Who Wins?
By Mako-chan (aka Ginger Snap)
[email protected]

Bwahahaha! At last after so much thinking on how to write this story, I feel so relieved. This piece took me months to think about, 2-3 title and plot changes. But it was all worth it, because I had finished it in a remarkable span of time. And may I inform you that this story is strictly for Xiaoyu/Jin fans or people who tolerate their match-up. Besides, a little something different would be good.

"Version 1.5" is the updated version of this fic, I did some editing and line changes. Still, has the WAFF (I think it is) quality ^_^;

*Disclaimer: Jin Kazama, Ling Xiaoyu, and other Tekken characters you'll come across this fic are all owned by Namco. I'm not gaining profit from this...*

Who Wins? (Version 1.5)
Chapter One: The Bet

Ling Xiaoyu was 16 years old when she snuck to the MFE cruiser. It was when a distant relative and mentor Wang Jinrei had spoken about the Mishima Empire being a business titan and could make her dream come true. Stowing away and beating Heihachi's men, she demanded the leader to build her the ideal amusement park. Giving a condition that she would join the tournament and win it, she accepted it. Being one of the youngest, possibly the youngest of all the competitors, Ling faired very well. But at the latter stage of the competition, she didn't quite make it. Feeling down, she took an option of returning to her hometown Guangzhou, China. But since the MFE head had the chance to watch one of her fights, Heihachi decided to further enhance her skills.

It's almost 2 years after the Third Iron Fist Tournament. Ling was 17 and within weeks she was turning to 18. She remained in Japan instead of going back to China. Although she felt homesick every now and then, Ling was still happy with the company of Panda, her pet and her sparring partner and friend Jin. But she hasn't had the transformation everybody was expecting after those years. She was well...still absorbed in playing. Jin never failed to miss out on that as well.

"Oh c'mon Amah! Just one more, please!" Xiaoyu begged to the guardian as they stood by a roller coaster ride.

"Ah, girl! We have to get you back before dinner time! Can't we just go back another day?"

"Please! Pretty please! Just one more time! I promise I won't go on like this again."

"Refusing to you is impossible. Probably that's why Heihachi-sama has brought you here. Alright, alright. You can go just one more time then that's it, alright?"

Xiaoyu nodded and smiled. "You're the best!" Then she went to fall in line.

Noticing she was only going alone while Panda had been exhausted, the guardian tugged Jin who was sitting on a bench with Ling's pet. "Go and get to Ling-chan. Accompany her there."

"Wha-what? But I'm exhausted!" Jin made an excuse. "If I had something to do I would've stayed home." Then he met up with Ling.

A few minutes pass and the roller coaster ride was over. Jin was shaking his head while Ling happily walked towards their guardian and Panda.

"Please...please," Jin said to the old woman, "please, let's head back home. My head's beginning to throb."

Answering back, she shrugged. "I'm sorry. I promise I won't force you again."

"Hey! Are we leaving now or what? If we're not going yet I'd like to try that ride over there --" Ling presented.

"N-O..no! We are leaving," Amah said abruptly.

"Yes! I know! I know! I was only joking," Ling answered. Then she turned to her left and talked to Jin.

Attempting to clown around, she slapped him hard on the back. "Hey there Jin! What happened to you?"

With the slapping and still massaging his head, Jin well, took a slight plunge forward. Turning to the hyperactive girl, he replied, "Uh, ugh...I think I'm starting to feel a bit under the weather."

Finally arriving at the mansion's doorstep, everybody felt relieved and wanted to take a rest. Xiaoyu was first at the door and opened it.

"*Yawn* I can't wait to go to sleep! Let's go Panda!" she said as she entered the big house. Xiaoyu and her pet immediately went upstairs.

Jin sighed. "Ling-chan's turning 18 in a matter of weeks. She's already 18...but she's still hooked on playing around.

I mean, Ling's...wonderful, she's vibrant and cute. It's like she doesn't bother to know...jeez, I can't put it in words."

The nanny nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean Jin-san."

"If there was only something we could do."

"Ah, yes. I bet there is!" the nanny exclaimed.

Scratching his head, Jin asked, "What then?"

"You will know soon enough. Now go to bed Jin. With that headache of yours you need to rest. Good night."

"Good night Nanny." Then he headed upstairs to his bedroom.

The next morning came. Jin and Ling find themselves only the two of them eating breakfast. As Ling ate, Jin could not seem to eat as much as her. He just watched her, and soon enough she took notice of it.

She stopped eating. "What is it Jin-kun?" Ling asked and had tilted her head in the process because of curiousness.

"Uh, uh nothing. It's just that..."


"Nevermind Ling."

"What? Try me."

"No, no. Nevermind. It's nothing, don't worry."


"You really want to know?"

"What did I just say a while ago? I dare you, try me...shoot!"

"Okay. You dared me..have you had any crush on a boy lately?"

Xiaoyu rolled her eyes in shock. "Not that I remember."

"How many boys have slipped love letters inside your locker? Placed a bouquet of flowers and cards on your table at school? Asked you out?" As Jin asked, he slowly began to rise from his seat.

She was beginning to feel uneasy, because nobody had asked her that before. What's more, is that it really hasn't crossed her mind--13 years old, 14, 15, 16, 17 and now, she was about to turn 18. Then Ling answered him, although she couldn't help blushing, "Well...well, there were many...even up until now..."

And still rising from his seat..."Have you ever laid your eyes on a boy and can't seem to shake him off your mind? Made you blush or made your face turn to rosy pink?"

Ling could do nothing but twidle her thumbs and stare away from Jin.

...and Jin still rising from his seat..."Have you ever thought of loosening those pig tails of yours? Act and look like your age even just for a day?"

"No, I've always worn my hair this way..." she replies to him and touches her hair.

...he starts to lean over the table..."What if I asked you out on a date tonight, would you go with me?"

That was...a thunderbolt reaching Xiaoyu's ears.

"Let's make a deal," he started then went on, "if you, starting

tonight, act like an 18 year old up until your birthday, you'll have an all-expenses paid trip, sponsored by me, to all the theme parks in this side of Japan!"

"Then it's a deal!" Xiaoyu blurted out. Somehow, the phrase of "all the theme parks" really seems appealing. She extends a hand in order to seal their bet. Jin shakes hands with her and the bet officially starts within hours.