Author's Note: This story takes place after the events in season 3.

Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters. Also, many parts of this story are based on both Lord of the Flies and Lost. I do not own those shows either.

It was April in Retroville, Texas. Cindy, Jimmy, Libby, Carl, and Sheen sat in Ms. Fowl's classroom, listening to their history lesson. Just then Mr. Willoughby's voice came over the intercom.

"Attention fifth-graders! I have excellent news for you! Our school has won an amazing contest! At the end of this school year, you will all be given all-expenses paid vacation to Paris, France! It will be a one week long trip to celebrate your graduation.

And be sure to give a big thank you to Mr. Iam F. Ake. He is the multi-millionaire who funded this vacation! Congratulations once again!"

The entire classroom erupted in applause. Mrs. Fowl just sat down in her chair, knowing that there was no way she would get any more teaching done today.

"Wow, a free trip to Paris! That's unbelievable!" Sheen excitedly shouted.

"I know! I can't believe that we don't have to pay a cent!" Libby agreed.

"Wow, we get to go to Paris!" Cindy told Jimmy.

"Yes, that's great. You know that it's the most romantic city in the world, right?" Jimmy slyly asked her. She just blushed and turned back to her book.

Two Months Later

Jimmy and his friends stood in line at the airport. They were about to board the plane to Paris.

"Wow, I can't believe this is really happening!" Libby shouted.

"I know, I've always wanted to go to Paris!" Cindy said as looked to her side at Jimmy. They were holding hands in line.

"Awww," Libby, Sheen, and Carl both said.

"Oh shut up," Cindy quietly told them, but she was blushing.

"I am going to miss Goddard, though," Jimmy said to nobody in particular.

Soon the entire class was seated on the plane. The entire fifth grade had been seated next to each other on the middle of the airplane. Cindy was next to Jimmy, Libby was with Sheen, and Carl was sitting next to Bolbi. Jimmy looked backwards and saw Betty and Nick sitting together.

"What are you looking at?" Cindy angrily asked.

Cindy turned around and smiled as he saw that Cindy was jealous. "Relax, Cindy. I've got you now. You know Betty doesn't hold a candle to you," he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Alright then," she told him. She couldn't help but giggle a little.

Jimmy smiled as they took off. He had never been on a plane before. He was excited to be flying and not have to pilot the hover car for once. He was enjoying being a passenger.

A few minutes after takeoff Cindy glanced out the window. She quickly grabbed Jimmy's hand and squeezed it hard.

"What's wrong?" a concerned Jimmy asked.

Cindy was about to lie, but she felt that they were close enough for him to know the truth. "I, uh, well, I've always been a little nervous about flying," she whispered to him.

"But we've flown in my hover car and rocket dozens of times," Jimmy told her, a little confused.

"Well, you were piloting them most of the time. And as much as I hate to admit it, I trust you, Nerdtron," she told him with a smile. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

Jimmy was flattered. Cindy never had complimented him like this. God, I love her when she's like this. "Thanks, Cindy. And don't worry, this plane is completely safe," he gently told her.

As if on cue, the plane rumbled violently. Several kids dropped their drinks into the aisle. Cindy looked up at Jimmy, pure fear in her eyes.

"We are experiencing some turbulence. Please buckle your seatbelts," a flight attendant instructed over the intercom.

Cindy sat there frozen. Jimmy gently shook her. "Cindy, buckled your seatbelt," he whispered into her ear. She nodded and buckled her belt.

"We're going to be fine," he said half to her, and half to himself.

Author's Note: I've said this before, but I really mean it now. I need to know if this story is good or not. I've never written a story like this before, so I don't know if I'm doing a good job or not. So please let me know. I don't want to write an entire story if nobody likes it.

Well, thanks for reading. I hope you liked it.