Disclaimer: um…characters aren't mine. The only one that is mine will be appearing later. And story is mine. Story is built using bits of pieces from other stories. Songs here aren't mine.

A/N: done and done. sorry for the long wait...and bad ending

She was beautiful, graceful, intelligent and cheerful, he was a prodigy. She was from another country and did not know. He is a caged being to his own heritage. She loves him, He loves another, he does not know. He is Neji, She is Tenten.

As she falls slowly into the darkness in her mind, whispers of chants and incantations fill her soul. No longer is she falling, she drifts and floats in mid air, just listening to the voices calling her name…




She tries to move, she tries to get out of the drowning darkness and grasp the light, but she feels drained of energy, there is no voice to guide her anymore, she is lost.

"Oh god, Tenten…Please, wake up…please!" His voice is muffed with the tears and sobs he sheds. After what seemed like a never-ending battle, Tenten had finally returned into the awaiting arms of Neji. Ino and Rose had awoken near the middle of the 'final' battle, rising in time to help finish off the enemies. Sadly, even if the opposing ninjas were outnumbered and badly injured, they had manage to escape, but before they did, they had manage to toss Tenten's unconscious body well enough, her back had connected to a handle of a kunai, managing to hurt just as much as Temari's fan in the first chuunin exam. Neji had ran toward her falling body, but not before it had made contact causing a sickening crack. Fortunately as Neji held Tenten in his arms, Sakura was able to take a good look at the contact point; it had missed her spine, but not her ribs.

They had rushed back to Kohona without a second glance, the journey was short, but was filled with an eerie silence.

As her body lies on the hospital bed, her mind reels in the events, as she slowly dances on the edges of her reality. Hands reach out to grasp her and as they slowly come closer, she reaches out but they back down, slowly withdrawing as her hand approaches theirs, there is always a gap between here and there.

"Come closer my angel, come closer as my voice guides you the darkest pits of your lonely travel. Come and listen to my calling, hear the voices of laughter as they laugh at you…" this girl will be mine…

Tenten tries and tries to block the voice calling for her," no…no... they are waiting for me, let me through…let me get passed this."

"If you truly wish to be with you're friends and lover again, wish my dear princess, wish with everything, your soul, your heart, wish with the light that shines upon your heart, wish away the darkness covering it. Do you hear their calling? Listen." A melodic voice filled her head and soothed her frustrated mind. It brought light into her ever-falling grace and caught her. She looks upon her hands, noticing how they glow with light, as her surroundings were dark.

"I am with you…"

"Neji-nii-chan, please eat, you haven't went out of this room since she was admitted into the hospital." Calm and shy Hinata voiced out everyone's feelings. No one said anything, they didn't need to, and this was their bond of friendship.

"We understand your feelings Hyuuga, but please, just get up, she wouldn't want to see you like this." Sasuke always did seem be the most logical one. Kyo and Rose could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Neji. We know you value her, but please at least step out for a while, Rose and Kyo can look after her and inform you if anything happens." Shikamaru stated out, while trying to comfort Ino all at the same time. Sakura was out with other patients but was found time-to-time hassling Neji to eat with Sasuke. Naruto was talking with Tsunade, regretting he was not there to comfort Hinata or be there like the others to give Tenten her support.

Neji knew his friends cared, but slowly he too was breaking down. Their words ran cold through his ears, he had long ago blocked out the pangs of hunger scared that if he left, she was to wake up and he would not be there to say, 'sorry and I love you.' He slowly turned around, the tears that flooded his eyes were noticeable, softly, but surely he spoke.

"if you say you understand what I'm feeling then you're sadly mistaken. What I'm feeling is undescribed, it lives within the darkest corners of your mind, waiting steady and slow for the moment it flares it's ugly head.

this is the feeling of being shattered, alone, forgotten. Where the light of an angel refuses to shine upon you in the ugly hour because of something you know not. Not gifted with a sense of belonging, the feeling is like walking on the edges of reality, and the borderline between black and grey. The moment the light seeps through the roughed up windows, a new day has begun, and as the light slowly departs, another day has ended and you are alone once more."

He slowly turned back, softly making small circles on the pack of her palm with his thumb as if he was caressing a young baby. "She was my day, my star, my sun, my source of freedom." One drop. Two drops. Three drops of tears fell from his eyes, landing on her hand, the room was silent. Did she feel the tears? Would she wake up to see his crying face and wipe away his tears with a smile? Neji clutched harder.

"Don't cry, I'm here, I'm alive, I'm with you, always." Her lying body is still, but the corners of her mouth twitched with anticipation, and as she drained her mind with energy, the words flew out, but nothing more.

Neji looked up, to see her mouth move, but nothing more, she is waking. They call for Sakura she is finally waking.

She feels light, and free, the melodic voice calls for her again, "It is time, you are waking. I will be here if you are to need me." Tenten nods and closes her eyes, but not before she is able to see the figure that spoke to her with such sweet sounds.

"Shiva…thank you."

Her eyes flutter open once more, and she basks in the light shed in the tiny hospital room. She sees the tears that fall out of Neji's eyes and does what he wanted to do when she woke up, "Hey, why the tears?" she smiles a small smile, and reaches out to wipe away his tears. But Neji doesn't let her, instead, he grabs her wrist and pulls her toward him, crushing her with a loving hug.

"Because I thought my heart was going to sleep forever."

She laughed, her voice ringing in his ears, but slowly stopped when the sound of a stomach rumbling filled the joyful room. All laughter ceased to stop for a moment or two, until it began again with more volume and a tomato-faced Neji Hyuuga.

Tenten laughs as she watches everyone laugh at her Hyuuga. That's right, her's because her dear friend Ino and stepped up to tell everyone moments before the rumbling of the stomach, that Hyuuga Neji was no longer engaged with that girl in the 'disgustingly frilly pink dress' for she was cornered by her and her dear friends Sakura and Hinata and later did the girl beg for mercy and vowed to never come near Neji ever again. Why? The torture methods of Ino, Sakura, and sweet little Hinata were to remain a secret to everyone but Tenten and themselves.

As the laughter rung on, Neji pulled Tenten into another loving embrace and whispered, "I'm sorry, I love you…marry me." And she laughed, she pulled apart until she was face to face with the hopeful white eyes, she pulled his head in and gave a full on kiss to him.

Neji grinned, and he happily kissed her back, only with more tongue and hunger. Everyone stopped to watch the two in amusement and envy. As the couple was kissing, Neji slowly wrapped his arms around her and carried her to the opened window of her room…and he pulled apart.

He faced the village and yelled with all his might, "SHE SAID YES, SHE SAID YESSSS!" It was Tenten's turn to look like a ripe tomato, as the other look on in shock.

Rose and Kyo were the first ones to land back into reality, and Rose elbowed Kyo in the stomach hard, allowing everyone to come back bye hearing a loud, "OOF."

Rose smirked and then pouted, "Now, why couldn't you do that for me?" hinting something to Kyo and everyone laughed.

Amongst the laughter Neji leaned toward Tenten's ears and in a whisper only audible to her,

"Like the snow your beautiful, like a princess, you belong to me."

True fairy tales never end in happily ever after, it ends, when the reader's imagination decides, it already knows the true story.