Sue was panting by the time she got into the building. She had just been chased by more people on the streets, and, once again, she had to become invisible. The hard way. It was a chilly afternoon, and she was shivering still. She had her hands over her arms, trying to get warm.

"R-Reed! J-Johnny?" she cried, her teeth chattering. Reed appeared in the room, looking around with a confused expression.

"Sue?" he said, still looking around. "Where are you?"

"C-Can you get me my robe or something?" Sue asked, too cold to move. Reed nodded and disappeared into Sue's room. Inside, he looked at the framed photo of himself on Sue's desk, and smiled. Meanwhile, Sue looked out the window into the cold, cold air. She rolled her eyes and sighed. She saw Reed appear, and he held the robe out. He still had no clue where Sue was. Sue grabbed the towel, making Reed jump a bit. He nodded in an awkward silence and put his hands in his pockets while she put it on. Once she was finished, she turned visible again. She let out an exasperated breath.

"What happened?" Reed asked. "Uh, you okay?"

"Yeah...," Sue said, nodding slowly. "I'm just...cold, is all."

"Oh," Reed said, quickly taking his hands out of his pockets. He hurriedly walked over to Sue and put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tightly. Sue looked up at him and smiled, and Reed smiled back while making eye contact. Sue leaned in very slowly, but was quickly interrupted.

"Yeah? Sorry, I was busy doing-" Johnny came out of his room and stared at the two for a long time. They hadn't moved, until Reed cleared his throat, looked down, then looked back up at Johnny. He let go of Sue and crossed his arms.

"Uh...," Johnny said, staring at them both, speechless. He looked up at the ceiling, then back at them and opened his mouth to say something. Then he closed it, and pointed at the two with both of his fingers. "What are - were - you doing? Or, um, do I want to know?" His shocked face quickly turned into a teasing grin.

"No, Johnny," Sue said, sighing and shaking her head. "It's-"

"Oh, so I don't want to know!" Johnny said loudly, grinning.

"Johnny, please," Reed said, giving a nervous face at him. "Your sister came back, uh, invisible, then I just...helped her. That's all. There's nothing more."

"Why? What are you thinking?" Sue asked curiously, looking at Reed. Reed sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing...," he mumbled.

"Hey, Big Guy!" Johnny cried, knocking on Ben's door. He looked back at Sue and Reed, but they weren't paying attention to him. Johnny smiled and was about to knock, but then Ben opened the door, and Johnny knocked on Ben.

"OUCH!" Johnny cried, holding his aching hand. He frowned at Ben, who was smiling down at him.

"You wanted me to open the door, so I did," Ben said, making a point. He sighed. "Okay, so I did. Now what?"

"Look at Sue and Reed!" Johnny said in a hushed and excited tone. Johnny pointed to the two, andhe and Benboth peered over at them, who were apart and frowning at each other.

"Just tell me!" Sue cried.

"But I have nothing to say! How can I tell you?" Reed cried back. He thought for a moment, then said sarcastically, "Okay, um, I wasn't thinking anything. Happy?"

"NO!" Sue cried. "Please, Reed, just tell me what you were thinking!"

"But I wasn't thinking ANYTHING!" Reed cried furiously. Johnny and Ben looked at each other with cocked eyebrows.

"They're usually so happy," Johnny said, confused. "Now they're...screaming and yelling like monkeys fighting over a banana or something." Pause. "Isn't this fun?"

"You betcha," Ben said, not taking his eyes off the two. Then he looked at Johnny and said, "That's usually us over there fighting. Hm... What a change."

"Tell me about it," Johnny said, rolling his eyes.

"Sue, just please!" Reed said, trying to change the subject. "I was thinking nothing, okay? Why? Why would you want to know what's going inside my head!"

"Because I had something going inside mine," Sue said angrily, and stormed off into her room. She slammed the door behind her furiously, leaving Reed staring at it, confused.

"Oh," he said, raising an eyebrow. He looked at Johnny and Ben and opened his mouth to say something, then after a long pause, he finally said, "You didn't see anything... okay?"

"Fine by me," Johnny said, raising a hand solemnly. "I could just replay the whole thing in my head anyways." He laughed out loud alongside with Ben.

"Same here!" Ben said, slapping Johnny a high-five. He immediately regretted it.

"OW!" Johnny cried, holding his aching hand again. He looked at the redness on it and gripped it tightly with pain. Reed laughed.

"Yeah, and I could replay that over and over and over in my mind again, too...," he said, shaking his head. Then he sighed sadly, his smile disappearing. He opened his door and silently shut it behind him.

"Now what do we do?" Ben asked no one in particular. He looked at Johnny, who was thinking. A smile slowlycrept on his face.

"How about this: I bet that they won't make up, and you bet that they will and that they'll be all kissy goo-goo about all this," Johnny offered, his grin widening. Now it was Ben's turn to smile.

"You're on," he said. "Of course they'll get together again! Are you crazy? They're totally in love! Jeez, Johnny, goes to show what you know about relationships."

"Hey! I've been in more relationships than you'll ever be in!" Johnny cried back, getting angry.

"Okay, fine!" Ben said, getting angry as well. "You bet that, and I bet that they will get back together! I'M GOING TO WIN, and you know it! So GOODBYE!" Ben slammed the door in Johnny's face with a growl.

"You're so idiotic!" Johnny cried, walking backwards slowly to his door. His hands were over his mouth while he was shouting.

"Wow, who knew that you knew that word?" Ben said sarcastically in a loud tone. He rolled his eyes.

"And you can't say goodbye, stupid! I live, like, right next-door to you!" Johnny cried. "And I am going to win that bet! And I'm going to prove it!"

"Fine!" Ben cried as loud as he could.