A Universe of Change: Realized Probability

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Farscape and all related material are the property of and copyrighted by the Jim Henson Workshop.

Summary: The Enterprise C and D blunder into the borderland of the Scarren Empire and The Peacekeepers. This fic is a part of AlbertG's Ruinations series and has been written with his express permission.

Author's Notes: AlbertG wasn't going to write this and I wanted to see what would happen, that is my only excuse for writing this ficJ As always Read, Enjoy and Review.


USS Voyager:

"Kate," Q told her. "When this temporal war accelerated, Quinn and I intervened directly and corrected all but two timelines. As a result of our failure, the fallout of this temporal war has spread to other universes. Two alternates of the Enterprise C and D have been lost. One will determine the fate of a galaxy. The other is changing a universe by taking sides against species that call themselves Peacekeepers and Scarrens. What they will do would shock you, Kate. But that is not your concern.

"They're violating the Prime Directive," she said.


"Will you stop them?"


"Why not?"

"Don't be so naïve, Kate," Q criticized. "They're permanently trapped there although they don't know this yet. They're also needed there in that particular quantum universe. The Earth is not doing so well there and with Johnny-boy-with-attitude stirring things up, things might change for the better. Talk about some depraved Human stock! We should have destroyed all the ships, but this was an exception. Think of it as a realized reality with an unrealized probability thrown into the mix…They are so screwed."


Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise-D stared intently at the woman still lying on the medical bed nursing a bad fracture and serious internal injuries. He'd known her for only a few hours, but he'd come to like this woman and what he had to tell her filled him with sorrow. However, Picard had every intention of telling her anyway, because it was necessary not only for him, but for the entire Alpha quadrant. The Captain had come to understand that this entire timeline, the war with the Klingons, everything he believed for the last twenty-two years was a lie.

The Enterprise-C had entered the sector thru a very unstable temporal rift; a rift that literally appeared in front the Enterprise-D for no apparent reason. It had been speculated that the occurrence happened when something similar to a Kerr loop of superstring material interacted with the energies from multiple photon explosions, pushing the Ambassador-class ship into the future-exactly twenty-two years, three months and four days.

His heart filled him with sorrow, but he quickly hardened it for the task that he being was forced to perform. "Captain," Picard continued. "If your ship had stayed to confront those Romulan warbirds, even if it were destroyed, that sacrifice might have averted twenty years of war."

"And you want us to go back that?" Rachel Garrett, Captain of the USS Enterprise-C looked at him as though he was insane. Responding to a distress, call she and her crew had confronted four Romulan warbirds in an attempt to stop them from attacking a defenseless Klingon colony. She lost and a savage barrage of photon torpedoes ripped into her ship and created a temporal rift in surrounding space that plunged her ship with its one hundred twenty-five survivors from the past. "We just barely got out with our lives and you want us to go back?"

Picard looked at her with a compassion that he thought that he'd lost after all these years of experiencing death and destruction. "I don't believe that there is a choice in this matter." He moved closer to the Captain, his voice going soft. "Starfleet is losing this war. We estimate that within four months we'll have to sue for peace. One more ship won't change the outcome here, but it would make a significant difference if a Federation ship were seen to protect a Klingon outpost against the Romulans. It would be considered a matter of honor."

Rachel looked at him with a mixture of compassion and complete dread. She understood what was happening here in the future. She'd come to the same conclusion as he had. "To tell the truth, my crew hated running from that fight." She smiled slightly. "Help us get our ship together and we'll give them a fight that they'll long remember." She was resigned to her fate. Death was waiting and there was nothing she could do about it but face it with it with dignity- and of course spitting in its ugly face.

Picard looked deeply into the eyes a doomed woman. He'd never seen anything braver in his life.

In the recreation room called Ten Forward, the woman known as Guinan felt more uncomfortable by the moment. All she had to go on were her feelings; that this time line, this existence they were presently in, was all wrong and she told an unbelieving Picard exactly that. The hundreds of hardened soldiers crammed aboard this already overcrowded starship felt wrong. Then there was Tasha Yar, and echo of a life that should not have existed. The woman called Tasha Yar felt wrong-the actual word that came to Guinan was dead.

