"I don't care what you say! You were cheating! Only cheaters break someone else's lightsaber like that!"

"Why are you so mad about it, Steph? It wasn't even real!"

I, Stephanie of the planet Earth, stopped trying to shove the red plastic blade of my phony lightsaber back into the handle just long enough to lift my head and glare at my sister Kimberly, also from Earth (duh!). "I don't care!" I snarled. "I hate having to constantly fix this retarded thing! Why can't Mom just buy some Superglue already?"

"Because it's your lightsaber and you have money," Kim pointed out.

I growled and shoved my lightsaber into my black backpack.( I take it everywhere) I stood up and slung it over my shoulder. "Whatever," I said, turning away from her and stomping into the forest. "You tell Micheal that I won't be going against you two for awhile."

Micheal is my brother's best friend. He's as much into Star Wars as I am. But just to point out, though we are friends he isn't my boyfriend.

Anyway. Kim called to me but I ignored her. I was too upset to even look back. I shoved my robe, a red Chinese kimono style bathrobe that I got from my older sister for my sixteenth birthday, behind me so it flowed in the breeze (I like to wear it when I fight with my lightsaber. It makes me look more of the part). The wind blew it away from my body as I walked. Soon when I was far enough in the woods I sat down on a rock under a tree and sighed. She had been cheating.

Okay, I think I should explain a few things before I go any farther.

I got a red Darth Vader lightsaber from my best friend for a graduation present. I really like it but since I have a bad temper I broke it by throwing it against my bedroom wall. (I fixed it later). Ever since then, if I fool around with it too much it falls apart. I would buy a new one but I like this one too much.

My younger sister and I were fooling around with them earlier today. We had been goofing off with our lightsabers. I had been acting like a Sith and Kim and been the Jedi. (That's why I was wearing the robe. It looks Sithish). Anyway she whacked my lightsaber so hard with hers it fell apart once again. I got mad and yelled at her as I tried once again to fix it. ( I do that pretty often) and you know the rest...

Now back to what I was doing at that moment when I rested against the tree.

I closed my eyes and breathed a moment to calm myself down. A minute later I opened my eyes and just stared into space letting my over active imagination take over. (It happens often. I'm planning on becoming an author. I guess authors have that kind of imagination).

I started to fantasize (Something I do a lot when I'm bored or have nothing else to do).

Anyway, I started to imagine myself walking through the forest, my lightsaber (a green one) ignited in my hand as I went. I was a Jedi on a mission during the Clone Wars. I just got out of being a Padawan and was now on my way back to my ship to return from my Jedi Trials. Now that I had completed them I could become a Jedi Knight.

I had just reached my ship when...

A loud snapping of a twig brought me out of my fantasy. Instantly I stood up and looked around. I saw no one and heard nothing more.

I must have been imagining things, I thought, I've been reading to many Clone Wars Novels...

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind. An arm wrapped around my neck. Out of reflex I gasped and reached up with my hands. I grabbed an arm and began to dig my nails into it.

"Let me go, Kim!" I shouted. "That's not funny..."

A glowing rod of red light burst to life before my eyes. My eyes bugged out as I stared at it. That wasn't plastic! It didn't even come close! What is going on?

"Okay," a raspy voice whispered in my ear. "Don't say a thing or try to get away. If you do either I'll cut off your head. Understood?"

I stared googly eyed at the glowing red rod in front of me. Is that real? I knew what it was capable of doing if it was. I don't usually like being told what to do but I was willing to make an exception.

Just this once.

I nodded and didn't say anything.


Whoever had that thing in front of my face started to drag me backward. This jerk kept me entirely off balance as we went. I don't know if they were doing it on purpose or not.

Either way it was making me mad. I hate it when people do those kinds of things to me. It's real annoying. Besides I get mad real easily.

I would have said something but I didn't want to be decapitated.

