Wolf Blossom (Sakura): Hi! This is a co-written story! Wolf Blossom and CuteMikoGirl have worked long and hard on this –sniffle- what am I saying? Long and hard? Buddy, we laughed our asses off writing this!

CuteMikoGirl (Miko): That we did… weird, Sakura was telling me about a story she was going to post and the title was Tell me a Story. I thought she meant it so I started telling her a story. In the end she tells me that the title is Tell me a Story but my story was so good we continued! And that's why this chapter is called The title that became a story (Even though Sakura dubbed it: "Trying to be hot"..don't tell her I changed it, shhh)

Sakura: STOP TAKING ALL THE CREDIT! –pouts- then I write chapter 2 and we decided from there! So enjoy this series of one-shots written by two insane girlies!


Title: A Simple Misunderstanding

Summary: Misunderstanding someone can be dangerous. Especially when the misunderstanding is between two hyper teens. Now, their wrath is on the anime hotties. Series of one shots. !Warning: Laughter ensues past this link.

Genre: Humour/Romance

NOTE: Randomness is also happening so these stories will probably have no point and will make NO sense whatsoever! ENJOY!

Trying to be Hot

Once upon a time, there was beautiful princess named Ria, and there was a very perverted prince, Mike. Princess Ria liked Prince Mike but because of Prince Mike's perverted attitude, Princess Ria would often get mad at him and ignore him.

One day, Prince Mike got ignored by Princess Ria because he asked her to "talk dirty" with him. So, the only way to get her to talk to him, since nothing seemed to be working, he decided to dress up as Miroku, since he remembered Princess Ria's "minor" obsession –If you get what we mean- with the perverted monk in Inuyasha: A feudal Fairytale…and he DID find that the Miroku resembled him in a way… and so… Princess Ria was his Sango.

So he went to find some robes that resembled the one of Miroku and bought them (though he wasted all of his allowance money buying the robes). He tied his hair in a low ponytail (which was actually a wig) and finally he approached Princess Ria while she was admiring the wonderful garden. Sakura Blossom trees were everywhere and were in bloom, and petals were flying everywhere. He coughed to make his presence known and when she saw him she squealed and immediately started undressing him...but as soon as his chest showed, her face scrunched up in a frown and she looked at him in disappointment.

"Eww! You're skinny like hell; you're all skin and bones! DISGUSTING! And adding that to your already rotten charm, no one would like you!" she screamed and then proceeded to tell him to screw off. (Or go screw a cow in some cases)

Prince Mike was very depressed and walked away, passing the route with beautiful flowers. He stopped at one point and turned around, observing the beautiful princess, she was wearing a white Kimono with pink cherry blossom petal designs on them, her hair was clipped up in a bun on top of her head...she looked like a real princess...well she WAS a princess...his princess… he added mentally as he started grinning stupidly.

He then decided that he would make Princess Ria proud and went to the cave to the almighty wise Priestess Mi and he bent down and started begging and praying: "OH almighty Mi! Please help me! I need to become hot so that Princess Ria could love me as much as I love her"

He waited as Priestess Mi was silent for a few minutes...and then she answered her wise words, "Eh...what? I just woke up...I don't get what you just said."

Prince Mike sweat dropped and bent on his knees once again and said, "Please oh please almighty Mi, help me become hot for my princess Ria!"

Then, after 2 minutes of "ooooh-ing", she spoke once again her wise words, "Why the fuck are you telling ME this? God you're stupid, just go train or something, what do you want ME to do? I ain't no fairy!"

"Oh thank you great one for showing me the way, oh great Priestess!" Mike said bowing repeatedly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, let me sleep now!" she muttered and then she kicked him out of her cave, her snores shaking the walls of the cave.

Mike was wandering around finding some kind of dojo to train, but ended up in a forest, face to face with a hot looking man, who had a tail swung over his shoulder.

'Is that a girl? That's a very hot girl… a very sexy manly girl… I like manly girls!' Mike grinned but then shook his head. 'No, Princess Ria is the only one for me! Girly, sexy princess Ria- if only Ria were manly! NO NO!' Mike scolded himself. 'Must- resist- sexiness- of- manly- woman!' Mike's eyes turned into swirls.

Sesshomaru –who was good enough to be compared to god- glared at him and Prince Mike remembered Princess Ria going on and on about how she loved this "Fluffy-sama" thing and how strong and evil he could be. 'Is he Fluffy-sama?' Mike asked frowning. 'I thought that this was a manly sexy woman.'

Sesshomaru looked at Prince Mike and with a dry tone he asked Mike.

"Mi-chan sent you here didn't she?"

Prince Mike was amazed by this Sesshomaru-samas icy tone, which held such manliness.

'Damn, not a sexy hot manly woman!' he thought as he cleared his throat to answer, "Why yes! How did you find out oh great one?"

Sesshomaru sighed and shook his head. Human males WERE pathetic, he then told Prince Mike. "You have her feet imprint on your ass... she kicked you out of the cave didn't she?"

Prince Mike sweat dropped and blushed; he then went onto his very puny and ugly, not to mention pathetic knees and begged.

"Please oh please teach me how to become strong like you are and as hot as you! I want my Princess Ria to be proud of me and finally love me… and do stuff with me..." Prince Mike added at the end as he grinned in a perverted manner.

