Disclaimer: I own nothing i claim no ownership to any part of this story, with the possible exception of some of the plot points. With the growing number of fan fics out there I find it more and more difficult to come up with a original idea. So if you see something in this fic you recognize as yours or from someone elses fic. Know this: 1. I didn't steal it, I thought it was a good idea and incorperated it into this story. 2. If i were to give credit to all the authors whom i may or may not borrow a idea from the dislaimer will be several pages long lol. 3. In my oppion the only person who has the right to gripe about stolen ideas if JK Rowling. after all this is her universe. I would like to take this moment to thank her for letting me write a story in her created world for the fun of it. Enough jabbering its story time.

Harry Potter
and The War of Innocence

Chapter 1

The Choices of Today shape our Tomorrows

A 59 year old Harry Potter sat quietly with his nose buried in a book, not just any book but a book so ancient that every time Harry turned a page he had to cast a Repairo charm. It was tedious and grim reading most of the book was facts and theory. Harry summoned a cup of coffe something he had picked up during his days on the run, trying to train for the final battle and find the Horcruxes. It was stronger than tea and did a better job as a pepper up without worrying about the addictive nature of the potion of the same name. For someone who was supposed to be in his prime as a wizard Harry looked a little worse for ware. His long black hair hung over his scared face hiding not only his lightning bolt but also several other scars that had come with years of conflict. The long jagged one along his left cheek was a constant remind to duck faster, his mangled nose was a reminder to block punches and not rule out muggle fighting when dueling a evil wizard. Harry no longer looked at magic as light and dark. Magic was magic it was the intent behind the use of it that made you good or evil. Harry had learned long ago that while the darker spells of magic were sometimes deadly and gruesome, and mainly frowned upon but the general public as well as the "light wizards" of the magically community; many of them were handy when dealing with someone that wanted to kill you. The first life Harry had taken was still a constant bother to him. But there had been no choice either it was either that or watch someone he loved die, that had already happened to often in his life. Harry had seen so much death that something inside him just snapped and he decided to fight fire with fire. Harry leaned back in the chair rubbing his eyes as he thought about that day in his early 20's...


Harry stood not 20 feet from where the death eater stood holding a knife to Hermione's throat. His wand raised, Ron couldn't help him he was stunned and several feet away besides if he took his wand off this death eater to wake Ron the death eater might use the opportunity to kill her they were at a empass. The death eaters cohorts were also down it was just the three of them this one had gotten the jump on Hermione by playing opossum as she searched the ones they had defeated and bond them for the Aurors. He had grabbed her as she neared, sprang to his feet before she could react, and got the knife to her throat. Luckily for him she had dropped her wand in the process, and he had been disarmed during the battle, so that left the death eater without a way to use his magic.

"Drop the wand Potter or watch her blood flow"

"No, if I do you'll kill her anyway right now she is all that is stopping me from taking you out." using the little Legitimacy he new he sent a message to Hermione. Mione when I give the signal drop and roll to your left.
She nodded slightly to Harry to say she had understood.

"You think I fear you Potter, pfff don't make me laugh all you light siders are the same you won't do more than stun me. All of us even the newest recruit knows you don't kill. The worse that will happen to me is that I will be thrown into Azkaban which mean I'll be back in my lord's service with in the month."

Harry said only three words to this, "NOW!" then quickly after "REDUTO MAXIMUS!" feeding every bit of power and emotion he had into the spell. Hermione had dropped so suddenly the death eater didn't have time to react, he was not expecting such a ploy from children. To late he registered what Harry had yelled and looked up in time to see a glowing red pulsing orb of energy blast him in the chest. The explosion was deafening, Hermione was sparred most of the blast because Harry had ensured she rolled the direction of a small hole made from the magical battle that had taken place. The force of the spell rushed over her as it erased all traced of the death eater that had been holding her hostage. Something wet and sticky rained down on her and it took a moment for it to register what was happening. The moment she did, she vomited all over the front of her robes, then squeezed her eyes shut tried to block out the smell of her vomit, burned flesh, and the sound of blood, guts and bone hitting her and the ground nearby. All in all it was the grossest thing she could have imagined.

