Hey, hey, hey people. Okay so here is my first chappie! Tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I own nothing (how sad is that), but I own the plot, so shove off! JK, LOL!


An Unknown World

Chapter One

Something Strange

"Harry!" Hermione yelled across the platform, she was waving her hand high towards the scruffy headed 7th year. "Harry! Over Here!" She bellowed still waving, this time grabbing his attention.

"Hey Hermione! How was your summer?" Harry said running over to her.

"Fine, you know same ol', same ol'. How about you?"

"Great. I went over to Ron and Ginny's the first week, so I didn't have to suffer any of the Dursleys." He said with a smile spread wide across his face.

"Where are Ron and Ginny?" Hermione asked while looking around for the two red heads.

"Well Ron is off with you know who..." he was talking about Lavender Brown, Ron's beau for right now (at least that is what he said, she was his first girlfriend). "And Ginny is," Harry's smile vanished from his face, "actually I don't know where she is." They both knew that she was off with Dean Thomas.

"Awe don't worry Harry, she will realize it in no time. Don't worry you will get your chance!" Hermione said trying to cheer up her friend.

"You really think so?"

"I know so, and have I ever been wrong?" Asked Hermione with a huge smirk painted on her face.

"Hell no." He said regaining his smile.

"DON'T TOUCH ME YOU JERK!" Harry and Hermione heard from a distance behind them. It was Ginny and she was talking, well actually she was yelling, at Dean.

Harry and Hermione instantly turned around to see, Ginny pushing Dean away, and then finally yell, "WE ARE THROUGH!"

"Ginny, don't do this, I didn't mean to kiss her." Dean yelled out, trying to grab her arm.

"He kissed another girl?" Harry asked enraged, "I'll kill him!"

Just as he was about to run off to probably kill Dean, Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "No Harry, you can't. Besides isn't this what you wanted? To have them break up?"

Harry stopped, and Hermione released his arm, "well yes, but not like this, it is going to take a while now, before she is going to want to go out with anyone else."

"How do you know?" Hermione asked.

"Does it look like she is happy about the whole kissing another girl thing, that means that she still likes Dean. God Hermione I would have expected you to know that, being a girl and all."

"Not all girls are like that Harry. You guys are always flirting, you two will get together within no time." She smiled at him.

"I hope you're right. It just hurts to see her hurt." He said giving her a small smile back.

"To see who hurt?" Ron came up behind them.

"Nobody!" Harry and Hermione said together, eyeing each other, to say that they would keep the whole Ginny/Dean thing under wraps for now. If Ginny wanted to tell Ron she would do it on her own.

"Right, whatever, well I'll just go get Ginny and Dean, and we can find a compartment then." Ron said stalking off.

"This could get interesting." Hermione said, with a hopeful smile that it wouldn't.

To Harry and Hermione's surprise Ron and Ginny came back within minutes, and it looked as though Ron found Ginny at just the right time.

Harry being stupid thought he would ask Ginny, "Where is Dean?"

Both Ginny and Hermione shot Harry a look to say, 'you know damn well where he is!' And Harry left it at that.

Thankfully Lavender and Ron, had been on the other side of the wall connecting the wizarding and muggle world, otherwise, Dean would be Ron grub right now.

"Yeah, Gin, where is Dean?" Ron asked.

"Oh he decided to sit with Neville and Seamus. I think we are going to take some time off from each other." Ginny said extremely calmly, as though nothing had happened.

"Oh, well maybe you and Harry can finally hook it up." Ron said under his breath, although everyone heard him, and Harry and Ginny instantly looked at each other and turned red.

They had always thought that Ron would hate them dating (they thought this separately, not knowing what the other thought), but to hear this was quite nice, and a relaxing thing to Harry. He was always afraid that if he set one finger on his best friends little sister, he too would become 'Ron Grub.'

"Right then, I think it is about time for us to find a compartment." Hermione said cheerfully as she led the way onto the crowded train. They found the same compartment that they had occupied for the last six years, (for Ginny it was five), and they made themselves at home.

"I think I am going to use the lav, I will see you in a minute." Ginny said getting up and leaving the compartment door open.

I eyed Harry, and he looked at me with a questioning face. "Harry go after her, she is obviously hinting at you!" I said, as his and Ron's face lit up.

