Title: Past Misfortunes, Present Blessings

Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Thoughtcrimes

Rating: FR-13

Disclaimer: I own neither Stargate Atlantis nor Thoughtcrimes, since I'm not that creative. I'm also not making any profit off of this beyond the ability to sleep without the pestering of plot-bunnies.

Summary: With the Daedalus providing a critical link between the Atlantis Expedition and home, new experts are brought on board to help combat the Wraith.

Spoiler Warning: This story was actually conceived in the weeks leading up to the premiere of Season 2 of Atlantis, and contains a version of those events. This story, however, being a crossover, is AU, and not intended to interfere with the enjoyment of the new season.

Note: Thoughts are formatted like :this.:

Part I

"Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." – Charles Dickens

From the Journal of Freya McAllister, July 2005:

We're about a day out from our destination as I write this. I can't wait. For one thing, I'll actually be on my own, without Michael watching over my shoulder. I'm still not exactly sure what a paranormal specialist can do on an alien outpost, but I'm enough of a science fiction fan to not pass up a trip on a spaceship to an alien world.

Officially, I'm here to test for a telepathic component for activation of the so-called Ancient technology. It seems to be thought-driven to some extent, but the link between what is being called the ATA gene and these devices is odd. Everyone was disappointed when it turned out that I tested negative. I think I'm relieved. The last thing I need is another gift that makes me even more indispensable to my government.

The crew mostly leaves me alone with the other scientists. The other scientists are friendly, but distant. I hear them talking about me when they think I'm not around. Something bothers them about having a person on this project with a specialty in ESP. Like I work with voodoo, instead of the real stuff. Thank God I don't have to tell anyone. My only friend it seems is the other outcast on board, the alien portion of our crew. His name is Hermiod, and he is one of the Asgard, our little grey men. I've read enough mythology to recognize the name, and the two of us have actually discussed a lot of things from the modern interpretations of the myths descended from Asgard action on Earth to what's for dinner. I can't read his thoughts. Michael will be disappointed.

The thoughts of the people on board are focused, and I find myself retreating to my quarters, or one of the observation decks. Watching the hyperspace vortex go by is something I may never grow tired of. It helps tune out the background noise that slips in when I relax.

Having seen the Terra Atlantus outpost and the Daedalus, I wonder what Atlantis itself will be like. According to the captain, we land around suppertime. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Dr. Elizabeth Weir watched as the jumpers unloaded the new scientists. She absently flipped through several of the files, looking at the new specialties. Weapons and defensive specialties covered the majority, with a new surgeon and other medical professions coming in to prepare for the casualties when the next wave hit. Then one specialty caught her eye. :Paranormal psychology, with an emphasis on ESP. Heightmeyer is going to love this: she thought. Shuffling the papers back into a stack, she walked over to address the group milling awkwardly in the gate room.

"Welcome to Atlantis, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you've chosen to sign up and help us defend this, the greatest technological find in the history of our people. My name is Doctor Elizabeth Weir, and I'm the head of the Atlantis Expedition, as you all would know from your briefings prior to boarding the Daedalus. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you, and discussing what you feel you have to offer if any skills are not being used.

"The gentleman beside me is Doctor Rodney McKay, our chief scientific officer."

"Your boss," Rodney interrupted with a smirk.

"Your boss," Elizabeth continued. "All requests for equipment and resources go through him. You will also be meeting our chief medical officer, Doctor Carson Beckett, later for your baseline physicals. At that point, those of you who do not already possess the ancient gene may opt for gene therapy to introduce the factor. Keep in mind that all those with the gene are required to undergo some basic training for devices requiring the gene for activation, most importantly including the piloting of the shuttlecraft you just used, known around here as 'puddlejumpers.' I expect your utmost cooperation in this.

"Also, I must introduce our chief security officer, Sergeant Bates. He is in charge of keeping track of any and all security risks. If you are found out of bounds at any time, you get to deal with him. Once again, welcome to Atlantis. Sgt. Bates, if you'll escort them to the briefing room, they're all yours."