Sesshomaru gasped and said. "You mean THE princess Ria, the one with the beautiful hazel eyes that has tints of red, brown, yellow and gold? Whose hair is as silky and soft with her tendrils caressing her face? The Princess Ria, whose hair also has high lights of red in it, that brushes by her waist? The Princess Ria, whose hips sway when she walks, her long lean legs pump when she runs, her lean arms, which any man dies for her to touch? That Princess Ria? The Divine of the divine, the serene of the serene, the sexy of the sexy?"

'Since when did the all unemotional Sesshomaru break down and describe how perfect my Ria-chan is huh? Man this guy needs lessons on how to keep his façade up. He's so tough and scary and now he's so dreamy- wait- do I see stars in his eyes?' Mike thought.

"Yes, the Princess Ria," Prince Mike answered finally, "so will you help me?"

Sesshomaru thought for a moment about the beauties of Princess Ria and how this ugly son of a pig wanted her, before he answered, "Yes, this Sesshomaru will help you become strong and as hot as me, but at one condition..."

Prince Mike looked up happily and said, "What is your condition?"

Sesshomaru replied, "The condition is that you give me what I want once I successfully make you as hot, sexy, gorgeous, tough, beautiful and dreamy like me."

Prince Mike smiled and shook hands with the hottie guy. And so their training began, working day and night, Sesshomaru made Mike carry buckets of water from the stream and back up Mount Fuji to wash Ah-Un. Unfortunately, by the 7th day, Ah-Un rolled in mud and Mike had to repeat his task again.

At the end of their training, Prince Mike looked very hot -of course, no one surpasses the great Sesshomaru-. He went back to the castle, anxious to see his princess and her reaction.

Sesshomaru had decided to go with him as to reclaim his prize when the time comes.

As they arrived, Sesshomaru hid behind a tree and Prince Mike approached Princess Ria. Princess Ria gasped and said, "Holy mother of turnip fart! You look so hot now!"

Prince Mike smiled as he got down on a previously ugly, but now hot knee and proposed to Ria. Ria smiled, thinking of how she'd show off her hot husband when she went to Bingo next week and said yes.

When Ria said yes, Mike smiled and thought of all the perverted things on earth.

Right then, Sesshomaru stepped out of behind the tree and said to Mike in an all powerful manly voice which Mike didn't posses, "Did this Sesshomaru do well?"

"Yes, this Sesshomaru-sama did very well, what would you want? Anything you ask is yours!" Mike said enthusiastically.

By this time, princess Ria was squealing and shrieking at the sight of the all mighty Fluffy-san and his furry tail… I mean fluffy tail!

Sesshomaru looked around and his eyes landed on the beauty of the Princess. His eyes glazed over as little stars appeared in the centre of his pupils. "I want...Princess Ria."

Prince Mike looked terrified, beyond terrified. Prince Mike looked as if he was going to cry!

"NO! You cannot have her!" he cried with little balls of tears in his eyes, Usagi style.

Sesshomaru looked at him and arched his perfect eyebrow as Princess Ria went by his side and started petting his boa of a tail. "And why not? Was it not our deal that I would ask you one thing in return? You wouldn't want me to spread the rumour around that you did not keep your word now would you? What kind of prince would you be perceived as?"

And so Prince Mike looked down sadly, and said, "No way in hell am I going to lose my Ria!"

Sesshomaru looked at him with the arched eyebrow and started taking out his sword,

Prince Mike brought out his sword and a random voice (which actually belonged to the all mighty Mi) yelled, "BATTLE TO THE DEATH! ...or to the one that cowers away... JUST HURRY ON WITH IT! ugh...you guys are wasting my precious time... I COULD BE DOING SOMETHING ELSE RIGHT NOW BESIDES WATCHING SEXY SESSHOUMARU AND UGLY MIKE FIGHT…well...watching Sesshomaru fight isn't all THAT bad...grr…JUST GET ON WITH IT DAMMIT…and Sesshomaru, Ria, YOU GUYS OWE ME BIG TIME!"

Everyone sweat dropped before the two males retook their stance.

Mike stood still and Sesshomaru prepared to attack, that is until Mike yelled, "LOOK OVER THERE! PRINCESS RIA IS GOING TO GET KIDNAPEED!"

Sesshoumaru turned around, fearing that his princess was going to get hurt and Mike ran away yelling, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCKER!"

Sesshomaru and Princess Ria sweat dropped at his cowardly behavior. Sesshomaru brought Princess Ria to his lands and married her.

Then, they had a lot of babies together… A LOT of babies… what is Princess Ria, a breeding machine?

Priestess Mi had the honour of being the maid of honour and the godmother of all the children.

As thanks from Sesshomaru, he presented Mi with Inuyasha and Syaoran, which produced a bunch of heartbreak, sadness, and anything you'd find in a typical love triangle. But that, my friends, is another story saved for another day


Miko: That is the end of "The title that became a story"! THANKS TO ME!..(I know..the title doesn't have anything to do with the chapter..but meh..I liked it...so moo :P)


Miko: -pats Sakura's back-

Sakura: -finishes coughing- ehh… sorry… I do enough menacing laughs in my stories… I'm getting to old…

Miko: -shakes head- well anyways… you guys have to come back for part 2!

Sakura: BYE!

Miko: Later!

Sakura: LUB…