Okay, so this is it. I am so glad you all enjoyed it, and I hope the ending is to your liking. If not then you can cuss me out for it.

Everyone have a happy Holiday every one.

S. K.

Gryffindor Tower

The next morning, Harry woke in the infirmary. Sometime in the middle of the night he had decided to lie in the bed next to Hermione, to be there just in case she woke. He looked towards Hermione's bed, but she was already gone. He looked at the clock it was mid morning and breakfast was soon to be over. "Thank god it's Saturday," he said to himself as he got up.

Just then Madame Pomfrey walked into the Hospital wing and smiled, "Professor Potter! Miss Granger told me not to wake you, as she knew you would be tired." She explained.

"Thank you," Harry stated, "have you any idea where she is?"

"The Great Hall! The house elves made the most wonderful breakfast this morning in celebration of the headmaster's return to life," She said with a grateful expression directed towards Harry, "You must hurry before breakfast is all done."

"Thank you," Harry said walking out and heading to the Great Hall. He noticed the stares that he got as he walked the halls. It was not the first time, and he figured that the news of Dumbledore's return had spread throughout Hogwarts.

As he walked into the Great Hall, the four houses stood and applauded arduously. Harry was completely uncomfortable with it, and walked on towards his friends. Ron stood up and hugged him as he walked by. "It's all over The Daily Prophet, apparently Dumbledore wanted it all to blow over quickly so that everything could get back to normal and he could focus his attention on more important things," Ron whispered.

"What does that have to do with me?" Harry asked in the same loud whisper.

"Apparently, He was sure to die in a few days, had you not looked for him then." Ron said placing his hands in his pockets. "Said he had been trying to break free of the spell for weeks."

"You are a born hero Professor, we can't help but celebrate your successes." Luna said placing a hand on Harry's shoulder having heard what her two friends had said.

With a nod, Harry pressed on towards the Main table. He looked at Hermione, really looked at her, and admittedly she looked a lot better than she had been since that weekend at Hogsmeade. As he looked back on the past weeks with her sudden voracious appetite, her non-fear of flying, and the way she seemed so hot and cold made complete sense. Now he only hoped that he could make her happy.

She stood up to give him a hug in greeting, but he kissed her instead. This was not a caste and simple kiss, but an ardent I- want-to-love-you-forever kind of kiss, which threatened to consume her inside out.

From her seat Amanda Doan seethed, "I can't believe this, I can't," she said angrily storming out of the Great Hall.

"You really can't be surprised Amanda," Imily said to her following her out.

"Oh shut up Imily." Amanda shouted back as she made her way to the Hufflepuff common room.

Up at the main table Harry and Hermione part from their kiss, the Ahh's of the audience barely registering in their ears. "Wow," Hermione said.

"Complete animal," Harry whispered back. Hermione blushed at this and slapped his arm lightly as they settled to eat.

Breakfast was full of interactions and congratulations and soon the Great Hall was nearly empty. Hermione turned to her fiancé who seemed bored with his conversation with Slughorn and whispered in his ear. "What are you up to today?"

"Some more of this I guess," Harry answered as he signaled Slughorn to stop talking for a moment, "I need to get away."

"The Quidditch match is today remember?" Hermione asked, "You have an excuse." He smiled at her for that, "Meet me at Gryffindor Tower I want to get some things before the match."

"Professor, I have just remembered," Harry said turning back to his previous conversation as she walked away, "My house team is playing yours today, and I believe you have some encouraging to do?"

"Oh, Mr. Potter all of the remaining Slytherin are on that team." Slughorn said getting the point, then leaned closer to Harry, "Between you and me, they don't stand a chance. Though you are right. I will speak to you later."

"Not if I can help it." Harry stated under his breath as he hurried out of the dining area. He headed towards the Tower, as everyone seemed to be heading for the Quidditch pitch. The Young woman of the portrait swung open as he approached Hermione's chambers and he smiled a greeting at her. "I'm here." He announced himself as he stepped inside.

Hermione was in the bathroom making herself a bit more attractive. That kiss had awakened her in many different ways, and couldn't wait to be with Harry again. This time however, she was determined that he would choose the terms. "Alright, I'll be right out." She said, then she told herself that she could be patient with him.

Harry sat on her bed, the entire room smelled like her, and suddenly he had a need for her. As she stepped out of the bathroom, Harry's need grew greatly. She dressed in Muggle styles that he found irresistible. This was always a sign that she was off duty, as you would never see her like this during the week. She wore a pleated skirt that sat just right on her hips. Over that, she also wore a boat-neck sweater that she pulled down to expose her shoulders. "Ooh," Harry said taking in the vision before him.

Hermione blushed and smiled, "Ready?" She asked picking up her robes on the way to the door.

Harry nodded and stood to follow. He watched her as she walked ahead of him; He was still reeling from the heat of the previous kiss. Taking a page from Hermione's book, he took her hand and spun her around. He kissed her ardently pushing her back against the wall, and lifting her so that he could pin her down with his hips

Hermione was breathless, her heart beating three times faster as she felt his hand on her thigh. She loved the weight of him pressing her against the wall. When the kiss ended, Harry only paused a moment to get her approval. "Oh god," Was all she could manage to say, as his hand made its way up her skirt.

Without much hesitation on his part, Harry continued kissing her neck as he moved up to her knickers. "So wet," He murmured against her neck, "Must have you now."

"Yes." She whimpered, then moaned as she hips grind into her. His erection very noticeable through his pants, "Please."

Without hesitation Harry had his way with her there, against the wall of her chambers, It was fast and passionate, resulting in both of them reaching their most intense climax.

"I can't believe what's just happened." Hermione said laughing as they stepped out onto the hallway minutes later. "I'm going to have marks on my back for days for this."

"You asked for animal," Harry retorted just as the door to the common room opened. "Ron... Lu...na," Harry said, then a smirk formed his lips. The sight of his best friend and his girlfriend, whom looked even more over the moon than usual, was absolutely telling.

"I was just, I mean..." Ron began to squirm.

"Relax Ronald, It's just sex," Luna said giggling, as she straightened her robes a bit and ran fingers through her long pale hair. Harry and Hermione attempted to keep their mirth to themselves and failed as well.

Harry draped an arm over Ron's shoulder, "Mate, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the match?" Harry asked as he started walking Ron toward the pitch. He was all ready dressed in his Quidditch robes; he just needed to get to the pitch.

"That's why we were quick about it." Luna said taking Ron's hand.

"Those can be good and intense," Hermione stated taking Harry's as the four walked down to the pitch.

"I thought I told you I didn't want to hear about your sex life," Ron groaned.

"I wasn't talking to you," Hermione answered.

Harry reveled in this perfect moment, without resentments and fully content. The three of them and Luna side by side. Unencumbered by what was yet to come. The rest of the school year was still uncertain and the big battle was yet to come.