Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters.

Jimmy lowered his hands and walked up to Cindy. "Good idea," he told her. She just nodded. Cindy tossed the empty gun to the ground.

"So, I guess it's over," she said.

"Remember what Nick said," Jimmy reminded her. He took out his knife and went over to the killer, making sure that the job was done. He walked back over to Cindy. She picked up the flashlight, and they headed down the hallway.

"So, now what?" she asked.

"Well, I guess that I could try to fix the cell phone and call for help. If that doesn't work I'm sure a rescue team will come to help us. We never showed up at home, they know we're at school," he told her.

They continued walking and headed into the cafeteria. Jimmy smashed open the vending machine and handed Cindy a soda. They sat down and drank their drinks in silence. Jimmy finally threw his into the garbage and stood up.

"I guess, I guess we should, uh, you know. Clean things up," Jimmy sadly told her. She nodded her head and followed him to the other end of the cafeteria. Jimmy stood up on a table and cut Brittany down from the ceiling. They walked around the school and said a prayer over each body. When that was done they headed back to Ms. Fowl's class.

As Jimmy wrapped his arm around Cindy's shoulder she leaned her head against him. Jimmy kissed her forehead. "Hell of a day, huh?"

Cindy sighed. "I've seen better."

Oh yeah, forgot about that, Jimmy thought to himself as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out the circular device the killer had used to speak. He had taken it off of him when he had made sure he was dead.

"What is that thing, anyway?" Cindy curiously asked.

"Let me see," Jimmy said as he fingered it. He pushed a button on it. The machine lit up and started talking.

"So two are left alive and think it's done. But there will never be an end to my fun. It could start over a day from now or a year. But either way you have a lot to fear. So keep one eye open and keep on your lights. For another will resume my fight. I may have been killed and am now dead, but this fear you will not shed. So prepare yourselves for another run, the next one comes at ten past one."

Jimmy looked behind him and stared at the clock. It was about to hit 1:10 a.m. "Get down!" he yelled as he threw the device across the air and pushed Cindy to the ground. A loud explosion occured at the other end of the room.

"Are you alright?" he asked Cindy as he pulled her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she told him. They stood in silence for a moment. "So, did that mean what I think it did?"

Jimmy sighed and led her out of the room. "Yeah. It's not over."

Author's Note: And so my story is done. Thought I'd leave it open for a sequel incase I got bored one day. What did you think?