Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, so just keep that in mind . . . I merely love writing about them.


A CSI Story

Nick awoke with a start. He layed in his bed, wondering what had woken him up. Then he heard a crash outside his door, instantly he was on alert. He quickly grasped his gun that rested on his nightstand. Nick carefully walked to the door, turning the knob handle quickly and pulling the door open.

His stomach turned at the sight of the person in front of him. "Hello buddy, it's been a long time!" It was Nigel Crane. "Wha . . . what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in prison!" Nick said feeling queasy. "Oh Nick, best friends always find a way!"

Nick didn't even noticed that his gun was now laying on the floor, after he had dropped it from initial shock. It wasn't until Nigel crane had lifted his own weapon, a pistol did it even register. "Well even though we are the best of friends, sometimes friends need to be punished! That's why I'm here!" Nigel grinned broadly, stepping towards Nick. Nick began to reach down for his gun. "Uh, uh Nick! Don't make me shoot, what's coming next will be better dealt with if you don't have a bullet hole in you!"

Nick spared a glance at his clock . . . it was now 3 a.m. No one would notice him gone; it was his night off. Quickly, Nick went for his gun. A loud shot rang out, and Nick felt a searing pain surge through his body. He cried out in pain, watching as blood systematically spilled from his shoulder, tainting his white collared shirt. "See what you made me do? I'm your best friend, I have to protect you, even if it is from yourself!"

Nick now lay sprawled on the floor, pressing his hand against is wound, moaning every time he tried to move. Blood pooled around his shoulder, white dots danced across his vision making it impossible to focus on anything.

Nigel quickly went to the distressed officer's side. Carefully he rolled Nick onto his stomach, when Nick tried to fight back Nigel pressed the gun to his head. "Okay Nicky, you know I'm not going to shoot you in the head . . . but I will shoot you, making this little lesson a little more unpleasant." Nigel's smile widened when Nick's movements stilled.

Nigel quickly grabbed the black bag he had brought with him, searching. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and secured Nick's wrists with them. "Okay Nicky, let's get started." He turned Nick back on his back, observing the red that was staining Nick's white shirt.

"First rule of discipline, make the victim immobile." He began kicking Nick in the stomach. One . . . two . . . three . . . four . . . CRACK. "Oops, guess I broke a rib or two!" Nigel said as Nick cried out and threw up blood then curling into a ball. "Second rule . . . well I don't know the second rule, so we're going to go to more pain tactics, you should have stuck up for me Nick, they were taking me to prison, you said nothing, we're friends, you should have set them straight!" Nigel babbled.

Fear and pain surged through Nick. What's going to happen to me? He thought helplessly. Suddenly a knock on the door sounded. "Is anybody home?" the voice. Nick looked at Nigel whose eyes opened wide in shock. In one swift movement Nigel was securing a gag around Nick's mouth. He then turned towards the door and yelled, "Just a minute!"

He walked to the door and opened only 6 inches, a police officer stood there. "Can I help you?" Nigel asked. "Sir, one of the neighbors heard something like a gunshot come from this apartment, is everything okay?" "Sorry, the TV was probably on too loud, it's the John Wayne marathon, I do that sometimes, it wont happen again!" Nigel said quickly. The officer smiled and nodded and said, "Okay sir, make sure it doesn't, have a nice morning!" he turned and walked down the hall. Nigel closed the door and locked it. He smiled menacingly and walked back over to Nick and said, "Let the lesson begin!"

Two hours passed and the beating continued. Every form of torture was used. Nick was burned, stabbed, and slit. Nick's body convulsed violently as he choked on blood that had been caused from internal injuries. Muffled cries were heard and Nigel almost felt bad for his best friend, seeing that blood now decorated his gag. Finally Nigel grabbed Nick's baseball bat and gripped it tightly in his hands. "We're not done quite yet Nick!" The baseball bat was brought down repeatedly on Nick's body, inflicting new injuries.

Nigel only quit when he was sure Nick was unconscious. He kneeled beside Nick and observed the damage. The blood loss was huge; pools of crimson decorated the carpet, along with Nick's immobile body. Bruises decorated Nick everywhere, his head, arms, legs, face, neck, everything. Blood dripped sluggishly from gashes that covered the unconscious CSI. Finally Nigel spoke, "You passed the test Nick, when your better I'll come back for you!"

Nigel quickly picked up his tools put them safely in his black bag, and left the scene. But sparing a glance at Nick, "I promise buddy, I'll be back for you, then we can finally express our friendship!" He shut the door and rushed down the hallway.