Version 200902110128

DISCLAIMER: NARUTO is property of Kishimoto Masashi, Shueisha, and Studio Pierrot in Japan, and translated by VIZ Media and ShoPro Entertainment into English while Harry Potter is the property of J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement intended, these characters are not used to generate money, nor are they used with permission.

WARNING: This fan fiction may contain spoilers on the series mentioned in the disclaimer including the author's note. Read at your own risk.


HARRY POTTER:This fan fiction occurred after Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book Five) and during the events of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Book Six). Sirius is around thirty six.

NARUTO: After the three year jump. The first few chapters occurred during manga chapter 245 to chapter 280 (as for the NARUTO Shippuden anime episodes, I still have confirm which ones) while the rest of after them. This will an alternate story for the rest of NARUTO's chapter since here the Sasori never gave the information regarding his spy but he is dead and he will be replaced with whoever the creator wants. The characters that appeared after 280 may or may not be included depending on how this story will progress. Sasuke is around fifteen or sixteen years old.





Flashbacks, Letters, Dream, Memories



By A Writer Wannabee

His death changed everything.

The wizarding world cleared his name.

Harry vowed revenge against Snape.

But those were not the biggest change of all.

Join Sirius Black as he tries to learn the power the Dark Lord knows not.



Kakashi had never been more uncomfortable in his life-time. It's possibly due to the fact he survived another grievous situation. It didn't help that the individual who mended the injuries was a member of the genin squad of his puerility, though the jounin never regarded himself as a child for obvious reasons. Not to mention that this teammate of his was officially declared as deceased by Konoha. Or perchance he plainly does not cognize how to approach her.

He should have talked to her the first time he had laid his eyes on her again. Talking to was not something he'd like to do under Jiraiya's watchful eye not after their "tête-à-tête." And now that the Frog- sannin had left with Sasame an hour ago, he shouldn't waste the opportunity.

A soft knock informed the Copy nin of her arrival. Silently he watched his blond student, who had been unusually silent in the past few days, stood up and opened the door.

"Rin-san, you came for Sensei's check up?" Naruto asked with his trademark smile.

The medic simply laughed ruffled the boy's spiky hair.

"Naruto, could you check on Sakura?" Kakashi suggested. He wanted to discuss this with Rin in private.

"But Sensei, Sakura wouldn't be thrilled when she wakes up alone with me."

Why can't Naruto just read between the lines? He can't help but wonder how Jiraiya taught the Rasengan. When he was about to use a more direct approach, his former teammate somehow took words straight from his head.

"Naruto, I'd like spend a minute alone with Kakashi,"


"Thank you so much," the Fuuma said before bowing once more.

"No that's unnecessary."

Earlier this morning, Sasame was back to her feet. All of them agreed it was best, for her immediately to return to her clan. The whole team would have accompanied her, but it would sure attract unwanted attention. One of them was sufficient to accompany her back to her village.

Since Sakura was still under observation and Naruto was a natural loudmouth, the best options for the escort are either the Copy Nin or the Frog Sannin. Kakashi wanted to go himself but Jiraiya disagreed. The Pervert won since he has other business with the Fuumas. And besides the Hatake genius needed to deal with his own problems first.

"But you brought Sasame, back to us safe and sound."

Jiraiya shook his hand.

"No, we're the ones who should be grateful. Not only that you have told us Rin's whereabouts, you also helped Konoha in infiltrating Sound."

"True, but your village has also helped us in many ways," the woman disagreed. "How can we ever pay you?"

The medic was about to bow again when a lass with orange hair stopped her.

"Um, I think it's enough. Jiraiya-sama is getting embarrassed."

"Oh, I'm very sorry," she apologized, once more with a bow.

"No apologies needed," Jiraiya said. "But I do have a favor to ask."

'Oh no, please don't let it be what I'm thinking,' Sasame thought.

A few minutes later, Jiraiya was brought to the clan's head. And his right cheek has a faint shade of red.


If Kakashi Hatake was not preoccupied with Rin's sudden "comeback" in his life, he would have been aware that something was troubling the blond Hokage-wannabee. He and Naruto would have had a "man to man" conversation, a few minutes later, the bundle of joy would have regain his pestiferous blitheness. Unfortunately for Sakura, this "man to man" conversation has not yet occur and may not occur.

The girl was astonished that none of their perverse superior has noticed it yet. Jounins were supposed to be keen percipients. Or maybe they did spot the abrupt change in attitude then dismissed it for grounds that Haruno may not like. A sigh reached her ears.

Naruto suddenly knocked at her room and invited himself to sit an empty chair not far from her bed. She would have demanded what her teammate wanted, if he hadn't knock. The typical Uzumaki appearance would have been…


The door fell forward as it could not take force of another collision.


…Okay so maybe the door scene was overstated but still Naruto and knocking will never go together, as well as Naruto and stillness. But he has to be the unpredictable twerp; he hasn't said a word since he entered her quarters. She should happy for once he knows to stop talking. It was a popular theory among the "Rookie Nine" that he would be less irritating if he knows to shut his mouth. Sakura will therefore conclude that the given hypothesis is false. He is more annoying than ever and somewhat …disturbing.

