My Bleeding Heart

Chapter 17: Guardian Angel

Okay, I came up with a song for the story; it's Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. It's really pretty and I think the chorus matches the story pretty well, although some of the main verses might not XD Anyway, go upload it on you ipods and such. : )

No…I'm not dead. XD , Okay wow, haven't updated since… a while. Well I guess I got caught up in school and track and all that jazz, I have about 47 chapters of stories I haven't read in my e-mail from story alert haha.

Anyway, hope you like the last chapter – this story took me a while to write, I'll probably have to revise the beginning and everything so check back if you want to when I get the chance to update. Sorry I haven't updated I got writers block…kind of and just lost inspiration for the story. I keep writing then staring off into space…oh well; at least it's finished.

So, another new pen name, I get sick of them so quickly. What's wrong with me? Haha, I seem to like this one so far – but if anyone has any suggestions, please tell me, I might want a new one soon XD…haha.

Disclaimer: Haven't owned it never will…only in my dreams my friends.

Last time on My Bleeding Heart: "To…hru…I-I'll…always…love…you." I kissed her hand and let myself fall asleep to dreams of blackness.

Normal P.O.V. – watching - Yuki

He watched silently as an ambulance came to a screeching stop next to the alleyway, the smell of burnt rubber wafted into the air amongst the reek of dried blood. Stumbling forward he vomited, hands clenched to the slimy bricks in front of him.

He saw, almost in a slow haze, a stretcher being rushed out. On it donned Kyo, his clothes shredded to pieces, underlying was his blood stained skin shining underneath while an unnatural gleaming scarlet pallor.

An oxygen mask was quickly put onto his face, rushed people were mopping up the wound on his stomach, coming forth with a new blood stained rag after each fast swipe. More men were struggling with Tohru, fumbling to get her aboard another stretcher.

He heard her shrieks of Kyo's name and watched brokenheartedly as the men continued to position her onto the stretcher before she was given an oxygen mask of her own.

He looked back to Kyo; the men with him were motioning for the others to get Tohru aboard faster. Some were looking down at the ginger haired boy and shaking their heads regretfully, a look that passed on the hopelessness of the situation; it was if they were simply giving up on a life, years of relationships, memories, emotions…and love.

Tears unknowingly welled up in his eyes. An officer that passed him by almost shouted out when he looked into the boys eyes, it seemed as if a storm were brewing – a gray and purple torrent of misery and a silent rain of tears.

His chest heaved out in sobs – how could all of this get so wrong… so out of hand? What happened to us… to…. everything?

Shigure walked silently beside him, putting his arm on Yuki's shoulder and gently leading him to one the cars. He heard words resonate from Shigure but it took him a few foggy moments to depict what he said.

He heard the words, "Come…hospital…check…them both." He nodded silently to words that he couldn't understand, couldn't make sense of. He looked at his surroundings, what is…happening, what's going on? Everybody… are they all disappearing?

He felt the car accelerate and heard a sound overhead of sirens wailing, which sounded mournful, full of grief and longing. He felt a deep pain rip forth from his chest. A surge of memories flashed before his eyes, concerning him and Kyo – of all they went through. All that was remained…everything that went…un forgiven and full of hatred.

He stared silently out the window, seeing all the people look by as they passed, they didn't know they didn't have a concern. He saw the small children pointing in awe at the loud sirens and watched disgustedly as the adults that were scattered around went on normally, as if they didn't hear the shrieking sirens pass them by – didn't realize that someone's future was simply…shattered.

There was a slight tugging at his arm and he looked over to see Shigure, his usual childlike face was sullen and his usual cheer-filled eyes were overwhelmed with grief.

"Come," he whispered, "we're here."

Yuki stepped out of the car after him in an almost trance, the officers loitered around a while before the flustered chief came up to him saying that they had to get back to the station to take care of the criminal.

Yuki gave the chief not even a glance, as he stumbled forward towards the hospitals entrance, still in a state of mute shock. He heard Shigure conversing to the Chief in hushed voices before they parted, Shigure repositioning himself by Yuki's side before leading him up to the bare glass of the hospital door.

The door swung open electronically, allowing them entrance. Shigure led Yuki in, who seemed to be in an almost stupor. Leading him over to a blank looking waiting room, he sat him gently in a hard plastic chair; a small amount of worn cotton graced the seat, small holes were littering the striped pattern.

Shigure walked up to a worn looking receptionist, who was talking on a phone and scribbling down information on a small pad in front of her.

"Yes, yes – of course doctor."

Shigure heard her say tiredly into the phone before setting it back into the receiver.

She looked up from the folders she was filing into a crude looking metal cabinet to see Shigure standing at the desk – waiting sullenly. He noticed a small frown grace her features, encircling her eyes were dark circles, indicating lack of sleep – probably working overtime.

