Author's Rants: OMG parodirific. 'nuff said. D

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

You've Got Mail

"What's this...?" asked Anna Kyoyama, staring at the large metal device in front of her. "It's called a computer Anna." answered Manta Oyamada as he made the final connections in hooking the CPU up.

"It was sure nice of Laryla to send us one. She also gave us e-mail addresses and the address of all of our friends!" Yoh said happily, holding a sheet of paper with e-mail addresses on it. Anna frowned. "I don't trust Laryla...she's up to something."

Manta turned on the computer and watched it boot up. "I agree with Anna. Laryla isn't the one to do something this nice without there being some kind of negative side effect."

Yoh shrugged. "It shouldn't be that bad. You two take things way too seriously." he said in his laid back tone. Manta opened Yoh's e-mail inbox and Yoh, Anna, and Manta's eyes widened. For on the screen it read.

"Welcome SamuraiAsakura, you have 462 e-mails in your inbox."

Anna frowned. "I knew it."

Yoh whimpered. "W-What the?"

And Manta winced. "Looks like this is gonna be a long night Yoh..." he said, trying to brighten the mood.


"Thank you so much!" squealed a very excited fangirl. Laryla smiled. "No problem! Anything for a fan." she watched the fangirl run off with a sheet of paper containing the e-mail addresses of every person in Mankin. Laryla snickered. "This should be very entertaining..."

ChibiLaryla: I don't know how many of these there are in this section. But I'm just adding another one. I'll update this quite frequently so no worries.