Okay so I guess this is where I say I own nothing except CSI merchandise

Oh yer I used speech direct from the eppy 'Nesting Dolls' so erm spoilers. While I'm at it don't own the lyrics either that would be 4 Non Blondes

My other stories have been a little angst-ridden and blue so thought I'd write something a little different though I will admit it has angst in it.


It was meant to be a dinner for the five of us, a team bonding exercise after Grissom's departure (retirement), at this point no one knew who was going to be supervisor. Oh who am I kidding…rewind… Catherine had yet to be named supervisor and Ecklie was currently acting as temp.

Greg had excused himself at the start of shift; his mom was coming into town to visit him. Catherine and Nick managed to turn up but shortly after finishing their starters or in Catherine's case whilst still eating the starter they were called into work. Nick requesting we bring him his steak into work tomorrow so there we were Sara and I, and that marked the start of what we now call our relationship. Two years on and still no one has a clue.

I remember the first time I was awoken by her screaming in her sleep as her demons consumed her after an abuse case, it had hit her hard, but she refused as always to give up. Worked three days without leaving the lab, for more than five minutes or to go somewhere related to the case. I woke her up hugging her close to me, tears streamed down her face as she held onto me that night as if her life depended on it. "I might be a mess but I sure can survive" she sung softly under her breath. I recognise it as a song on the radio earlier. I asked if she was okay, with that she flashed me her incredible mega watt smile and replied "if you how could I not?" She had away of doing that dispelling your fears and worries with a simple yet profound statement her carefully chosen words, people tend to come to me for philosophical insight and on more than one occasion I have found myself quoting her.

We had the next day off; we just lay in bed in silence holding one another; that's when she told me about her parents. W had been laying there in silence when she began her voice detached and inhuman, "its funny…the things that you remember and the things that you don't. There was a smell of iron in the air, cast-off on the bedroom walls. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name. Which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand?" She let out a deep mournful sigh "I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to death. For years I believed in the murder gene, I told Grissom that, I had to the night I blew off a Catherine I remember his answer "I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behaviour."" She let out a bittersweet laugh pulling herself up resting her head on my bare chest rather than my stomach as she had before, absently drawing random patterns with her fingers across my stomach "You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't." I held her sobbing until she drifted off into a peaceful restful sleep; silent tears trickled slowly down my cheeks

We don't go out much, rather stay inside with a pizza and a movie, if we do then it's to secluded cafes and cinemas, at which Sara seemed to regularly use. These places so obscure you have to know that they are there to know that they are. I mean I've lived in Vegas my whole life and didn't know half these paces existed. Though based on the reaction she receives on arrival its safe to say she has a social life, even if labs rumour mill states otherwise. Though according to that Sara is frigid (started by one EMT named Hank), and when I hear Greg and Nick discussing it I have to stop myself from laughing I mean sure she flirts with the two of them and they class that as evidence against, but I know what a truly affectionate person Sara Sidle is, her ideal night is one spent cuddled up on a sofa watching a film, hugs and kisses are a form of communication. Although if you ever get the chance to get a Sara massage jump at, as far as I'm aware the only people in our lab to of received one are myself and Catherine after we spent three hours pulling a car apart. Catherine fell asleep in the middle and often hints about her aching back and neck to which Sara replies with her mesmerising smile.

It's fantastic, when we get to work we leave all our feelings for one another at the door, I play the role of having a small grudge against her and she toys with Greg affections and playful banter with Nick. Everyone in the lab thinks I have a thing for Cath because I joke with her, hug her, look out for her and Lindsey, but in reality the lab is my family and family is always number one. Talking of which I meet hers tomorrow, we're travelling to San Francisco, I'm to visit her mother with her in jail and we're staying at her brothers.

My Grams met her along time ago and loves her to pieces, I just hope her family loves me to… or at the very least like me.


Okay so its not really that angst right. I wrote this ages ago and found it on a piece of paper floating around my room.

Unsure on whether to leave as a stand alone ore continue so I ask nicely if you could please review