Her dull brown eyes met his she opened her small mouth and said in a dull voice, "May I help you sir?"

"Yes actually."

He said, studying the worn wood of the small desk, a small layer of glass parted him from the woman, who, as he read the name badge that was pinned to her shirt, was named Tae.

"I was asked to fill out forms concerning the two peoples that were just wheeled in here a while ago."

She nodded briefly, rummaging through files until she pulled out a couple slips of paper. She took a pen out of a small wire cup at her desk and passed both items to him through a slot in the glass.

"If I receive any information concerning them I will be sure to tell you." She said in a procedural voice before turning back to her filing system. He nodded to himself as the woman seemed not to be paying him heed before making his way back to Yuki and sitting quietly next to him.

He looked at the young boy, not really sure what to say or do. He seemed to be looking out into space, Shigure couldn't imagine what was running through his mind, and with a small sigh – started filling out the informational papers.

Normal P.O.V. – watching Tohru.

She had woken after three days in the hospital, to everyone's relief, before slipping back out of consciousness and in the world of darkness. During these times Kyo would appear in her mind, his hair drifting lazily over his eyes, the sun pouring above from overhead, somewhere unknown.

After a week she had fully gained consciousness, although the doctors persisted upon nobody visiting her and made her stay in the small hospital bed, which appeared to be an alarmingly bright shad of white. In fact everything around the room was that startling shade.

By the second week she was permitted visitors and had to hide her troubled eyes from everyone, as Kyo was not there and it had up caused her to go into panic, almost frantic with worry. Closely after she had asked Yuki and he replied to her regretfully that he was still in critical care.

Precisely the third week.

Normal P.O.V. – watching Tohru

She had stayed by his room since she heard the information, dragging around the large silver pole that carried her medicine that trespassed through her body by I.V. 's. Along the week she was permitted in, and with the help of Yuki she had looked at his face for the first time in weeks.

From her chest a heart-wrenching sob burst through. Yuki rubbed at her back in an awkward fashion before she knelt quietly by his bed. He had several scars scattered across his body in an askew manner.

He had several layers of gauze wrapped around his torso where the bullet had shredded through his tanned skin. On his face was an oxygen mask and pierced into his arms were several I.V. tubes. Electronics whirred above him reading his pulse, conveying his condition.

She held his hand, quietly sobbing into the thin sheet covering his wreckage of a body. After about an hour of Yuki standing a ways a way, looking at Tohru with a grim sadness, a nurse came in and told them that they had to leave. Tohru gave forth a few pitiful protests before allowing herself to be ushered out.

She came to check on him almost every day after that, resisting only when she was too depressed to move herself out of bed. She hadn't eaten much since the incident and now appeared more fragile than ever, her pale skin seemed almost translucent and her eyes seemed to be to deep voids, vacant from life.

The others had watched her silently each day, kneeling by Kyo's bed and stroking his hand in a gentle longing. After the usual ritual the Sohma's would attempt to converse with her but she only stared back with large unfeeling eyes, and she son because a self inflicted mute.

She woke up, startled. Confusion was written on her large russet eyes as she looked down at her quavering hands. She grasped the sheet tightly and pulled it to her chest. She had a dream, a horrific yet comforting dream. She had seen Kyo; he seemed to glow in almost an unearthly pallor, a baggy white shirt draped haphazardly over him.

He had come up to her, stroked her face calmly, and she swore she could've felt his rough touch. Her lips had trembled slightly, and she had clung to him, sobbing in rough gasps, his shirt caught in her tight fists. He had wrapped his arms gently around her and stood there, letting her cry out and looking at her softly. Until it all faded away, and she had woke with a start.

She had quickly sprung from bed and ran down the hall to where Kyo's room was, not bothering to change or put any shoes on. She padded into his room on bare feet and sighed in relief as she saw him still sleeping in his coma-like state. She knelt next to him, whispering softly in his ear,

"You visited me…didn't you?"

She knelt beside the bed, clutching his almost cold hand, and she felt silent tears prickle at her eyes. She heard voices outside the door and froze; they seemed to be talking about a patient. She heard the door to Kyo's room open, and quickly ducked by the side of the bed, not really knowing if she should be here this early in the morning or not.

"He seems to be struggling, like he wants to live…but I don't know if the fight will help this time, his body seems to be deteriorating."

She heard a sigh, and felt her muscles tensing. The doctor next to him spoke up,

"I guess I'll get the tests ready, he'll probably be in our care for only a week or two more anyway, do you think we should tell that girl who visits him?"

She heard them shuffling through papers, and tears were streaming down her face and she struggled not to sob out.