Not many may notice, she has deep concern for her teammate. A silent Naruto is definitely something to be anxious about. She knows that she should not be annoyed at him right now. Maybe because she can easily deal with his loud mouthed side rather than this depressing one. After hearing another sigh, she decided to take some action.

"Ok spit it out!"

"Spit out what?"

"Stop being so stubborn, brooding was never your thing," she said crossing her arms.

Naruto seemed insulted at what she said. Maybe she had said too much. Then he started laughing. Come to think about it, this was the first time he laughed since they arrived at Rin's house. Normally she would have beaten the shit out of him, but she felt relief when she heard him laugh. So she smiled at Naruto who laughed and laughed and laughed. Suddenly the relief was replaced with annoyance, and few minutes after, annoyance became anger. She was about to stand up and smack his head, when he stopped laughing. She was taken aback by his sudden change of mood that she was too loss for words.


Several miles from the Fuuma's hideout, a ninja wearing an ANBU mask was sitting in a tree. His hand ran to his shoulder length hair as he assessed the situation.

Yesterday, he had sent to his contact a message containing the summary of the recent events in the Rice Field country. He also included a time and place for the two of them to meet. To his annoyance it was already way past the appointed time. He could only think of two reasons why the man was late.

The first reason would be that the ninja is already captured or worse dead. They were after all standing on enemy grounds. No one can guarantee one's safety. Unfortunately for this particular ANBU, his contact wasn't just an ordinary shinobi. There were a very few people who could fight the guy without injuries, much less to defeat him. The other reason would be...

Suddenly a puff of smoke filled the area and a man appeared out of no where.

"You're late," the nin said dryly.

"I'm a very busy man. Someone as famous as me has other things to do," the man with long white haired simply shrugged.

"Like..." the pissed ANBU asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Research of course. Inspirations are very rare for authors nowadays," the contact retorted.

"Oh? Is that the same reason why your cheek is very red, eh Jiraiya-sama?" the younger one teased.

Jiraiya frowned at the comment. It was his first slap for a very long time. Well, Tsunade didn't count because she never slapped him, she punched him. And he was quite good at dodging; he was, after all, a Legendary Sannin. Not to mention his pride never allow him to admit he was loosing his touch.

"Writing a book isn't easy as it seems, Yatsu," the Sannin glared.

Yatsu, as Jiraiya called him, simply stood up in his full height then raised his right hand toward the frog summoner's direction.

"What?" the Sannin asked. "Oh"

He suddenly rummaged from his pockets and brought out a small brown object.

"So how's the First Swordsman of The Mist doing?" he asked before handing it over to the ANBU.

"You shouldn't call sensei like that anymore. It brings back bad memories. Yondaime-sama is much stressed lately. Kirigakure no Sato will be the hosting the Chunin exams a few months from now. Since we have signed the alliance contract last year, our enemies will likely target the event. But I'm sure your gift will be greatly appreciated since it helps him relieve stress, "the elite ninja explained.

Jiraiya wanted to laugh out loud at that moment. He was quite amused that the present Mizukage was reading his series. Fate had its own unique sense of humor. Who would have thought that his sworn nemesis will become one of his most avid readers? Not only that, this past adversary was one of Konoha's valuable collaborators against his former teammate, Orochimaru.

"Have you informed the Fuumas?" Yatsu asked disrupting the silence.

"Yes, they're moving as we speak."

The ANBU clutched at the small package before inquiring more.

"And the death?"

"They understand. They're not blaming nor should you be blaming yourself either," the Sannin said.

'I know,' the ninja whispered in his head. He opened his mouth once more hoping to change the subject.

"Jiraiya-sama, concerning the lad you had been looking for …."


"Am I a good friend, Sakura-chan?" he asked as he broke the pact of silence between the two of them.

"Of course, you are."

"Then how come I can't protect my friends. How come your I'm so weak-"

"Is that what you been thinking all this time?" the girl suddenly interrupted.

"No, it's just that…. I'm sorry, Sakura," he apologized. "After seeing you, Sensei and Sasame-chan injured, I've been wondering is Sasuke is all worth it. I know we have to save Sasuke but I don't what any of my friends to get hurt in the process…"

Naruto lowered his head to the floor waiting for Sakura to kill him or something. He felt ashamed for having doubts after all he promised to her that he would bring Sasuke back no matter what.

"Remember, three years ago, when I first heard that you where injured after failing to save Sasuke. I was about to tell you that it's ok. You don't need to bring him back. It's not our fault that he didn't choose us. Yet you wanted to save him even when I was to about give up. You have given me hope that day. I still have those doubts sometimes. It's normal," his teammate explained to him. "But we will never give up."

That's right he and Sakura will never give up. They would train and soon Team Seven will be complete again. At resolution, he gave her his all famous grin. He was about to thank her when a tiny spark of familiar tainted charka entered his senses,




This chapter was completed a long long time ago, but I wanted decided to stall… and write another chapter… it turns out Rin is a very hard character to write… I haven't even given it a proper title… or I might stop giving titles… for now

I have written most of the chapters except for 4 and 6 (I'm quite proud how the 1st chapter turned out). If you noticed I've changed the chapter sequence already to make it hmm reader friendly.

I've also removed my previous author's note… I feel quite stupid rereading them.

Well any ways, chapter fifteen has reached its 1000 word mark… I just simply need to complete the scene… heheheh.