Shun fought down the urge to smack Seiya on the back of his head and carry his own bags and instead forced a pleasant smile onto his face. And it was pleasant even if Seiya took one look at his expression and started hurrying oversize blue coat flapping over the flaming red turtleneck and long black slacks stuffed carefully into his equally glaring red rubber boots. Shun himself had donned a thick knee length black coat over deep purple fleece sweater and pants and wrapped a pink scarf around his neck for the occasion.

Athena—or Saori-san as they had probably best be calling her for awhile—was moving back to her company from Greece for a few months. Apparently that she was "Athena" meant very little to the Kiddo's fellow companies and Saori was going to have to set up the foundation so that it could run itself…and in the meantime the Bronze Saints were stuck as body guards of a sort. The Gold Saints weren't about to be uprooted for something like this, but Athena had to be protected. Ikki was adamant that the Saints did not serve "Saori Kiddo" but the undeniable fact was that if Saori died so did Athena.

It wasn't that souring the Shun's usually sweet temperament this afternoon though, nor even that he was stuck watching Seiya today… In fact that was something that he was very much glad to do. Hyoga, Ikki, and Shiryu had left early in the morning with Athena—Saori-san, he reminded himself—as the advance party to help with the actual 'moving in' part. None of them had said it outright, but Seiya trying to help haul a dresser up a set of stairs had not appealed to the Andromeda Saint any more than the others and so he had agreed to wait and take a second small plane with the Seiya later.

None of that brought the edge to his smile as he made his way down the endless steps with the Pegasus Saint though. His forced smile was displayed entirely for the fact that Seiya was racing in front of him and carrying both suitcases. Shun fought back another sigh, brushing hair delicately behind his ears and locking his smile as he continued along. He had made the mistake of mentioning (mentioning!) to Athena that morning how heavy his luggage was, but somehow it had clearly gotten back to Seiya as evidenced by the way his fellow Saint had practically swooped in and kidnapped his bag while all the time spouting something about the weather!

Those slim fingers tightened threatening to yank some of the silky green tresses right of his scalp. Whether they would be buried in feet of snow or have to walk through a blizzard to reach the mailbox, Seiya had managed to put him off and get a hold of the suitcase and now he couldn't very well reclaim his bag without completely loosing his dignity. But, Ikki would never find out about this—of that Shun would make absolutely sure.

Surprisingly, Seiya managed to not kill himself or even trip too terribly on the steps despite his added burden and he was going fast too—enough that Shun had to work to keep up with him. It must be all that ridiculous running that he and Milo did up and down the things, the Andromeda Saint decided, or maybe Seiya just had a natural talent for stairs.

The small silver plane with its six seats and blue uniformed pilots was waiting for them at the landing. The two men nodded sharply from the cockpit just short of a salute and Shun felt a bit of discomfort worming its way into today's frustrations. After all, the plane's pilot was Davenport—the same man that had been transporting them since the day they first met Saori Kiddo again after all those years and Shun had thought them beyond the point when the man would be practically bowing. Davenport was old enough to be his father!

Seiya turned back with a smile opening his mouth as though to speak and snapped it shut so quickly Shun was positive he must have bitten his tongue. The smile never quite left the Pegasus Saint's face, but one more hasty glance over his shoulder at Shun had him mumbling something incoherent and hurrying off toward the cabin with the suitcases banging against his knees and Shun realized sourly that at some point the smile had slipped from his face.

This was Hyoga's fault! Somehow he knew it just had to be. The slight green haired Saint picked his way carefully up the metal folding steps, loosening his scarf around his neck and preparing to take his coat off. Seiya had already thrown the two goodly sized suitcases in the back seats and was inmired happily in the middle set pulling the window cover up and down. The Andromeda Saint sighed. There was no point in being angry with anyone but Hyoga now that he had decided it was the Cygnus Saint's fault.

"Sir," the pilot began and Shun started moving out from where he had stopped blocking the door turning as he did, ready to give this 'sir' the sharp side of his tongue and for the first time he noticed that the man wasn't Davenport.