This should have been a ship of peace not a warship, she explained to a then disbelieving Picard. With her uncanny ability to perceive things, she understood this whole series of events should not have existed. But now something else was nagging the back of her brain. The Federation was in a war with the Klingons and over forty billion had died while the Romulans were just waiting to pick up the pieces.

She told Picard that the Enterprise-C needed to return from whence it came its own time to correct the timeline, and after he understood, he agreed; but something was still wrong. Outside, the distortional temporal rift fluctuated slightly, catching her attention. She felt a shifting; something about to begin, but she didn't know exactly what was beginning.

"Captain," Tasha Yar, Chief of Security, said, quickly confirming her findings on her tactical computer. "Two Klingon bird of preys have de-cloaked."

"Red alert! Lock on and destroy," Picard said instantly. There was no trying to disable engines or minimizing loss of life, as he would have considered in another existence. He simply wanted to kill them as efficiently as possible.

"Phasers, lock onto the closest one towards the Enterprise-C," Commander William Riker added, his voice as cold as his Captain's.


Because of the Klingon's insistence on attacking the smaller Ambassador-class ship, it remained visible a few moments too long. Enterprise-D galaxy class starship's phasers slashed into and thru Klingon shields, causing significant damage. Life support had been obliterated and internal explosions could be seen erupting throughout the small ship. At the same time, photon torpedoes damaged the second Klingon ship just as it fired a devastating blow at the Enterprise–C. That vessel re-cloaked, barely able to escape the vengeful Starship.

The smaller Federation ship rocked violently, its already weakened shields barely holding. Captain Garrett was knocked out of her command chair, a nasty gash in the center of her head where a piece of metal had hit but thankfully not penetrated. Lieutenants Tasha Yar and Richard Castillo prepared to defend the ship from the brutal attack on the already once crippled ship.

The second Klingon ship moved off after firing and missing the Enterprise-C, vainly trying to avoid the Enterprise-D's responding salvo, its port shields damaged or obliterated. The Klingon ship itself now a death trap.

"Are there any survivors on that ship?" Picard demanded looking at the rapidly disintegrating Bird-of-prey hulk.

"Three," came the answer, from lieutenant Commander Data.

"Beam them to the brig. I want prisoners," the Captain growled. Klingon prisoners were rare and he intended to make the most of it.


"Captain, three more Klingon vessels are de-cloaking. They're heavy cruisers. ETA four minutes."


He knew that they were coming. Starfleet's long-range tactical Intel had been tracking them, but their timing had been inaccurate. It should have been nine hours before the Klingon ships arrived not seven. They had gotten here before they were supposed to.

Such were the fortunes of war.

That was too many for the Enterprise-D to handle and protect its weakened sister ship at the same time. Picard realized that the Klingons had forced his decision and he'd run out of options.

"Emergency power to the shields to protect the Enterprise-C. Tell them to head for the rift now!" This was the decision that he didn't dare make. With the Enterprise-D traveling back into the past, the timeline would again be polluted, but maybe he could do something about it. "We're going into the rift with them. Number One, prepare to engage Romulan warbirds as soon as we clear the rift. Inform Captain Garrett of our plans."

"Yes, sir," Commander William Riker responded, relaying the orders immediately.

Both ships headed towards the rift and entered just as the Klingon battle cruisers fired a full salvo of disruptor class torpedoes at both ships. Their detonations would be seen for light years. The Enterprises shields were both obliterated.

"No!" Guinan screamed, falling to the floor. She was joined by many other people draped over tables and chairs from the force of the impact. She screamed again as the two Enterprises were covered in the blackness emanating from the rift. "This is wrong!"

No one heard her.

The additional energy blasts from the photon torpedoes warped the temporal rift. Both ships were pulled into a dark black, then red-blue tunnel, ripped apart at a quantum level and re-assembled. Hours later, both ships emerged from the rift nearly powerless and alone.

Author's Notes: Hope u like this chapter. Please read and Review even if it's just to say good chapter:)