The story starts, while the sun shines in the morning.

In Cabin 3, where Lazlo, Clam, and Raj were sleeping until it was 8:30 AM. The microphone started to activate, but Lazlo already knew it was 8:30. He quickly got up out of bed, wore his usual clothes (Like always), and off he went to wait for his Scoutmaster to come here.

Raj woke up from the tip-tapping that Lazlo did before he left. But when he checked Lazlo's bed, he (He didn't know) couldn't see him.

"Clam! Wake up now!" -Raj

Clam, who was already woke, got out of bed and came to Raj.

"Ugh, what now!" -Clam

"Lazlo isn't here to wake us up! Where did he go all of a sudden?" -Raj

"He left before you knew." -Clam

Raj sweat dropped from what Clam said. After five minutes of getting ready, they came out of the door. They saw Lazlo sitting on a bench waiting for Lumpus to start this day. Clam sat with Lazlo, but Raj wasn't going anywhere.

"Morning, Lazlo." -Clam

"Oh? Hey, Clam! Ready for the next day?" -Lazlo

"Sure..." -Clam

Edward, with the Dung Beetles (Chip and Skip, Skip was holding the badges) found Lazlo outside.

"Well, what do we have here?" -Edward

"Please, leave me alone Edward." -Lazlo

Edward backed away from him. He bumped into Raj, which Raj was mad at him. His hat, which was a toy propeller (But it wasn't anything like it can fly), was spinning.

"And what are you doing to him?" -Raj

"Doing nothing..." -Edward

His propeller stopped, and then fainted.

Next was Slinkman, Lumpus's partner for camp.

"Uh, are we ready for camp, fellow scouts?" -Slinkman

"Yeah... We're ready for camp, Slinkman." -Everyone except Clam

(9:10 AM)

Scoutmaster Lumpus came out of the Office with a big grin on his face. He came to the Bean Scout team that was everyone.

"Attention, people! We have a big mix-up on my schedule, so we'll have free time until the next four days left." -Lumpus

Everyone was cheering for life and Lumpus left for fixing.

(12:46 PM)

Everyone was having fun in every way possible.

Lazlo - Fishing

Clam - Fishing

Raj - Projects

Edward - Fishing, because Lazlo thinks that he can't fish

Chip and Slip - Projects

Slinkman - Creating games so everyone can play.


On the Fishing area...

"C'mon! Bite already!" -Edward

"Don't be too hasty, Ed! Just wait... Patience..." -Lazlo

Clam felt a tug on his Fishing Rod.

"I got a bite!" -Clam

Clam was reeling it in but the fish kept making it go back. Lazlo jumped in to help Clam and he caught it!

"Looks like we caught a fish, Ed!" -Clam

'Darn it!' -Edward

Lazlo went back to his spot, took the Fishing Rod, and waited.


On the Projects Area... (1:13 PM)

'When are we going to make a plan for something?' -Raj

Chip was thinking on something like what Raj did. Raj, then, had an idea. He took off his hat and spun it. The propeller only turned once on the left side, but it turned around on the other side.

"Finally!" -Raj

He spinned it from the left side, but was holding it. After 150 times of preparing, and he was still holding it, wrote a letter. He sticked it and let it fly.

"Is this your idea, Raj?" -Slip

"Yes, it is. Why do you ask?" -Raj

"Just asking." -Slip


Back to the Fishing Area...

The propeller that Raj did to let it fly crashed on Edward's face and he fell. Lazlo ran to Edward until he found a letter.


For anyone who sees this:

This is a test, okay?

Yours truly, Raj


Lazlo kept a pen and replied the message. Edward was dizzy in front of the clear grass area. Lazlo did what Raj did, and off the propeller.


Projects... (1:28 PM)

The hat that Raj had was back on his head. He took out his message...


Hey, Raj! Thanks for your note and I already knew the flying thing.

Best regards, Lazlo


"Shoot! He already knew it!" -Raj


Meanwhile... (3:51 PM)

Slinkman found a big and clear area for a new game.

"Now what should I make..." -Slinkman


(4:23 PM)

At the Squirrel Scout Camp, everyone (I really don't know their names yet...) was doing some activities from Jane Doe (Their Scoutmaster). But Nina checked out on the river and found the Bean Scouts partying until night.

"Hey, Gretchen and Patsy, come over her for a minute." -Nina

As they came to Nina, Patsy was shocked.

"They're lucky. VERY lucky..." -Patsy

"Even we can't party yet." -Gretchen


(Until night... 8:34 PM)

Lazlo and his bunk-mates, Clam and Raj, was back in Cabin 3.

Edward and the Dung Beetles was a Cabin 2.

Slinkman was a Cabin 1, sleeping.

Lumpus was at the Office.

The microphone activated for Lumpus and everyone was hearing what he was saying.

"It's time for lights out, fellow campers. I hope you had fun, because we only have three days left until we go back to what we're doing. Good night!" -Lumpus

Lazlo was wondering if Lumpus was doing when this happened. He fell asleep anyway...