"Really, should I?" Harry asked turning a little pink with a bright smile on his lips.

"Yes, why do you think she left the door open?" I asked, "Go ask her out!"

Without further ado, Harry got up and chased Ginny down the hallway.

"Was she really hinting at him?" Ron asked clueless.

"Oh honestly Ronald you can be so thick sometimes. They have liked each other since second year. Really I do wonder what goes on up in that brain of yours sometimes." She said smiling and shaking her head.

"Ginny!" Harry yelled after the red head.

"Oh hey Harry." Ginny stopped and turned around to see a black haired boy running down the corridor. She went slightly pink, but tried to act natural.

Harry stopped inches away from her face, and stopped breathing. He was stone cold, and didn't know what to say. He was looking in to her green eyes, and he saw exactly what she was thinking. It was as though her pupils were tunnels to her mind (a/n: haha I have no idea where that came from!).

He could feel himself drawing her closer to him, although they weren't touching each other. She sensed what he wanted to do, what she wanted to do, and so she did what she thought best. She moved closer to his face and tilted it.

She was taking her time, and it was driving him crazy. So he acted on this, and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her lips into his. It wasn't long before they were up against the wall kissing harder and even more passionately. He nipped her bottom lip asking for entrance, and she gladly accepted, opening her mouth. He barged in, and they dueled with each other's tongue for about five minutes before they heard a familiar voice sound.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Pot-Head and Mini-Weasel. It is about time you to hooked it up, believe me the whole school was getting a little tired of the two of you doing absolutely nothing!" Malfoy came up to them and taunted.

"Why the hell would you care, Ferret!" Ginny scowled.

"Oh, I don't care Weaselette. Believe you me, I would never care about you, that is Potty's job. I was just tired of having to get sick to my stomach, at watching the two of you flirting and then not hooking up."

"Call her that one more time Malfoy, and you will receive a whole new meaning to talking out of your ass!" Harry defended Ginny.

"Well at least we know he can act like a gentleman." Malfoy said sarcastically.

"Leave, you bastard!" Ginny bellowed.

"Fine, fine, it isn't like I want to watch you two go at it anyway." Malfoy sneered and stalked off, in his Slytherin manner.

"Thanks." Ginny said with a smile.

"Anytime." Harry said going red. "So..."


"So what was this?" Harry asked.

"I think we just snogged each other senseless." Ginny said, as Harry went pink once more.

Then he smiled, and said, "No, I believe this would be snogging you senseless." Harry said pulling the red-head's face once again to his.

"What do you think they are doing?" Ron asked nervously, beginning to regret allowing Harry go after his sister. "They are taking an awful long time. I wonder what he is doing to her."

"Well Ron, when you weren't listening I told Harry to shag the shit out of Ginny." Hermione said smirking.

Ron however didn't find this funny, and jumped off of the bench. "WHAT! That is it, I am going to go look for them."

Before Hermione could stop him, he ran out of the compartment. "Ron wait!" and she rushed out after him.

She ran down the hallway and was so out of breath that she had to put her hands on her knees, and place her head between them so she wouldn't faint. When she looked up, she found Ron standing there with a faint face on.

"Ron what is it?" Hermione asked looking at his pale face.

He was looking dead straight ahead, and he wasn't blinking. She looked up and gasped.

About five yards away Harry was up against Ginny and they were snogging themselves into an oblivion.

Ron simply turned around and walked silently back to the compartment. Hermione on the other hand walked up to Harry and Ginny.

She tapped on Harry's shoulder, but got no answer. Tapping a little harder the second time, he finally looked up. Ginny's lip-gloss all over his face, and a little on his upper neck. "You guys, what the hell do you think you were doing."

"You were the one who told me to go after her." Harry said embarrassed.

"Yeah I meant talk to her, not go after her innocence, you were like five minutes away from having sex in the corridor of the train." She was now giggling, along with Ginny. Harry just stood there, shocked at what his best friend just said to him, and shocked to find her laughing about it.

'We're sorry, Mione, really we are." Ginny said.

"Okay, well we better go talk to Ronald." Hermione said as she turned around to walk back to the berth.

"We'll be right there, I think we should talk first." Ginny said.

Hermione turned around and eyed her suspiciously.

"Really Mione, Harry and I really should talk about what just happened." Ginny said with a serious face on.