"No, no Gouta, we should let her hope, and you never know, we may have a miracle – it's happened before."

She heard the knob of the door twist as the doctors made ay to leave; apparently they got the papers they came in for.

"Yes, we have. But I'm afraid his heart would probably fail if he made it through anyway …"

He said something else but his voice was drifting further down the hall, and then the door clicked shut. Once she was sure they had left she felt herself tumbled to the floor, she clutched her frail arm around herself hugging herself lightly as she sobbed, faint echo's were heard around the room and she kept repeating between chocked sobs,

"Don't leave me Kyo please, I…I l-love you. I love y-you!"

She kept crying, her chest racked with pain when she didn't hear Kyo's voice – only the rhythmic sound of his gentle breathing.

They found her two hours later, the Sohma's; she was still heaped and crying on the floor. She had been moved to her bed, and hadn't come out nor touched the food that they set out for her.

The dreams happened every night for her, sometimes he would talk, and muffle something into her hair – sometimes they jut held each other close. It had been around three weeks since her breakdown in the hospital room and she was glad that they had been wrong. It had been three, and he was still living.

Still as the day wore on after her visit she began to feel the tight prickle of nausea in her stomach, and her body instinctively knew something was wrong – she could feel it taste it. She refused to go to sleep that night; she had wanted to stay by Kyo's bedside.

They practically had to force sleeping pills down her throat and wait until she fell asleep before they cautiously left to their own rooms as well.

She felt herself struggling to wake up, she knew that tonight would be different, and she didn't want to see it, she didn't want anything to do with it.

She felt herself wandering through a maze of fog, it was silent, and it was almost eerie to hear absolutely nothing. She started wandering, she couldn't find Kyo anywhere the room seemed to spiral around her and she desperately started to run, calling out his name – but the words couldn't come out and she couldn't see anything, the fog was to heavy.

She broke down in sobs, calling out his name. It felt like she was there a while when she heard a faint voice, distant though strangely familiar – like a whisper. She turned her head and saw Kyo, he seemed to be giving of a white glow and she smiled at how his orange hair flopped exasperatingly into his eyes.

He walked over slowly, and there was a frown etched onto his features which made her gasp in fear, why was he not happy, why was he not smiling?

He knelt down next to her, pulling her close and she heard him whisper her name into her ear, she shivered slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You look skinnier."

He said, his angelic voice met her ears, and she held onto him tighter. She felt his hot breath on her neck and sighed in content, glad that he was there with her again. She felt tears prickle into her eyes and felt the anxious feeling that something was going to happen enter her gut again.

"Hey, why are you crying, you know I hate it when you cry."

He whispered into her ear, subconsciously holding her closer. She bit her lip slightly, and he looked at her in worry, a scared glint shone in his eyes.

"I don't know Kyo, it's just you're in a coma! A-and they said, the doctors s-said your going to, t-to…"

She couldn't finish the sentence, but nestled her small frame into his, crying harder into his chest. He looked down at the top of her head, kissing her forehead he brought her face up to his, looking deeply into her russet shaded eyes.

"Tohru…you, you don't know how hard I'm trying. I'm fighting so hard to come back-to see how face again…but there's this darkness and even though I fight every day, it gets larger and larger everyday…"

He looked into her eyes, trying to pass an unseen message to her,

"Tohru, I-I, think I'm going to die."

A tear fell, dropping to the ground, and he looked at it in almost wonderment before turning back to her questioning orbs.

"I only have one regret, and that's to never make it back to you."

He looked down at his hands, and felt more tears drop from his eyes. He didn't look up again until he felt a slight pressure on his face. Looking up, he saw Tohru smiling at him through a torrent of tears, drying his tears with her sleeve.

He brought his arms around the small of her back and brought her closer, reaching up and swiping at her tears with his finger. That sat there for what seemed like an eternity, but at the same time seeming like a second – just drying they're tears.

She started to feel something lighter than the cottony substance he had been feeling, something smooth, almost as if it were air. He was giving off an even greater glow and she saw feathers emerging from his back, growing larger by the second. Kyo looked behind him, seeing the ivory wings donning his back his eyes clouded with emotions, none that she could depict.

"Kyo!" She cried out, not hearing her own voice, though it was cloaked with fear.

He stood with a graceful air, and she was stunned at the elegant manner at which he stood. He reached down and pulled her up, embracing her one last time.

"Tohru…I'll be with you, I swear, I'll watch over you. Promise me; don't do anything else stupid okay? But I'll make sure to protect you…forever and always."

His voice met her ears and she shivered slightly, looking up at him which fear inscribed eyes. He placed a gentle hand on her head and stroked her hair slowly before bending his head and kissing her slightly before he timidly let her go, starting to fade.

"I love you…Tohru."

