I don't own CSI

So this is the second chapter and has been months since I last updated so thought I should.

Caths P.O.V


Sinking further and further into her bad mood, all I can do is watch as people cowered under her glare and hide from sight as she approached.

Crisis averted though as she signs herself off and heads for the locker room. Minutes later the sound of fist and metal colliding can clearly be heard. Upon our arrival her fury could clearly be seen though she could not. The lockers are all bent and twisted, their contents in plain view.

Four hours later I received a call from her. She needed to be picked up, she sounded exhausted, frail and weak. Knowing if need be I could never pick her up I grabbed Warrick, my excuse an hour and a half drive would be boring on my own.

She has on the floor in a hut in the middle of nowhere; the hut was bare with the exception of a punch bag and a toilet. My attention turned to her "hey" she softly said Warrick softly shook his head "why do you do this to yourself girl?" Softly he lifted her into his arms planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

Once we had got her in the backseat and strapped in we left. "How long have you and Sara…" I stopped to see him hold up two fingers "…two weeks, months please don't tell me years!" he laughed softly

"Okay then I won't"

"So I mean details, do any of the other's know" I felt a small victory as he shook his head, though disappointment he hadn't shared it with me before hand. "What about friends and family?" At this he nods, "Is that why you swapped swifts with Nicky last month?" again he nodded.

"I traveled with her to go and see her family."

"As the mom where did you stay?"

"Yes I've met Sara's mom, we stayed at her brother's he runs a small hotel on the coast." I looked at him and motioned for him to continue, "it was nice you know, her mom is just like her, well she looks like an aged and more weathered version of Sara and shares the same sense of humor and mannerisms. She welcomed me into the family like a second son, she said "Sara has already given you her trust and love, for that there is no arguments you are already living the rewards" I can't say I disagree." He laughed "As for her brother, he was so laid back and cool but I could tell he was unsure of me" he sighed despondently.

"How so?"

"He always kept his eye on me when Sara was playing with her nieces and nephew making it extremely clear to me what would happen to anyone who hurt Sara… It was him who gave Hank that black eye like me and Nick said he already had it when we got there. Though he did make a point of making sure that I didn't fell excluded and he took me down to the beach with Sara and his eldest to teach me how to surf." I raised a quizzical eyebrow "I am at my best with two feet on the ground, Sara though she came alive within the water and looked at home on the board." I watch as he relives the memory a smile tugging at his lips.

We took her to his apartment and he gave me the keys ready to carry her inside. On opening the door it was clear to me that Warrick rarely was here alone. Cosmopolitan lay on the coffee table next to a framed picture of Sara and him smiling at one another whilst dinning somewhere. A selection of her shoes had built up and once Warrick had laid her on the bed it soon became clear she had the majority of her clothes here too.

"So I'm guessing she has pretty much moved in" he laughed softly and shrugged "her stuff just began to pile up" He laughed "she doesn't spend much time at hers anymore." I look at the floor before looking up trying to think of how to carefully construct my next sentence "Warrick what is wrong?"

"She over exercised, took herself to the brink and then past it she is just exhausted"

"Why then did she phone me and not you?" at this he shrugged

"She never does, I think she feels that she will disappoint me. Why she called you I don't know she normally calls someone who she feels passes no judgement maybe this her way of telling you about us, I honestly don't know." He shrugged again

"Why was she so angry today?" at this he laughs

"I can only guess…No today she found out that a friend of hers in San Francisco died of an OD, whilst we were out there had sworn to Sara she had stopped using. Trust is an extremely important ting to Sara the more she thinks about the more she sees it as her failing." He smiled sadly and I felt it as good as time as any to change the conversation

"So does your Grams know about Sara and are you planning on telling the others?"

"She does she loves Sara, Sara is now invited before I am to come round to dinner. The two of them together are like gossiping old women." At this I laugh finding it hard to picture Sara as such. "And as for the others we'll see it's not so much them knowing but the idea that we didn't tell you all for so long."

"Everyone thinks you hold a grudge against her and that she is envious of you as Grissom favors you." He smiles "Pure brilliance, now I don't want to see you or Sara at work tonight okay?" he laughs and nods

"Yes mom" before I give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek and leave.

Just how come we didn't notice I wonder.


Thank You for taking the time to read it and for previously received reviews :)

Icklebitodd :P:)