Title: Invisible Scars

Rating: um…Well, I'm going to go with T, but it may go up to M if I decide to put more bloodshed into it…

Summary: Yugi's having dreams about Marik's horrible past. What happens when these dreams become a reality? YYxY

Author's Notes: Okay, I've decided to put up a new fic today, because the roof of my school decided to fall down so I've got a day off…yay! This fic will probably be using all of my attention span for a while, meaning that I won't be updating "What a Tangled Web We Weave until I get 5 reviews for chapter 3. I need five more…tear…

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! And nothing witty is going to be put here because I need to write chapter one in 13 minutes.


Chapter One: It Starts Here (lame chapter title if you ask me)

Yugi's POV

Why is there that feeling running down my back…like the feeling that hot water…water so hot that it feels cold…is running down my shoulders and torso…it hurts…where are you, Yami? Why aren't you saving me like always? You may not need to save the world anymore, but what about me? Can't I be your world? Like you are my world?

More…it hurts more…I try to scream but I can't…but the pain increases, like its reprimanding me…telling me not to scream…telling me that I can't, because this is only the beginning…it really hurts, and I can feel tears running down my face…they're hot, but not as hot as this water…

But the tears are also on my back…they're just as warm, yet, it feels more clingy…its not water, is it? It's a knife, isn't it? Am I going to die here? I try to struggle, but nothing's happening, I'm not moving, I can't, I can't feel my arms and legs…I can't feel anything except for this pain, for this blood…please, Yami, come and save me, where are you?

It's moving…the pain is moving…from my right, to my left…what happens when they reach my heart? Will they stab me and leave me to die? I don't want to die…not yet…I…it hurts, and I can't help but mentally groan…but I can't out loud. I feel like I'll explode if I don't say something soon…but it hurts, it burns, it burns, it burns…

Someone…Yami, make it stop! Make it stop, please! Please, Yami! Come and save me! Please, I need you! Please!

That's it…now I know…maybe Yami won't come and save me…after all…

Yami's POV

Someone…who's screaming? Yugi, is that you? Are you the one screaming and crying?

I woke up, and looked across the room towards Yugi's bed. He was there, he was kicking and screaming…he was crying so hard…so I jumped off of the bed and ran towards him…I could hear his words now, they were clearer than from across the vicinity.

"Please, Yami, come and save me, where are you?" Yugi pleaded with me, yet I didn't have a clue as to what I could do. I grabbed Yugi's bare shoulders…it was really hot that night, and I was shirtless as well, and pulled him off of his mattress, the pillow thrown to the floor where it was forgotten, and gripped them firmly.

"Yugi…Yugi, wake up!" I shouted, not caring if Grandpa was woken up…wait…he wasn't here, he was on an archeological dig…but I didn't care, I wanted Yugi to open his eyes so I could see his amethyst orbs, so that he could see that there was nothing wrong…that it was just a nightmare…and that we could go back to sleep…and nothing would harm him again.

But it didn't stop, Yugi instead said something that I couldn't understand…it was almost like a drunken slur…his face looked pale, and had the thinnest layer of sweat around it…was my aibou in pain? I shook his a little, "Yugi, aibou, wake up. Come on, you have to wake up!"

So he did. Yugi finally opened his amethyst, beautiful eyes, but I couldn't help but to look away, his eyes were full of such fear, "Yugi…are you okay?" What a question, 'Are you okay?' That wasn't a good question, of course he wasn't okay!

But of course, Yugi just said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine…it was just a nightmare…" There were still tears on his face, so I wiped them away.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Again with the pointless questions.

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay," I said, not really sure if he was telling the truth, but I got up and was about to go to bed when:

"Yami," Yugi spoke up quickly.

"Yes," I said, turning around. I think I knew what came next.

"Will you…sleep with me tonight?" Yugi still looked scared, so I nodded and laid down next to him after he scooted over to give me some room, "Thanks…Yami." Yugi said before turning his back to me and closing his eyes.

I almost didn't see it, but, right there…as clear as anything, were thin lines on Yugi's back…scars…and I knew that they weren't there before.


A/N: Eh, kind of like a cliffy…I guess. Please read and review!