Elizabeth watched as Bates and another marine handed out the headsets that everyone on Atlantis wore to keep in touch, and then the group started to walk off. One woman, a brunette, stayed behind, watching her. :What does she want:

The young woman approached, offering her hand. "Dr. Weir? I'm Freya McAllister," she said politely.

"The paranormal specialist."

"You could say that. I understand that there's been some experience on the part of one of your refugees in the area of telepathic communication."

"Teyla has a connection to the wraith because of her DNA. I hope you're not here to experiment on her. I don't appreciate my people being used as guinea pigs."

"Ma'am, I don't believe in physical experimentation. The kinds of tests I would be performing would involve Zener Cards and other techniques accepted by those in the field. I would like your permission to help her develop her . . . gift to have more control over whether or not a connection is made," Freya said, with some reticence.

"It's not my permission you need, Ms. McAllister. Shouldn't you be on your way to your security debriefing?"

"I don't do well in crowds. With your permission, I'll just go straight to the medical facilities."

:A very strange young woman: Elizabeth thought as she watched Freya walk confidently down the corridor and out of the gate room.

Freya walked down the corridor into the portion of the city populated by the Athosian refugees, having gotten directions to the recreation room where Teyla Emmagan taught weapons and fighting. The city was amazing, but she found the people hard to deal with. The doctor had been polite, but Freya had wanted to hurt some of the male nurses for their dirty minds. The fact that she was officially working towards a master's degree in psychology didn't help, because of the bias towards MDs and PhDs in the scientific department. Atlantis was staffed by the best of the best, and on paper, she didn't measure up.

She found the room she was looking for, and the door slid open, allowing her entrance. The city wasn't telepathic, as far as she could tell, but it was so perceptive of what went on that it might as well be. Two figures were inside the sparring room, fighting with paired sticks. One was a dark-skinned woman in exotic clothing, the other, a messy-haired man in BDUs.

As she watched, the two were evenly matched, the man's back to her, but there was something familiar about that short-cropped, dark hair, and the way he moved. :Brendan: she projected into his mind, listening closely for a reaction.

The reaction she got wasn't the one she expected. The man missed his block, and the woman skillfully knocked him to the ground, one stick clearly in place for a final blow. "You are not focusing, Colonel," she admonished, transferring the weapon to her other hand and offering a hand up, which the man took.

"Sorry, it's just . . ." he broke off, looking over his shoulder at Freya. "We got company." A grin crossed his face as he approached, but Freya could hear his thoughts clearly. :Don't say a word: he warned mentally, offering his hand. "I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard. You must be one of the new bunch."

Freya shook his hand, trying her best to make her smile looks less forced than it felt as she introduced herself to her former partner. "Freya McAllister. I'm looking for Teyla Emmagan."

"You have found her," the exotic woman said. "Is there something the matter?"

"Actually, no. I just wanted to get to know you. My field is parapsychology, especially ESP and telepathy. I would like to work with you on focusing and refining your abilities."

"My ability to sense the wraith, you mean?" Teyla asked, warily.

"Yes. I'm also going to be working with Colonel Sheppard here, and the other people who can use ancient technology, in determining the extent of the apparent telepathic control they have over those devices."

"I have no intention of becoming prey to the minds of the wraith again," Teyla said.

"And I don't want you to, Teyla. But we need your help in learning what you can about the wraith and how they think. I can teach you techniques that will give you the ability to stay in control. If you're willing."

"Ms. McAllister, I don't think you understand what you're asking. We don't know what the wraith can pick up when Teyla unblocks her link. It's a serious security risk," Sheppard said.

"I will help you," Teyla said. "I have no wish for the wraith to be able to use me to destroy the city of the ancestors."

"Thank you. If you would like to stop by my office later, I'd be happy to arrange a schedule of meetings so we can begin to evaluate what we can do. I'd also be interested in learning what you teach. I find martial arts a good way to focus my mind," Freya said, smiling at the Athosian leader. "Colonel Sheppard, if you'd step outside with me, I'd like to have a talk."

Sheppard stiffened, but bowed politely to Teyla, and put the sticks away before walking outside with Freya.

Once outside of the room, Freya walked to a spot where she didn't think they would be overheard and spun on Sheppard. "Brendan, what the hell are you doing here?"