Ok so this is my first fanfic. My older sister, Moon's Darkness got me in to this. If you are a Kikyohater or a Kagomelover leave now! Because I don't want flamers. But yes Kagome is in the fic so that means Kagome bashing. That will most likely be toward the end of the story. Well R&R plz!

Friendship Everlasting

Chapter 1

Kikyo walked down the hall with Sango and Ayame. They were headed for there first period. The three girls had always been friends ever since k-5 and now they were in the 10th grade. They did everything together if you saw one of them then you see the other two as well.

Kikyo walked up to her locker " Good lord my locker is a mess!' Sango and Ayame laughed "Kikyo it has always been messy ever since the 7th grade." Ayame said.

"Hey well it looks better than yours!" Kikyo said. Sango and Ayame giggled then Ayame said, "I was just kidding. Kikyo chill." Then Kikyo says, "Yea you say that now."

"Come on we have to get class before the bell rings. You know how the teachers are about us being late." Said Sango. "Well it's only the first day they will allow us to be late. That's the glory of the first day of school." Kikyo said while smiling. "That's always Kikyo for ya." Sango say. "Yea I'll say" Ayame agreed.

Just then the bell ringed. Kikyo smiled and at once all three of them said, "Now we are officially late." Then Kikyo said in a confused tone " How did you know I was going to say that?" Sango and Ayame giggled then finally Sango spoke up "You say it every year Kikyo." "I do?" Ayame and Sango sighed then Ayame said, "Come on before we miss the entire first period."

"Oh I forgot about class!" Kikyo said looking at her watch and smiled " We are 15 minutes late. That's a new record so far for being late on the first day." They all headed for there first period class.

Kikyo, Ayame, and Sango finally made it to class. The teacher was at the front of the class at her desk looking at papers and at the sound of the door opening she looked up and said, "Oh! You must be my three missing girls you are 15 minutes late but as it is the first day of school I will overlook your tardiness. Now if you will take your seats." Kikyo, Sango, and Ayame all sat in the back row. They all sat across from each other. Then three guys in front of each of them turned around. The three guys were none other then Koga, Inuyasha, and Miroku. Koga was in front of Ayame. Inuyasha was in front of Kikyo and Miroku was in front of Sango. Then finally after a long time of looking each other over Inuyasha said, "Well long time no see ladies." And after that was said all three of the boys smirked.

After a minute of studying each of the boys Kikyo spoke up and said, "Hey you are the three boys we used to hang out with in elementary. Koga, Inuyasha, and Miroku." Then Ayame and Sango said, "Yes, it is them!" Both Sango and Ayame were surprised.

Koga, Inuyasha, and Miroku always hanged out with Kikyo, Sango, and Ayame during elementary school. They were one big group. They hanged out together and were the best of friends. They did everything together and never hid secrets from each other but then in the 7th grade the guys got put in a different room than the girls. It was that way in the 8th and 9th grade too. So they lost touch a long time ago and now they were meeting back up with them.

"Wow! It's really been a long time guys." Kikyo said. "Yea it has." Inuyasha said. Then Miroku smiled at Sango and said, "Well, Sango I have longed to see you!" Sango sighed and said, " I bet u just miss touching my butt don't you Miroku?" then Miroku laughed and said, "That is true but I have also missed you Sango." "Sure pervert." Sango said.

"Hey so which lunch do you ladies have?" Koga asked. Ayame replied, "First lunch." Then Inuyasha said, "Cool we have the same lunch as you girls so lets met up and talk like old times. So what do you say girls?"

Kikyo said, "Sure why not." Then Inuyasha said, "Hey let me see your schedule." Kikyo handed Inuyasha her schedule with her classes on it. Then after looking at the piece of paper Inuyasha smiled "Well, it looks like you girls have the same classes as us. So maybe we can get back in touch with each other over time. I mean we will be spending every school day together so this will be like old times." The girls smiled. And Ayame said, "That's so cool!" "I know." Miroku said happily. Then Sango sighed "Another year with the pervert. I guess it won't kill me."