It wasn't long before I was being drug up some kind of ramp. It clanged under my black sandals. It sounded like it was made of metal. Why do I get the feeling I'm about to go through one of those retarded gangster type movie scenes?
Before I knew what was happening I was inside what looked like a metal airplane. (Without all the luxuries. More like an army plane)
Oh crap! I've been drafted!

The door shut in my face and the whatever it was we were in began to rise into the air.

"No!!" I exclaimed.

I half expected, now that I was in the metal army plane, whoever had grabbed me earlier would let me go. No such luck.

I was drug farther into the ship/plane/whatever and shoved into another room. I fell off balance but was able to keep from falling over.

"Hey!' I shouted, turning around.

This door also shut in my face.

"Jerk!' I yelled at whoever had closed the door.

The only answer I received was something that sounded like a million rats running under my feet. Then I was knocked to the metal floor.

"Ow!" I wailed as my backpack smacked into my spine.

I looked over my shoulder again. "Jerk!" I screamed. "What did I ever do to you?"

I scrambled to my feet and looked around. "This place kinda looks like a room in a star ship...," I commented. I looked toward the door. "And that looks like one of those doors that opens when you walk into it."

I walked toward the door, expecting it to open. Instead it stayed in place and I walked into it. "Ow!"

Okay, I thought, holding my nose. So it's locked. I ran my hand over the metal door. Maybe if I kick it enough it will open...

I smacked my foot against the door. The only thing that accomplished was me going. "YEOW!" and grabbing my sore foot and hopping around.

"Okay, bad idea," I said to myself. "Time to think. How can I get this door to open without hurting myself?"

I decided to try pulling a MacGyver.

If you don't know who MacGyver is he's this awesome character from an old TV show called MacGyver. He can come up with almost anything to help him get out of tight spots.

My problem is; I'm no genius like he is. This will cause a lot of thinking. I sat on the floor and pondered over what to do as I stared at the door.

Then a thought came to me. I took off my backpack and rummaged through it for a moment. "I hope it's still here." I pulled out my library card. "Bingo!" I said smiling in triumph.

I re-zipped the backpack, put it back on, and knelt down by the door. I just hope this works.

I slipped the card out of its protective plastic case and shoved it in the crack between the door and the wall. I then began to push the card upward.

If this didn't work my second idea would be blowing up one of my Walkman's extra batteries. But I think that would cause a biohazard. I really hoped this would work. There was no way I wanted to end up with two heads.

I heard a satisfying click as I brought the card up to where I thought the lock would be. I was not expecting the door to swing wide open, though. When it did I nearly fell flat on my face.

I quickly regained my balance and shoved my library card into my jeans pocket. I stood up and stepped out of the room and into the corridor.

I looked around.

By then I had decided that this whole thing was a huge retarded prank set up by my sister and Micheal.

Whoa, somebody's been watching too many sci fi movies! This place looks almost exactly like a starship! I shook my head. Boy, Kim and everyone sure are going all out with this. Though it's a bit overboard for a prank...

I started down the hall, my sandaled feet clanking noisily on the metal floor the whole time. Sure is realistic looking. I thought, reaching up to touch the wall. I wonder how they could afford it.

I walked down the endless hall for what must have been hours. I hope I'm getting close to the way out of here. I mean it's impossible to walk forever-


I jumped back as a glowing red rod of light suddenly blocked my path. "Not again, Micheal!" I shouted. "Would you stop it with that thing! And how did you manage to make it look so real?"

A tall figure stepped out of the shadows. I could tell by the way it was shaped that it wasn't Micheal. In fact it wasn't even male and it was too tall to be Kimberly.

"How did you get out?" demanded the same voice from earlier.


"I... Um... I..," I stammered walking backwards. "I gotta run!"

I turned around and hi tailed it out of there.

A/N I've had this idea in my head for awhile and finally started on it. I hope you like it so far. Please don't ask me why the Sith would want to kidnap her. You'll find out later.