A/N: Exams are Over! Oh, yes! No more exams until May...

Well, this is the end. I can't quite believe it myself. I love you reviewers. Thank you so much for your support, I couldn't have done it without you. Oh, I'm going to get emotional, and that, darlings, is something I don't do. I am dead inside, except, it seems, when it comes to fanfiction. I hope you enjoy this beautiful epilogue. It's been so much fun...

Oh, and this story is now in a C2: The Greatest Stories...EVER! I'm so happy about that!


30th August 1977


In thanks for her hospitality and general sweetness, I had invited Tonks to spend a weekend at our cottage. Her family had done so much for ours, and Maman felt it was about right that I invite Tonks over...as long as we had seperate bedrooms. Our cottage had been magically extended, and best of all, we had got permission to have an Unplottable Charm placed on our house entirely for free. Of course, it didn't have anything to do with the fact that the house owner's son is the boyfriend of the daughter of the secretary of the manager at the Magical Housing Department...but anyway, the Muggles can't find our house now, so they can't knock it down!

After Sunday lunch, my mum seemed to have had enough of us, though. She wanted some time alone...which was a bit unfair, since I was going to be returning to boarding school in two days, and she wouldn't see me until Christmas. She didn't seem to care much. She said the combination of hormonal teenagers (I am not hormonal! I just...all I did was...well, she didn't have to announce it in front of Fred next door when he came over!) and a mad baby (The child is mad. I'm concerned it may be taking after my dad rather than its own) was giving her a migraine. So she ordered Tonks and I to take Cosette (It took ages to choose her name, I had quite a long list) for a walk. Funnily enough, she didn't tell Fred next door to leave.

Tonks thought we should do more than take Cosette for a walk. We should take her for an adventure. I had no clue how she was going to do this, but she managed it quite spectacularly. We took her for a tour around the countryside, showing her what a cow looks like and that sort of thing. Tonks and I raced each other down the road, which Cosette appeared to adore as far as a tiny baby can appear to adore things, then we blew dandelion clocks in her face, which she also enjoyed. She's so cute and wonderful. And Cosette is rather lovely, too.

Finally, we got tired of our childish caperings and thought maybe we could lie down in a field and look at clouds. Well, actually, it was just me that wanted to do that. I was starting to feel cold standing in the brook with my trousers rolled up. So we went around looking for fields, which was actually more difficult than it sounds. We did find one that was beautifully comfortable, and we lay down in its golden bed. However, the hormonal impulses we started to feel were interrupted by the roar of a combine harvester, and we had to run away quite sharpish.

In the end, what we did find was a big, golden, open field. The late summer sun shone, and Tonks and I, once again, lay down in the fields of golden beauty. Tonks even made herself look blonde for a while when I started to get confused and thought she had become bald. However, I realised my mistake when the aforementioned golden hair poured over my hands during a...er...snogging session. I felt quite terrible doing such things in front of my sister, but Tonks managed to persuade me that even if she did follow suit and start kissing things, everyone would think it was cute anyway.

We had a blissful afternoon. Tonks insisted that I demonstrated a French kiss, which I did, except I don't think she really knew what a French kiss was, as she made a sound that sounded a bit like "Bluhnuh!" upon finding my tongue in her mouth, and bit it. Hard. It was an accident, of course. However...I'm delighted to say the next time I kissed her I didn't get quite such a bad reception. Being with Tonks in the warm summer sun was everything I could have wanted...although I had to go home eventually because I have to have medicine every four hours. Plus I still hadn't got round to packing...far too busy having fun with Tonks.

31st August


Well! Tonks appears to have returned...blonde. It doesn't half look strange...she seems too dark to be blonde. She told me she hates being blonde...however, Moony told me he thinks blonde is quite gorgeous (the look on Wormtail's face!) so that might have something to do with it.

I did ask Tonks what she and Moony got up to, but she didn't tell me much. I can only assume they got up to lots of snogging, because that is really all they ever do. When they're not holding hands, cuddling, or...other sorts of things, that is. Although, the night before Moony went home and Tonks went with him, we had a jolly marshmallow feast and played stupid games like Sardines and Caterpillars, both of which are terribly boring unless you have at least ten people. And anyway, as soon as Tonks and Moony got into the Sardines Cupboard, they closed the door and told me it was full already and I probably shouldn't come in. So I went back to my room and finished the marshmallows.

Andromeda and Ted seem to approve of the Tomoony development. Andromeda was a bit worried about the whole werewolf thing, but she reckons if we can be mates with Moony without getting hurt (which is a lie, because the number of bruises I get after full moons! Bloody hell! Still, it could be worse. Wormtail's wormtail got trodden on by Prongs once and we had to find a story as to how the hell Peter's coccyx got broken in the middle of the night) then Tonks would probably be fine, too. And Ted doesn't particularly care about the werewolf thing, he just doesn't want any grandchildren appearing in the near future. Which is understandable, really. The prospect of pink werewolves is rather frightening.