When everything finally quieted down she slowly peeked over the edge of the hole and had to fight down the rest of her lunch as she took in the sight. Harry was standing exactly where he had been only now he was covered head to toe in small bits of human and blood. The ground surrounding the spot where she had been was covered in the same matter and it moved outward in a circular pattern. She looked to Harry who was staring at her intently. "Are you ok, did you catch any of the blast, did he hurt you at all?" the questions came so fast she didn't have a chance to respond. She gave him the "OK" sign nodding her head at the same time, not trusting opening her mouth at the moment. He nodded, then his eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.

There had been a major stink raised about Harry offing the death eater but when it came down to it the Wizengmot couldn't put Harry away for self defense the only thing Harry had said during the whole process was "If you want to send me away for protecting myself then fine do it. I will not apologize for defending myself, it was him or me or my friend, if I had it to do over again I would do the exact same thing" Harry had sat with arms crossed during the whole process when the not guilty verdict came back (split decision 4-3) the press had eaten it up.

The official statement of the Wizengmot and the Ministry was "While we don't condone what Mr. Potter has done we understand that certain allowances are going to have to be made. In these troubling times."

Harry on the other hand had done something completely out of character and made a counter statement to the press. "When you are being threatened by a powerful wizard like Voldemort (thought the reporter had typed you know who) and his ARMY of death eaters the only thing you can call it is war the mad man is threatening genocide against all muggles, muggle born, and half bloods. Last time I checked that makes up the majority of the population of the planet. Also they consider any race not human inferior, I am sure they wouldn't hesitate to kill them too. As far as I am concerned the Ministry needs to declare open war against Voldemort and let him know we are not going to take this lying down. Band together there are more of us than there are of them. Travel in groups, keep your friends close, have a escape plan, be prepared, and know that if you get in a fight they will not think twice about killing you, your family, and anyone that stands in their way." It was the last statement Harry made to the press willingly until he defeated Voldemort some 25 years later. Then he had only declined the position of Minister and said all he wanted to do was retire quietly and maybe teach at Hogwarts he heard they still needed a defense teacher.


Harry looked at the piles of books surrounding him and sighed. It had been 14 years since he had defeated Tom Riddle. History had proclaimed him a hero and the savior of the light he had been awarded Order of Merlin 1st class and offered any position in the Ministry and on the International council of Wizards he wanted. He had turned it all down. He was alone and tired living in the small apartment for single teachers at Hogwarts. His eyes turned to a old photograph hanging on the wall the picture was the entire Weasley clan including wives of the boys, Remus Lupin and Tonks, Mad Eye Moody, Professor McGonagall, and himself. Colin Creevy had snapped the picture the day of Harry's Graduation.

Three days later the young boy had been killed along with his family. Harry sighed looking at the photo and thought of those not pictured that should have been. Dumbledore, Sirius, and Hagrid. All killed while he was attending school. He also remembered the days that each person in that photo fell all of them were dead except him. The Weasley's had been killed minus, Ron and Ginny about 13 years later before Christmas. Ron and Ginny had been in hiding with Harry and they were on their way to the Burrow when they recieved the word. Author, Molly and the others had refused to go into hiding she had said "this is our home and we will not be scared out of it by anyone." Molly was a terror when she was riled. Ron had followed within 2 years trying to avenge his family Hermione had died in the same battle dueling the death eater that had killed Ron. After that, Ginny had become more and more distant until one day the two of them had a major blow out in which she blamed him for having no family left then had stormed out the door. They found her body five weeks later badly abused. Harry refused to listen as they tried to tell him what all had been done to her, to the point of stunning the doctor that kept insisting he know. He knew well enough the methods of death eater torture. The thing that burned him the most was the small M branded on her forehead. The fool had practically told him who had done some of this to her. Draco Malfoy' s death was slow and painful. It was the closest Harry every came to "going dark" as they called it.

His eyes settle on Remus and Tonks they along with McGonagall had been killed at their wedding the same year Harry had graduated. Mad Eye had survived all the way to the final battle somehow and fallen to a junior death eater that snuck up behind him. It would have been comical if it hadn't been the last friend Harry felt he had left. The old Auror who constantly barked "CONSTANT VIGILANCE" caught off guard because he was making sure Harry was doing all right. In one instant, right after dropping another death eater Mad Eye had turned to check on Harry, the next he was falling over dead. The battle had raged for five days, until Harry sent a Message to Tom challenging him to a formal duel secure in the knowledge that all of Toms Horcruxes were destroyed and that he was ready Harry proposed that the two of them meet and settle this once and for all in a duel to the death. Those siding with the loser would swear a public wizarding oath to surrender to those sided with the winner.

