Hey, it's been long again. I have been very busy since I have one manga ending soon and a movie to finish! Oh, and I have to make the manuscript of the next story… And I have to catch up to some deadline… (I don't want to make my friends wait too long… heheh)

You must be thinking this author thinks she's a real manga-ka or author huh?

Hey! It's fun to play manga-ka sometimes! Try it! Seriously, it's a stress reliever for a High School Student Junior.

Now, you know why I'm kind busy? Heheh. Really sorry, I'm not very good in time management.

Oh well.

Chapter 6

She's still not here yet… he stood by the airport door looking nervous, turning his head towards different directions in search of the one called Miss Aya Hoshino, the girl he asked a few days ago to pretend to be his fiancé.

After another ten minutes, she dragged in a small but rock heavy suitcase-trolley, wearing a medium-sized bagpack and an uneasy yet refreshing smile.

"Honto ni gomen na sai!" she bowed her head several times and apologized to the boy who of course, asked why she was late.

Clearly he was quite nervous about what he was about to pull off.

The walked through the departure door and began having their luggage checked.

As they were both waiting, Rei thought it took just forever. He couldn't help but feel apparently just too… bored.

Aya thought about this feat carefully. It shows in her expression, in her eyes as she gazed into space, desperately trying to find a way and even picture out how the heck will she act the part he expects.

This might be an exciting ride, she half-thought, but as always, she wanted to keep that to herself. She convinces herself that she shouldn't do anything assertive or even try to advance her feelings like that.

Rei looked at the serious looking girl and he couldn't help but laugh at her in the inside.

She's so worked up with this! He thought. He wouldn't admit that he was worked up with that dilemma too.

They boarded the plane and sat together, like couples do. Rei seemed distant as usual, especially because he was next to the window.

Aya tried to forget her more unusual motion sickness upon lifting off by putting her forefingers at the lower temples of her head and her thumbs slightly covering her ears.

Rei noticed her heavy breathing, he paid no mind. He thought it was just motion sickness.

The plane was stably in the air. They were flying safely and normally, and yet Aya, still did not stop her heavy breathing for some reason.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked.

"I'm okay… It'll go away soon." She faintly replied.

He touched her forehead.

"What the hell?! You're burning you idiot!" he yelled at her. She merely weakly shut her eyes and sighed.

He took a blanket, wrapped it around her.

"Wait here, I'll call the stewardess." He whispered to her.

He was about to stand, when he felt a grip on his cuff.

"Don't leave me here…" she weakly said.

He stopped, and sat. He looked at her breathing heavily, turning bright red. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at him and smiled.

He was temporarily stunned and felt blood running through his cheeks, but slapped himself to stop blushing.

He was quite nervous, especially when she smiled like that.

Why can't I breathe around her anymore? When did this start?! She's making me go nuts! He thought.

He watched her. She was in pain, but he couldn't leave her. He hoped for a stewardess to pass by.

He couldn't take it anymore. Maybe too pathetic a sight… or so he thought.

He gently moved her head, had her lean on his shoulder closely.

"Rr…Rei-kun?" she muttered, shivering.

"Um… Just for now." He stuttered, feeling even more nervous because he felt her hot breath on his neck.

He tightened the blanket around her and kept her a little warmer.

A stewardess thankfully passed by.

"Miss, I need some fever medicine and an ice bag here."

"Yes sir." She briskly walked back like a nurse and came back with what he needed.

He replied with a thank you.

"Aya, drink the medicine. It'll make you feel a little better until we get off the plane." He whispered to her.

She nodded and drank the pill. He ran the ice bag through her forehead, and wiped some hot, sweaty spots of her face and neck with his handkerchief.

"Rei-kun… I'm sorry I was late…" she talked a little.

"Idiot. You didn't tell me you weren't feeling well."

"Heheh. I had quite a sleepless night. Sorry." She laughed.

"This plane ride will last still 12 hours you know. We're still in Asia." He sighed.

"I'm okay Rei-kun." She slowly opened her eyes.

"Just shut them and get some rest."

"Okay Rei-kun."

"What's with the -kun lately?"

"I seemed to have forgotten my place all this time. Since Ran always calls you by name, I seemed to have gotten it from her." She smiled, talking about how much she had been influenced by Ran.

"She's such a strong person… I really want to be just like her… She speaks her mind always and just has a lot of fun without any reserve. She also has a very amusing and good sense of justice." Aya started to list the litany of 'I wish I were like" again.

"And Miyu… She's one of the most lovable people I know. She has a very kind and caring heart and attracts so many people… Maybe that's why she has such a good relationship with Yamato." Aya smiled bitter sweetly and started to miss her beloved friends.


"You're not answering my question." He smirked mockingly.

"Why?" she semi-pouted. (a/n: eew, I hate it when people pout!)



"Now you get my point. Have some rest now." He turned his head away after.

"Arigatou Rei." Then she rested her head on her seat's headrest properly.

Flight 5678 has now landed in the John F. Kennedy Airport. Please gather your belongings and proceed to the designated area to claim your luggage. Thank you for flying with us, we hope you enjoyed your short stay.

"Aya, wake up now. We're here." He poked her arm and woke her up.

"We're here?" she smiled brightly and looked around, then she reached to look through the window.

Rei was her obstacle, but she didn't mind he was there and pushed herself closer to the window to get a better view.

"Aya! It's… kinda…" that proximity of her body to his during that moment when she was awed with the beautiful morning sky made him nervous.

Then, Aya energetically leaped off her seat and ran to claim her luggage.

"Hey! Idiot, don't run!" he chased after her.

"You snooze you lose!" she was slowly resembling her friends. She was also trying to forget all that tension she felt about Rei's problem.

"You're all better now, I can tell. It's obvious." He lifted that big trunk of his.

"That's a good thing isn't it?" she smiled.

They were about to hail a taxi outside when they saw this tall man with dark hair.

"Yuujiro" he greeted him.

"Rei-sama." He bowed his head, then turned to Aya.

"This is Hoshino, Aya." Rei introduced her to the guy who seemed to be Rei's guide or something.

He bowed his head to her. She followed.

"Your father has been waiting." Yuu turned to Rei.

"We better get going then." Rei stated walking.


That's all for now!

I still have to get some sleep.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

-drops of jelly