Were the last words she heard spoken from him before she woke from her bed with a start, sitting straight up in bed. She let the dream soak in before realizing, Kyo had left her.

She threw her legs over the side of the bed, hurriedly throwing open the door and running down to his room she opened the door, and heard an odd buzzing reach her ears, she looked to where it was coming from and saw a large monitor that was showing a straight line that kept repeating over and over.

She put her hands shakily to her face, sinking to her knees at his side. She heard the doctor's rush into the room, trying to pull her to her feet, trying to get her to leave, but she forcefully shook them off.

They were putting I.V. tubes into him, pumping alien liquids into his veins, but she knew it was no hope. She walked in an almost daze out of the room. She didn't know where she was headed, but found herself following her feet.

She felt herself stop, she looked about her, realizing she was on the room she smiled slightly – Kyo's favorite spot to be. Not a single tear fell, she didn't have any left to give. She walked over to the railing, and looked down at the city below her.

The pale white dress she was wearing flowed softly around her in the wind, her hair whipped around her in a flurry as she spoke to herself,

"I could jump here, I could meet Kyo…we could be together again."

She smiled inwardly at the thought and began to climb over the railing when she felt pressure push at her chest and heard a light melodic voice chime in her ear,

"Didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid?"

She gasped and whirled around, she heard him, Kyo. She couldn't see him, but she could feel his presence, staying beside her soundlessly – protecting her just as her said. She climbed down from the banister.

"Kyo…" She said softly. She felt a slight pressure at her hands, and felt warmth coarse through her body. She looked down and swore she could see his hand grasping hers lightly.

Rushing footsteps met her ears and she blurrily saw Yuki and Hatori rushing towards her. She felt herself swaying, and knew she would have fallen if not for the force holding her up, when Yuki was near her she felt herself being released and she was caught in Yuki's outstretched arms.

Her vision was blackening, and she could vaguely remember herself being picked up before total blackness surrounded her.

"Stupid…" She heard the word being gently uttered, and she felt herself smiling before responding.

I love you too.


Tohru was lying in bed, she had been doing that a lot lately, but then again there wasn't much else she could do. She found her memories scrolling through her mind.

She was older now, a ripe age of eighty, and had lived through playing with Yuki and Machi's children, and then their grandchildren. Although she never married she was still a loved member in the Sohma household.

She had shared many good memories with them, but there was still a longing, a place she could never seem to fill in her heart. Kyo had indeed protected her over the years, guiding her in the right direction.

She felt something in her mind almost fading and felt something in her drifting upwards, she saw below her, her own withered body, she saw the Sohma's, then the house, then the town before she found herself surrounded by milky white clouds. She felt an odd sensation at her back, and turned her head to see a large pair of ivory wings at her back.

She walked forward, a naturally grace surrounding her and she seemed almost to float. She saw a small crystalline pond before her, fascinated she walked over, looking down she saw her reflection.

There was her image, back from when she was a teenager. Her long chocolate locks tumbled down to her waist, and her russet eyes seemed to sparkle in an unearthly manner.

She stayed there, standing for what seemed like an eternity. She closed her eyes, inhaling briefly before looking down again. This time her eyes met another presence; she saw the familiar tumble of ginger locks and sharp eyes, a familiar smile donning the angel's features. She swiveled her body to face him, and felt tears spring to her eyes in happiness.

"Kyo!" She heard herself gasp, a smile present on her lips.

She felt a finger brush her cheek, wiping away her tears. He put his hands around her shoulders, bringing her closer and resting his head on hers, staring into her eyes before saying softly,

"Hey, why are you crying, you know I hate it when you cry."

She smiled before hugging him back, burrowing her head in his chest.

That's when she knew, he had been her guardian angel, when they were alive, to now – and he had been, forever and always.

Her very own guardian angel, hers for all eternity.

She looked up at him, smiling a flurry of emotions shone in her eyes. He looked down at her and smiled back, emotions mirroring hers in his eyes.

"I love you."

She whispered, clasping onto his hand. He held her hand back and began tugging her towards a large golden gate,

"I love you too."

He said back and they walked through it together, hand in hand.

Yay! Finished everyone, and an extra long chapter for the wait. Yes, that was ten pages, haha. Okay, so hope you liked it – it had sort of a bittersweet ending…I think haha. Anyway, please review even though I haven't uploaded in forever…take pity on the poor writer lol.

So I will also (try) to revise the beginning chapters, mainly because they suck XD And I will be uploading a new chapter for Fake Authenticity, and I would really, really like some new readers / reviewers for that story. Also I will be deleting the second chapter of The Perfect Façade and redoing it because it's really, really lame and doesn't match the first so look out for that and I would love for you to read them. Well I'm out thanks for sticking through the whole story.