The battle had been fantastic spell and curses and charms rocketing back and forth. No seconds were chosen because in all honesty no one else could stand agenst either of them. The two most powerful wizards in the world were in a duel to decide the fate of the world. It last exactly twelve hours and 23 minutes. Then Harry did something completely unexpected. He feigned right then moved left, Tom had throne a stunner at him to the left Harry had erected a small skin tight absorption shield, then fell after the stunner hit him making it appear the he had been hit. Tom began to laugh and lowered his guard the moment he did Harry rolled and cast the killing curse straight at him it sped true and struck home striking down the most evil man the world had known. It was a rather anticlimatic ending for Tom Riddle, and Harry hoped that being fooled by a childish stunt like that had burned Tom all the way to hell. But there had been a terrible price. A little over 100 years of war all total including both wars, and more than three quarters of the planets population dead. Many magical races were now extinct.

Werewolves had been hunted down and killed by both sides. Vampires were kill by the dozens, and centaurs had been hunted down simply for remaining neutral, as had most of the goblins. House elves had been destroyed for rising in a small and unsuccessful revolt, and the planet itself was in very bad shape.

Harry stoked the fire once more and put on his winter, scratch that, everyday cloak. With the world on the verge of a second Ice age everyday was winter. About six weeks before the final battle Tom had performed a rare and obscure ritual in the frozen Arctic of the north then another in Antarctica. Essentially he had done what environmentalist the world over had feared for decades. He had begun a melting of the polar ice, only it was suspected something had gone wrong with the riutal. No one was exactly sure what ritual he had proformed or what it was supposed to do and at the time no one was paying attention with the war on so many fronts Tom dissappearing for a while went unoticed. But the temperature in the frozen areas had been slowly rising while the tempeture of the rest of the world had been slowly going down. Unfortunately it was such a slow process that no one noticed until it was too late. The currents of the Oceans were changed because of a major influx of fresh water. The climate of the Earth changed researchers everywhere hurried to discover the cause in the sudden 40-degree temperature drop around the globe. All in all Voldemort had insured victory should he loose no one would known how to reverse the effects save him, and for once the bastard had not bragged about having a ace up his sleeve. Harry realized when he was told what was happening that he had killed the man too quickly. Tom had decided on the off chance that Harry did defeat him, that if he couldn't rule the world no one would. One last fuck you to the world. As he stepped outside into the frigid air a trilling note met him and Fawkes swooped down and perched on his shoulder.

Harry gave a slight smile before his customary dark foreboding look returned. "Nothing yet my friend I am beginning to think the only way to stop this from happening is to stop this from happening."

Fawkes titled his head and gave Harry a puzzled look.

Harry actually chuckled at that if anyone had seen him they would have assumed hell had frozen over (If it hadn't already). "Yes I am starting to sound more and more like that barmy old codger, I could really use his wisdom now. What I meant was time travel old Friend, I think I am going to have to go to the past and change history in order to save us." Harry sighed wearily as he leaned against a snow covered low wall looking out over the snow covered yards of Hogwarts, a strange sight for mid August to some but not Harry, not anymore. "Once again its Harry Potter to the rescue Fawkes you want to tag along if I find away to pull this off?"

The old Phoenix titled his head and trilled a few notes before nuzzling Harry

"I know foolish question as if you had anything better to do." Harry reached into his robes and with drew a cigarette placing it in his mouth he lit it wandlessly and took a long drag. "I know I know I really will quit someday. But it relaxes me and helps me think so please not today" Harry responded to the shrill note and accusatory look from Fawkes. Sighing out a puff of smoke Harry lost himself in thought pouring over the mountain of books he had read. Somewhere in them there had to be some work on time travel.

Then Harry stopped. Dropping the half smoked cigarette and running back to his room with Fawkes trailing after. Harry picked through the stack of book on his desk then the one on his table followed by several on the floor until he found on it on a book shelf in the sitting room. Harry read the cover once more to be sure he had the right book. "Can You Spare The Time; The Complete Definitive Work On Time Travel And All Its Possible Consequences; by Nicholas Flammel hopefully Harry would find everything he needed to know in this one book inheriting Dumbledore' s library never seemed as useful as it did in this moment. Harry sat down at his desk Banishing the books already there into a neat pile nearby and summoned parchment, ink and more coffee. Then settled in for a long night.

A/N: next update coming very soon