped smoking a few years ago I'd really need a cigarette right now. As it is, I settle for caffeine.

"Hey! Smilie!" I turn at the voice cutting into my blissful daydreaming to find Greg, Nick and Warrick all sitting at the table watching me. I hadn't even noticed they where in here.

"Hey guys." I say, trying to keep from blushing, but I have no control over that grin on my face.

"Where did you run off to?" Greg asks me a little too cheery for my liking. "You look like a cat that just caught her mouse." I can't help but giggle at the metaphor. Wait! I never giggle! And holy crap, I think the guys just reached the same conclusion. They exchange glances and look at me curiously. Time for a change in topic. Now! Think Sidle, think! And for Christ sake, stop those images of Cath moaning from surfacing, now's not the time.

"Uh…so, how's your case coming along?" Nice Sidle! Well, at least it was work related and not sexy-Cath related. Oh God… I can still feel her hands on me… No, behave! Ok, now they are looking at me like I just laid a golden egg.

"Well, something must be up since you all have time to sit here and stare." I retort but they are still looking at me.

"Yeah, we where wondering about those track marks that you and Catherine where processing." Warrick clarifies and suddenly I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Crap! The track marks!

"We found a match." Oh, that voice is enough to make my insides turn to mush. I turn towards the door and there she is, looking as stunning and in-charge as always. As she walks up to us my heart starts to race but then I notice the manila folder in her hands. God I live that woman!

As the boys throw themselves over the folder to check the results she winks at me. I can't help a satisfied smirk as I see that her hair is still tussled and she's wearing a different shirt, one with a high collar.

"Nice work ladies." Warrick grins at us before he rushes out with Nick close behind.

"So ladies..." Greg leans over the table with a smirk. "Care for a drink after shift?"

"Sorry Greg." I smile at him, not daring to look at Catherine. "I've got plans."

He looks slightly disappointed at that, but turns to Catherine with new hope.

"How about you Catherine?" I can't look at her as she replies in fear I might completely blow the secret. But I can hear her tossing her hear over her shoulder and the smile in her reply.

"Not tonight. I have a hot date waiting." And with that she leaves the room. Greg sinks down in his chair with an exasperated sigh while I try desperately to remain cool. My heart is pounding like mad and my mind is reluctant to focus on anything else than her words.

"No one loves me…" Greg pouts dramatically, but quickly pulls himself up to smirk at me.

"So… Do we know who Catherine's mystery date is?" He asks with an excited smile.

"No idea." I say and shrug, but as I stand up to leave the room I could swear I was ten feet tall.


Until next time my dears. Now, see the pretty button? You know what to do:) Please?