Just then the bell rang. So all the students got up and headed for their second period class. Kikyo, Sango, Ayame, Inuyasha, Koga, and Miroku all walked in a group. Just like old times. Once they reached their next class the girls sat across from each other as always and then the boys sat behind them. Koga was behind Ayame, Inuyasha was behind Kikyo, and Miroku was behind Sango. Sango didn't like the idea of Miroku behind her and everyone knows why she didn't want him behind her. Every five minutes Miroku would get slapped.

Then Sango turned around, "Would you stop it! You pervert! God you haven't changed at all." Sango said. Then Miroku answered, "I know and I am glad too." And with that he smiled. Once again Sango said, "Pervert!"

"Oh, yes this will be my favorite class." Miroku said. Sango just sighed, "How did I survive with him before back in elementary?" Sango said.

After second period was over they headed down the hall to their next class. "Its really great that we are all back together." Ayame said. "Yea it is isn't it" Koga answered. "Hey you girls want to hang out with us at the mall after school?" Inuyasha said. That made the girls smile.

Kikyo and Sango said, "Sure!"

"Great! Then we will met up in the front of the school when school is over." Koga said.

"Ok we will be there once we put our books in our lockers." Said Ayame.

"Yea we will have to put our books in our lockers too." Miroku said.

After school was out the girls headed for their lockers. "Hey since our first day is on a Friday do you girls want to have a sleep over at my tonight?" Kikyo asked. ( I know having the first day of school on a Friday is weird but my school did that for some stupid reason)

Sango said, "Yea that will be fun and I have nothing else to do."

"I will be there too." Ayame announced happily.

"Good so after we get back from the mall with the guys you two can go home and get your stuff then head back to my house." Kikyo said.

"Sounds good to me." Sango said.

"Hey we better get to the front of the school to met up with the boys they might get mad if we are late." Ayame reminded them. "Oh yea, lets go." Kikyo said. The girls put their books in their lockers and headed for the front of the school.

Once they got to the front of the school they saw the boys there. Inuyasha spotted them first and said, "Well it took you girls long enough what the hell were you girls doing?"

"Cool it Inuyasha. Ever since elementary they have been late to everything and even now. I thought you would be used to it." Miroku said. Then Kikyo spoke up, "And we see you haven't changed a bit either, Inuyasha."

Then Inuyasha spat back, "What's that suppose to mean?" then Kikyo answered, "That temper of yours hasn't changed at all." Inuyasha just growled at her.

Then Miroku said, "Come on lets go to the mall already you two can flirt with each other later." Kikyo glared at Miroku. "Oh, no she is giving me the glare. Last time she gave me the glare she threw a shoe at me. It was a fuckin' hard shoe too." Just then Kikyo threw her shoe at Miroku. It hit him right in the head. Everyone laughed. That is everyone but Miroku. "Ouch! What the hell was that for!" Miroku asked.

"Don't play stupid with me, Miroku." Kikyo replied. Kikyo walked over to Miroku and picked up her shoe and put it back on. "Okay Kikyo if you are threw beating the shit out of Miroku lets go to the mall." Koga said.

"Okay lets go." Kikyo told them. "Ya finally we can go!" Ayame said happily.

They all headed out to the mall. All the way to the mall Miroku was rubbing his head. "God I am glad Sango doesn't do that to me every time I touch her ass." Miroku said. "Hey I heard that pervert!" Sango spat back. Miroku just laughed. "Funny for you." Sango said.

Then finally they arrived at the mall. They all walked threw the main entrance. They all looked around amazed to see so many people in the mall.

"So where to first?" Miroku asked. "I don't know." Koga answered. "Lets grab a bit to eat first." Inuyasha said. "Sure." Kikyo agreed. So they all headed for the food court. Once they got there Koga said, "So what are you guys getting?"

Kikyo answered, "Well Sango, Ayame and I have already eaten lunch at school so we will just get a smoothie."

"Okay then three smoothies for the ladies. So what do you guys want?" Koga asked. " I guess I will just get a burger." Inuyasha answered. "Yea put me down for a burger too." Miroku told them. "I guess I will get a burger too then." Koga said.

"I will buy the food." Koga said. "Aw Koga that's so sweet! Thanks so much! You are so much different than Inuyasha." Kikyo told him and smiled. Then Inuyasha said, "Hey he's not that sweet!" "Oh my is Inuyasha getting jealous?" Miroku asked while laughing. "What no way you got it all wrong Miroku! How could I get jealous of Koga?"