"Alright, five minutes, and then I expect you back in the cabin, and no snogging!" Hermione added as she turned back around.

"Yes, mum." Ginny said under her breath.

Once Hermione walked into the compartment and the door was closed, Harry and Ginny resumed their little tongue war. "Harry – kiss- Harry, we –kiss – really- kiss- should talk." Ginny finally pushed herself away from the boy who lived.

"Fine, lets talk." Harry said sliding down against the wall of the corridor pulling Ginny down with him.

"Now, really what is this?" Ginny asked in a hopeful way. "I mean what just-" Harry cut her off.

"Ginny will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked looking straight into her green eyes.

"Harry, I thought you would never ask." She said as she kissed him.

"What is that supposed to mean? What was I supposed to do? Jump on you while you were still going out with Dean, I don't think that would look good on either of our slates." He sad laughing.

"Good point, but the only reason I went out with Dean, was to get your attention, took you long enough." She smiled.

"Well, how was I supposed to know that. You looked pretty upset about the whole, 'Dean kissing another girl thing,' I thought you really liked him."

"Well, one I'm glad you saw that, because that thing was a whole setup." She smiled at him, "Dean and I broke up about a week ago, and I asked him, if he would do me one last favor, and that was to help me get your attention."

"Wow, and he didn't get mad at you for liking me so soon?"

"Harry, he broke up with me, it was the least he could do. I mean not that I didn't want him to break up with me, I just had to find a way for him not to like me, so I started acting like I was into his best friend. Then when he found out I liked you, he just laughed and said he would be happy to help. It is a long story, but anyways, yes I would love to be your girlfriend." She said and they kissed once more before going back to Ron, Hermione and Lavender.

"Wow, five minutes, and you actually listened." Hermione said with a smirk.

"You said five minutes." Harry said smiling, now holding Ginny's hand.

Ron's eyes were on there hands, grasping onto each other.

"Ron are you ok, mate?" Harry asked the red-head.

"Yeah," Ron said gulping, "So are you two an item now?" he was most afraid of what the two would say.

"Yes." The couple said simultaneously.

"I was afraid of that." Ron said, trying to put on a smile. "Well I'm glad it is you Harry and not Dean, I mean I like the kid and all, but he can get on my last nerve."

"You didn't have to date him." Ginny added, as she clasped Harry's hand harder.

"Thankfully." Ron said, and the compartment burst into laughter.

"Well I'm glad for you guys. It is about time!" Hermione said.

The couple sat down, just as the train came to a stop, only so they could stand right back up.

They all walked out of the compartment, Harry and Ginny holding hands, Ron and Lavender holding hands, and Hermione leading the way.

"Oh, shit, I left my book in the compartment, will you come with me Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"Sure." Ginny said, as she kissed Harry, and walked off with Hermione.

"So you and Harry, how does it feel?" Hermione asked smiling.

"Like we have only just got together." Ginny said laughing.

"You'll get used to him."

"Oh I think I am used to him, if you know what I mean." And they both burst into laughter. Just then, the train started to move.

"What the piss?" Ginny asked.

"What the heck is going on?" Hermione said as she rushed into a compartment to look out the window. "Why are we moving?"

"I don't know." Ginny said.

"Well we will just have to apparate back to the gate and walk up to the castle. Just let me get my book. Then you can apparate with me." And they left it at that. They didn't have to get worried over nothing.

"Ah here it is." Hermione said as they reached the compartment and she found her book. "Come on then, hold onto my arm, and lets get back to school. We wouldn't want Harry worrying about you now would we."

Ginny just giggled as she grasped Hermione's arm. With a "POP" they were suddenly being pulled backwards through a nothingness.

'This is weird aren't we supposed to be being pulled forward. I have never been pulled backward.' Hermione thought to herself.

'Oh will you stop thinking way to far into things. The ministry might have tweaked the system again. Don't worry.' Hermione's conscience told her.

'Whatever.' Hermione thought.

"Ow, my head hurts." Hermione said as she sat up in bed.

"Madam Pomfrey she is awake!" a red- headed girl, who actually wasn't Ginny yelled.

"I'm coming Lily." Madam Pomfrey yelled from her office.

"Hi I'm Lily Evans."

Alright so what did you think? PLEASE REVIEW! I will update in no time!