Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh

A/N: My first YuGiOh fiction… Hope you enjoy! I think I like it a lot. (But that could be because I wrote it :B) And I would use the Japanese names, because I know them all, but I'm too lazy… XD


"Where's Tea?" Yugi asked Joey at school, one month after the pharaoh's leave.

"I don't know… She's been skipping class a lot lately… I think she's like, depressed or something." Joey scratched his head.

Yugi sighed and looked down. He wouldn't show it, but he felt the same way recently. "I'm going to go find her. I'll see you later!" Yugi waved and walked off.


Tea was on the roof of the school, sitting on the rail next to the high fence that blocked her from falling. She sighed and looked out into the distance. It had been a month since he left. It was hard to believe, but life had gone back to normal since then. School had gone on the same way, with the teacher droning on about school work, and it seemed like nobody cared that Yugi was only one person again.

Tea remembered when he had left. She promised herself that she wouldn't forget him no matter what. But that promise wasn't hard to follow through with…

She remembered how before, she had been so jealous when Rebecca hit on Yugi, but recently she didn't mind. It was like she didn't have any feelings for Yugi anymore. When had the feelings first started anyway? When he got the puzzle.

Suddenly, she realized the answers to her confusion. She fell in love with that intense face that faced all danger head on. Not the cute one that smiled at her at school. It wasn't Yugi she was in love with… It was… Atem…

She pulled her knees to her chest and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears that were already rolling down her cheeks.

Falling in love really is to fall, isn't it…?

"You miss him too, huh?" Tea looked up and saw Yugi next to her, leaning on the rail.

Tea quickly wiped her tears and responded with a soft. "Yeah…"

Yugi looked up at her. "I may be assuming… but… you had feelings for him, didn't you?" When Tea didn't respond, Yugi moved closer to her and continued. "If it makes you feel any better, I think he might've felt something for you also…"

There was a silence between them before Tea suddenly looked up at Yugi, her eyes filling with tears. She grabbed him and hugged him, choked sobs escaping her throat. "I still don't understand… why he had to go…"

"I don't really understand either, Tea, I don't really understand either."


Atem looked into the sky and thought about what he had left behind. Here in Egypt, as pharaoh, he felt lonely… Sure, he had his friends here to keep him company, but it wasn't the same. They treated him like pharaoh, not like a normal everyday person. It felt like slowly, he was falling…

He leaned forward through his window, and felt the hot breeze blow through his hair.

"Don't worry about it, it'll all come together!"

Tea's voice and smiling face flickered through his head. He opened his eyes. That had been happening a lot lately.

He hadn't been able to see the Egyptian Tea that often, and he missed seeing her future form, always there for him.

He closed his eyes once again. Oh great god, Ra, please grant my wish. Let me be with them once more…

Somewhere inside his head, a deep voice answered his prayer. "Very well then. If you so desire to return to that time, I will give you a second chance. But on one condition: You must find the truest, purest, deepest reason you wish to return within one week. Or else you must return again, and those you visit there will have no memories of your being there."

Atem was surprised, but he nodded. All I want is a second chance…


Yugi returned home with a heavy heart, and he knew Tea did the same. No matter how much they pretended that they were okay with Atem's leave, they knew it wasn't the truth.

Sometimes Yugi would even put on the puzzle; jut to see if he was there, but the only thing he felt was the cold metal around his neck. He missed the consoling voice inside his mind.

Today he did the same. He opened his drawer to take out the puzzle. He stared at it for a moment, sighing. Without warning, the puzzle began glowing. Yugi gasped and stepped back. The light became brighter and brighter until Yugi had to close his eyes from the blinding light.

He opened his eyes and it cleared, leaving a figure kneeling on the ground. When Yugi's eyes adjusted, he saw a mirror image of himself, except taller, with darker skin, and white Egyptian robes.

"A-Atem?" Yugi asked disbelievingly.

Atem looked up and smiled. "Hello Yugi."

"Oh no! This time, I've really lost it!" Yugi rubbed his eyes. "Someone help me, I'm going crazy!"

Atem laughed. "No, you're not, it's really me. The gods gave me a second chance here." He paused. "There is something I need to find in myself… and I have a week to do it. If I don't, then I'll return to Egypt, and you won't have any memory of my visit."

Yugi's face fell. "Oh…"

Atem put a hand on Yugi's shoulder. "Don't worry. I assure you, I will find it." He gave Yugi a smile, and Yugi smiled back.

Suddenly, something snapped into Yugi's head. "Oh!" He said. "I think there's someone who wants to see you!"

"Huh?" Atem blinked.

"Oh, but you can't go out looking like this, I'll have to find you some normal clothes!" Yugi shuffled through his closet. "I think these will fit you!" Yugi pulled out the black shirt that he used to always wear and a pair of jeans that were reasonably long for him. "Come on, let's go!"



A/N: Hey, chapter one is finished! Please review!