A/N Just a little plot bunny that I wanted to write while my beta looks over Simply Slytherin Chapter 4: Mismatch. IT IS COMING!

Til then, tell me what you think of this little one, hmmm? Just think of it as a teaser...


Draco looked around the living room, then moved into the kitchen at Harry's bell ringing.

He was met with the sight of a grinning Harry covered in flour, who flew into his arms.

'Ooff, Harry!' Draco exclaimed, a little exasperated but secretly thrilled that Harry was still so happy to see him.

In reply Harry reaced up and placed a light open mouthed kiss on his husband's lips, before scrambling out of Draco's arms and back to the stove.

'You could just spell that Harry.' Mumbled Draco halfheartedly after the years of having the same argument. 'Don't pretend that you can't.'

In return Harry simply turned and stuck out his tongue before pulling a cake out of the oven with a flourish.

'Ooh, what flavour is that? I forgot it was cake day.'

Harry cocked an eyebrow and Draco blushed a little as he came to stand behind his lover. Thay both knew Draco never fogot cake as good as Harry's.

The man in question gestured at the recipe that lay, covered in flour and grease marks, to the left of the stove.

'Apricot and ginger? Interesting…' Draco smiled and kissed his husband gently. 'I'm gonna go freshen up. You can join me if you want to.'

Harry reached over and pulled Draco down for a longer and more sensual kiss. When they broke apart he leaned over so his mouth was just in front of Draco's ear.


The noise was a cross between whale song and a sigh, Draco always thought. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever had, or ever would hear.

'I love you too, Harry.'

Harry beamed happily and started to spread icing on the cake.

Draco retreated to their bedroom but peaked back at Harry's relaxed figure, happy to think that it was him that made his husband so happy, happier tan he had ever been before he became mute.

A/N I have plans for this actually, which is surprising considering me... So please tell me what you think!