Disclaimer I don't own Gilmore Girls or One Tree Hill

Just an idea I came up with on how the two shows could go togther it's slightly AU not much read to find out.

Rated T for swearing and sexal themes. (A/N Originally rated M but i pushed it down to T except for a few chapters.)

Rory, Lane, and Dean were at Stars Hollow High School on the outside basketball court. Rory and Lane was talking and Dean was playing two on two basketball with some of his friends when they see some guys and a girl walking over and sitting down on the opposite side of the court. The two boys have the hoods up on there hoodie and the other two was sitting talking the girl sitting in-between the legs of on of the hooded people legs. Dean put up an air ball and the people started to laugh and yell air ball Rory and Lane was shocked and Dean was mad he was walking over to them with the ball in his hands.

"You think you can do better?" Dean asked holding out the ball. Three of the boys walked out and took the ball the one boy took down his hood and shoot the ball from half-court and made it, then one of the other boys shoot the ball he was holding and made it, the last boy stood up and got an alley op from the other one and dunked it.

"Nathan Scott all state North Carolina and a member of High Flyers. This is Tim Smith and Skills and my girlfriend Haley James and you already now him." Pointing to the person who was walking towards him with the basketball in his hands.

"Dean Forester" They heard someone say bagboy but did not think anything of it. "Lane Kim and this is my girlfriend Rory Gilmore." The hooded man was snickering he raised his head up enough so she could see him smirking. She thought she saw it before.

"Dude is that Mary and bagboy?" Tim asked the hooded man he shocked his head yes. "Nice" "You're kidding me dawg that's Mary and bagboy." Skills said he shock his head again

"Who the hell told you that?" Dean asked Skills.

"From my big brother" Nathan told him

"How did he now about the Mary name?" Rory asked him

"Because I gave them to you guys how else would I know?" The hooded man pulls the hood back and Rory sees the messed up blond hair and the blue eyes that belong to person Tristan DuGrey. "How have you been Mary?"

"Tristan DuGrey" Rory said at almost a whisper.

"Close Mary, Lucas Tristan Scott."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asked walking over to Lucas.

"Kicking your ass if you don't back up bagboy." Right as Dean was going to hit Lucas when Lorelia walked over with her arms full over grocery bags.

"Hay bagboy isn't that your job." Nathan asked Dean.

"Rory are you ready to go?" Lorelia asked walking over to them.

"Yea Mom we're ready." Rory told her

"That's your mom damn and I thought Lucas's mom was hot." Tim said and than Lucas punched him in his arm. "What the hell is your problem?" Skills asked Tim slapping him in the back of the head.

"Thanks for the complement." Lorelia told Tim then Dean took the bags from Lorelia.

"Look at the way he holds them bags no wonder he's head bagboy." Lucas said to Nathan who laughed. "You can't teach that you're born with it." Nathan added.

"I would like to apologize for my friends some of them are really special like Tim." Haley told Lorelia which she just laughed.

"Were you guys staying?" Lorelia asked Haley.

"With Lucas's aunt and uncle in Hartford." Haley told her

"Would you guys like to stay and watch a movie with us?" Lorelia asked them and got the evil eye from Rory.

"Mom I don't think they" She was cut off by Lucas "That would be nice Miss. Gilmore thank you." Lucas said looking at Dean.

"Call me Lorelia you make me said like my mom. What are your names?" Lorelia asked Lucas

"I'm Lucas Scott, my brother Nathan Scott, his girlfriend Haley James, our friends Skills and Tim Smith." They all shocked her hand.

"Rory I've got to be heading home before mama comes looking for me." Lane said hugging Rory and Lorelia then leaving. "My grandparents are probably in by now so I'll call you later." He kissed her and stared at Lucas.

"Lucas are you ready." Karen asked him walking over to them.

"Mom this is Lorelia Gilmore and her daughter Rory Gilmore ladies this is my mom Karen Roe." The women shock hands. "Mom Lorelia asked use if we want to watch some movies with her and Rory if that's okay with you." "It's ok" Lucas whispered something to Skills and Tim. "I got my car and Nate has his why don't you take Skills and Tim to Hartford." Lucas asks Karen "Okay don't stay out to late. Nice meeting you Lorelia and Rory see you later." The rest of them went to Lorelia's house Rory keep looking over her shoulder at Lucas who was talking to Nathan "So she picked him over you bro?" "The day she told me she hated me." Lucas said loud enough so Rory could hear him.

"So Lucas you and Nathan's mom seems nice?" Lorelia asked him trying to break the silence.
" She's not Nathan's mom." Lorelia was queues Lucas could tell by the look on her face. "It's a long story but here we go. My mom found out she was pregnant right after high school and told Dan but he left for college where he meet Deb Nathan's mom and she got pregnant three months latter with Nate he left them both and was hardly in our life." Rory look back and saw the hurt in his blue eyes she never would have guess that the former king of Chilton grew up like that.
"You and Nathan seem close." Rory said looking back.
"That was all of our mom's doing they wanted use to now each other so they took use to the park together. We sleep over at each others house a lot to." They arrived at Lorelia's house without saying anything else when they walked in Lucas and Nathan took the bags into the kitchen and sat them down Lucas walked over and looked into Rory's room Nate walked over to him and looked in too.

The phone rang and Lorelia answered it she was not to happy. "Rory I have to go to the inn a tour bus broke down and they need help to get all the rooms ready. Behave and don't what up." "Okay mom if you need any help then call." Lorelia left and the kids came into the living room and sat down.

"Okay Tristan what the hell is going on?" Rory yelled at him.
"Wow their Mary down girl. First don't call me Tristan it's Lucas and what the hell are you talking about"
"This whole Lucas thing." She said rolling her eyes.
"I use to come up here every year after school and stay in Hartford. Everyone just assumed that I was my aunt and uncle's son so I played it out"
"So you mean that the whole player image was just an act?" Rory said "Yea it was an act so people wouldn't catch on"
"How about the whole Payton and Brooke thing bro?" "Yea that was a little of the Tristan persona coming out I only kissed Peyton once." They all started to laugh Lucas was staring at Rory he loved to hear her laugh. Haley saw Lucas looking at her smiling. When the movie was over Haley stretched and saw Lucas still looking at Rory and got an idea. "Nathan and I are going to head to your uncles place see you later Luke, Rory." Haley hugged Lucas and shock Rory's hand and Nathan gave him a manly hug and shock Rory's hand.

"Finally got me alone at your house Mary?"