"Because the ladies love me and you cant stand it." Koga said. "Isn't that right Inuyasha?"

"You wish the ladies loved you!" Inuyasha spat back. "Men! Cool it! Ok, we are in public so don't draw attention. Ok?" Kikyo told them. "Oh, right anything for you, Kikyo." Koga said. "Hey would you stop talking to her like that, you are acting like she is your girlfriend or something but she's not!" Inuyasha said angrily. Koga just started laughing. "Hey what's so funny? Huh?" Inuyasha asked. "Just as I thought you are jealous. You like Kikyo don't you, Inuyasha." At that Inuyasha turned red in the face. "What no Kikyo is just my friend and nothing more okay!" Inuyasha replied still red in the face. "Right you say that now." Koga said. "What's that suppose to mean? Huh?" Inuyasha asked. "Nothing, nothing." Koga said.

"Well if you don't mind Inuyasha I am going to go buy our food now." Koga announced. Koga walked up to the counter and began ordering the food. "Hey Inuyasha if you weren't jealous then why were you red in the face?" Kikyo asked clueless. "What? Well…uhh. I am going to go help Koga with the food." Inuyasha said running off toward the counter.

"Hey wait you still didn't answer my question!" Kikyo yelled out after Inuyasha. Kikyo sighed, " God men can be a real pain in the ass."

"I know that's true!" Sango said looking over a Miroku who just smiled and touched her ass and then there came Sango's slap. "Pervert!" Sango yelled at him. Ayame just laughed at them. "Hey Ayame why are you so quiet?" Kikyo asked looking at Ayame.

"Oh I was just thinking about something." Ayame replied. "Oh you mean Koga?" Kikyo said. Then Ayame turned red all over and answered, "What no way! I wasn't thinking of him."

"Whatever." Kikyo said. Kikyo smiled. She knew Ayame liked Koga but she would never admit it. So finally Inuyasha and Koga came back with the food. It only took them a little while to eat. As they all finished Sango stood up first, "So where to now?" she asked her friends.

"I know lets go to the arcade and play some games or something." Kikyo announced. "Sure that's sounds like fun." Sango agreed. "Okay so off to the arcade." Kikyo told them. Every one got up and headed for the arcade.

At the arcade they played a lot of games and after about an hour of being there Kikyo spoke up, "Oh god I didn't know it was this late! I have to go home and make dinner for my little sisters!" Kikyo said. "Sorry but I got to go maybe we can hang out some this weekend." Kikyo told them. "Okay Kikyo see ya later." Inuyasha said. "Bye!" Kikyo yelled out while walking away from them. "Hey Sango we better get going too, remember." Ayame reminded her.

"Oh yes, me and Ayame must be going to. Bye guys!" Sango said remembering she was going to spend the night with Kikyo and Ayame. And with that Sango and Ayame walked off in the direction Kikyo had left in. As soon as they were out of the mall Sango spoke up, "Well I have to go get my stuff for the sleep over I guess I will met you at Kikyo's house." Ayame nodded. "I have to get my stuff too. See ya Sango!" Ayame said running off in the direction of her house. Sango headed for her house too.

(With Kikyo)

Kikyo had finally made it to her house. "Man, that was a long walk. Next time I am taking my car." Kikyo said to herself. Kikyo opened her front door and walked in. As soon as she shut the door she heard someone call out her name. "Kikyo! Where the hell have you been!" Kagome asked pissed off. Kagome was Kikyo's little sister. Kagome was a year younger than Kikyo so that made her a 9th grader. "Me and Kaede have been starving!" Kagome complained. "Well if you ever learned how to cook we wouldn't have this problem, Kagome!" Kikyo said back. "Well if you weren't always late we wouldn't have this problem, Kikyo!" Kagome said argued back.

Just then a young girl came out of the hall way "Sister Kikyo! Your home!" the young girl ran over to Kikyo and hugged her. "I missed you so much." The young girl told her.

"I missed you too Kaede." Kikyo told her younger sister as she hugged her back. "Sorry I am home so late I lost track of the time, Kaede." Kikyo told Kaede. "Oh its okay Kikyo." Kaede said.

