Okay so this is the sequel to Just Old Friends and is set six months after the first finished. It's a little different this one is set from Ginny's POV and well they're now a couple and so its more Ginny and Harry, but you'll see that when you read on.

Disclaimer I am not JK Rowling, I own nothing of this and the characters all belong to her (with a few exceptions) the plot is mine and I make no money from this, if I did I'd give up work.

Finally Potter

Chapter one

Ginny spun around in Harry's arms and smiled up at him as he drew back into the movement of the song, it was quite slow and she loved the way that McPartlin was singing. A smile plastered Ginny's face as she saw the wedding cake out of the corner of her eye, she loved weddings always had and she was definitely enjoying herself.

As Ginny looked over Harry's shoulder she caught sight of Hermione and Ron just a little over. They had only been married nine months but yet they still looked as happy as they had at the beginning of the marriage.

The pair were caught up in each other and were extremely unaware of anyone else in the room and Ginny couldn't help but love the way that they looked together. They suited there was no doubting that through all their hard times they had worked through them and they were perfect.

As she spun again she saw the smile on the brides face. April looked in her element tonight in her strapless white gown that fell loosely to the floor. She was dancing happily with her brother Bryan but Neville was sat close by a smile on his face.

Ginny knew that she was a little jealous not at the fact that they had finally gotten married but the fact that Neville had married another woman. Even though Ginny was madly in love with Harry part of her still loved Neville and would do so forever.

Harry's arm rested gently around her as his mouth came to her ear.

"You okay?"

She nodded gently but she felt the small pang in her heart, it was just weird she loved Harry but she knew that part of her had believed that she would be marrying Neville one day and now finally it was time to realise that life had changed.

She felt a small bump and looked down at Robin she was dancing with Percy and he had spun her a bit too hard. She grinned up at the pair before moving back to her father. Ginny smiled at her brother as he hugged his daughter close, it was clear that he was besotted with the little girl.

Behind them Penelope was sat on the chair leaning back her stomach sticking out largely, she was finding it difficult now with only three weeks left of her pregnancy. Next to her sat Chloe with Bill and Paula hand in hand with Charlie. She couldn't believe that her entire family were happy and settled.

As she turned slightly again she spotted Tonks and Remus close together gently dancing they were lost in each other and a smile spread up her face. Harry turned slightly and spotted what she was looking at and she could see the smile on his face.

They belonged together and had overcome so much to be with each other and then there was baby Sirius who wasn't so much a baby anymore now being seventeen months old. He had begun to speak and he loved to yell dada at the top of his voice and pull on Harry's hair.

As the song ended Ginny pulled away and leaned up kissing Harry gently on the lips. The music ended and everyone clapped as the band bid everyone goodnight. April was hugging her brother and Ginny quickly ran over to Neville.

"Congratulations Neville, I'm sure you'll be very happy together."

"Thanks Gin, coming from you that means a lot."

She leaned down and hugged him gently and then she watched as everyone around began to leave. Gently she sat down and watched as her family bid each other goodbye. Before she realised it she was left there with only Harry for company. He took the seat next to her.

"Are you sure you're okay Gin?"

She looked up into his eyes and sighed.

"Don't get mad, but I'm a little jealous of April."

He nodded seeming to understand.

"That's because she married Neville and you thought you would."

"Yeah, but I'm glad that I'm going to be marrying you. I can't wait until November."

"Me either, I can't wait until people have to call you Mrs Potter."

"Ginny Potter does have a ring to it, but I was thinking maybe you could become Harry Weasley."

"No way, I'm the last Potter; you have four brothers who can keep that name going."

"I love you Harry Potter."

"I love you too runt."

She hit him gently before kissing him. Then she disappeared back to her own flat for a good nights rest.


Okay so this is the first chapter of the sequel to Just Old Friends, so if you haven't read it I recommend that you do. The song in this chapter is Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden and originally I had the lyrics in but I've had to take them out, but if you get the chance check them out it's a brilliant song.