I actually packed quite early this year. I'm looking forward to seeing Prongs again...since he's Head Boy, we'll be able to get away with murder! Which we almost did last year, except Snivellus didn't exactly get murdered and I still got sent home for a month, which is about the worst punishment Hogwarts could have given. But I don't have to go home ever again, now!

We're getting up early in the morning and going to Kings Cross on the Knight Bus. I love the Knight Bus, but if Tonks and Moony are going to the back, I'm staying at the front. Not because I'm afraid of what they might get up to away from the eyes of the driver, but because Moony gets horribly sick on that bus. Hehehe...I should probably tell Tonks not to change into her robes before we get on the train.

1st September


8:00 am

Oh, Merlin. This is the worst day of the entire year...my biological clock has been broken! Broken, I tell you! BROOOKEN!

8:01 am

Especially since Sirius sent me a Howler to wake me up. Git.

8:02 am

And Mum and Dad thought it was hilarious and have decided to keep it going. I hate them all...

8:10 am

But what am I going to WEAR?

8:45 am

Well, I did choose an outfit, but then Dad got all annoyed and said I was not to wear it in front of my boyfriend until I was seventeen, so I had to change. At least it's not the Joie de Vivre T-shirt, I've had quite enough French-ness for the rest of the year, merci!

9:30 am

Remus and I are TRUE LOVE. We are SOULMATES. We were MADE for each other.

9:31 am

I know this because he's been sick down my brand new school robes and I managed not to slap him...we're true love, soulmates, true love, soulmates...must not hit soulmate...

9:32 am

However, Remus told me that Sirius knows he gets sick on the Knight Bus. And since Sirius isn't my soulmate, I am perfectly entitled to slap him.

9:33 am

Unfortunately, he is cleverly sat away from me, so I have to wait until we get off. Which is lame, especially since Remus has moved to the section for queasy people (there's quite a few of them) and some oddball with a big nose has moved into his empty seat.

9:34 am

He's also got really greasy hair...

9:35 am

Oh, why does the weirdo always sit next to me?

9:36 am

Why do I get the feeling he's thinking the same thing?

10:05 am

We found a compartment to ourselves! Is that not amazing! It was very spacious, lots of leg room...

10:06 am

Remus seems very awkward around me for some reason...like he's trying not to be too...er...amorous with me. Which is a real shame, because I feel like being amorous with him.

10:10 am

So, how have I kept to my resolutions?

LOSE WEIGHT!- Bah humbug. Remus thinks I'm gorgeous, so there.

Get fit- Er. I'm fitter than I used to be, I guess. Must be from all the exercise I've been getting, wink wink nudge nudge.

Get a boyfriend- Yes, I think I've managed that one OK.

If not a boyfriend, just snog a boy- Mmm...

Avoid cousins- That one didn't work, sadly. In a way, I'm kind of glad it didn't.

Put CDs back into boxes- No. I did try!

Start wearing make up- No. I've decided that since I'm a Metamorphmagus, make up loses its purpose.

A good year? I think so.

10:15 am

Ah, I remember my first day. I was looking for a place to sit and walked in on some horn...amourous seventh years having fun together. I learnt more from that little display than anything my mother had subtly left on my bed in an attempt to educate me. I thought I'd never want to do that with a boy...and I still don't. Really. Just like I promised Mum I didn't want to.

10:16 am

And REMUS promised DAD! It's TRUE! Dad has given Remus a list of places he isn't allowed to touch me until I'm seventeen. I asked Remus what they were, but, being the gentlemen he is, all he could do was stutter. ButI do know that most of them begin with B.

10:17 am

I can't wait to be seventeen...

10:18 am

Please ignore the above. I did not write that. Linny wrote it.

10:19 am

HA. Yes, Linny, I KNOW you are reading this! You're just JEALOUS.

10:20 am

And you, James. I don't think this will help you understand Evans.

10:22 am

Sirius, I'll slap you again!

10:24 am


10:26 am

Afro is a nasty cow and I hate her. She's always nosy and stupid and I don't care that I haven't seen her in two months. (Just kidding, Afro)

10:28 am

Dorcas, my sweet, I never thought I'd meet someone more insane than Sirius, but then I never imagined there'd be someone going out with him. Especially deciding to go out with him just now. Do not feed him marshmallows unless you don't mind your boyfriend making pig noises and having what looks like white, sticky dandruff in his hair. I salute you!

Please stop reading my diary now.

10:30 am

Remus is incredibly SEXY and INTELLIGENT and WONDERFUL!

Satisfied, love?

10:32 am

Thanks, Remus. I love you, too.

A/N: It's finished! I am so happy, I hope you all are too. And thank you to absolutely everyone who entered the Name Competition, especially the person who suggested Cosette. Her middle name, by the way, is Adora. The ABBA song in the last chapter was Chiquitita, with the word Chiquitita replaced with Nymphadora, GreenTea&Honey.

One last thing...37 of you have this on your favourites, and 47 of you have it on alert. If any of you who don't usually review could review and tell me what you thought, that'd be wonderful.