"Do you mind I am starving here!" Kagome reminded Kikyo. "Oh all right I will go make some food." Kikyo told them. Kikyo got up and walked into the kitchen. Kikyo was used to making dinner for her younger sisters because their mom had to go off to work a lot and would come home pretty late so Kikyo was in charge since she was the oldest of the three. "Kagome, can you be nice to Ayame and Sango tonight? Please?" Kikyo asked Kagome.

Kagome was a little sister who would bug the living shit out of you and not only did she bug Kikyo she also bugged Ayame and Sango like they were her sisters too. "Why are they coming over tonight?" Kagome asked. "Yes they are so please be nice to them. Okay?" Kikyo said.

"Ayame and Sango are coming over! Ya!" Kaede said happily. Kaede was like Kagome's opposite unlike Kagome she was kind and very polite. Kaede liked Ayame and Sango because in a way they were like big sisters to her, they came over enough to be. Most of the time when Kikyo, Kagome, and her mom would go some where Ayame and Sango would baby sit her.

Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh that must be the girls." Kikyo said. "Kagome be nice to them. Okay?" Kikyo asked again. "Sure, sure whatever." Kagome replied. "Kaede can you get the door? I am still cooking." Kikyo said. "Sure!" Kaede said as she rushed to the door. Kaede opened the door to see Sango and Ayame. "Sango! Ayame!" Kaede said happily. She hugged both of them. "Its nice to see you to Kaede." Sango told her with a smile on her face. "What's up little bit?" Ayame asked. Kaede laughed. Little bit was Kaede's nickname Ayame had made up for her. "Nothing but the ceiling." Kaede said.

Ayame and Sango walked into the house. "Hey girls!" Kikyo called out to them from the kitchen. "Hey Kikyo what are you cooking? It smells good." Ayame said. Ayame always loved food. She loved Kikyo's food the best.

"Thanks, Ayame. I am cooking noodles." Kikyo told Ayame. That's put a smile on Ayame's face. "N-noodles! I love your noodles!" Ayame said happily. Kikyo just laughed, "I know, I know" Kikyo told her. "They are almost done so just cool it. Okay?" Kikyo asked. "Okay!' Ayame replied.

"So Ayame, Sango do you girls have any boyfriends I should know about?" Kagome asked. Ayame and Sango were used to this question since Kagome asked it a lot. Kagome was one of those girls who would steal your boyfriend. So when ever she asked that question you should say no because most likely you would lose your boyfriend well if she thought he was hot that's is but if you were smart you wouldn't take that chance.

"No, we don't have a boyfriend at the time, Kagome." Sango told Kagome.

"Aw man!" Kagome said sadly.

"Kagome! How many times do I have to tell you to stop asking that question! God you are so rude you little bitch!" Kikyo said. Kikyo usually didn't cuss because most of the time her little sister, Kaede was around but when she got mad she would cuss.

"Hey don't call me that!" Kagome said. Just then Kikyo came out of the kitchen with the noodles and sat them on the table. "Finally!" Kagome yelled. "Oh shut up Kagome why don't you learn to cook on your own." Kikyo said.

"Will you two please stop fighting." Kaede begged. "Okay we will stop. Now lets eat." said Kikyo. Everyone sat down at the table and ate. After dinner Kikyo put Kaede in bed and Kagome went up into her room to watch T.V.

Kikyo, Ayame, and Sango all went into Kikyo's room. "Sorry about all that." Kikyo apologized. "No sweat, Kikyo." Ayame told her. "Thanks." Kikyo said. "After we met up with the guys again I have felt kind of funny and I think I know what it is." Kikyo said. Ayame and Sango leaned forward curious to what Kikyo was about to say. "I…I think I like Inuyasha."


Okay so that was my first chapter. It turned out longer than I thought. I wanted to stop it at a good part like all the other fanfics. So plz r&r I really want to know what yall thought of it. This was my first fanfic. And as you can tell I hate Kagome but I wanted her in the fic as a real bitch person but I didn't want her to be Kikyo's friend so I made her the evil little bitch sister and of course I had to have Kaede in I think she is cute, you know the younger Kaede not the older Kaede. Well plz review and tell me what you think of the first chapter!