Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters.

"So, Neutron. You in or what?" Cindy asked the boy genius sitting across from her. They were at the Candy Bar alone, which was quite unusual. They had attracted quite a few stares when they walked in together.

"I don't know, Cind. Hooky? You could get in serious trouble for that," Jimmy nervously told her.

Cindy sighed andnervously tapped her fingers on the table. "Come on, Jimmy. We did it beforewhen we went toEgypt, remember?"

Jimmy shook his head. "That time was different. It was either leave school or die of boredom. I mean, that movie was like a hundred hours on sand! And we did get in trouble, remember?"

Cindy grabbed his hand and smiled. "Come on, Neutron. You've got to get your hands dirty once in a while if you want to enjoy life. You spend so much time in that lab; you should come out and have some fun. Besides, we're the two smartest kids in school. It's not like missing one little day will mean anything."

Jimmy rubbed his chin. As much as he hated to admit it, the idea of spending the day alone with Cindy did excite him. Well, I guess you have to grow closer after all we've been through. Jimmy smiled. "Yeah, we'll do it. Tomorrow."

Cindy smiled and let go of his hand. Jimmy just closed his eyes and thought of something. "Cindy, why are you asking me to do this? I could see if the others were coming, but just the two of us? That's never happened before."

Cindy frowned a little. In order to spend the day with Jimmy, she had to have taken the risk of him asking that question. "Two reasons. One. Carl, Sheen, and Libby need all the schooling that they can get. And two, we never do anything just the two of us. Which is weird, because we are friends and all." That was actually pretty smooth.

Jimmy nodded his head. He had been expecting a more...revealing answer, but it answered his question. "Yeah, ok. It sounds like fun." Just then the waitress came by and dropped off the check. As Cindy reached into her pocket for some money, Jimmy paid for both of them.

Cindy stared at him. "What?" Jimmy innocently asked.

Cindy smiled. "You've never done that before."

Jimmy shrugged. "It was just a shake. It's not like you ordered lobster or anything."

"It was still sweet," Cindy said as they both got up. She leaned to her side and gently kissed Jimmy's cheek.

"Huh," was all Jimmy said. He grabbed her hand and they exited the Candy Bar. As they headed home, he wondered something. "So what would be the reward if you had gotten the lobster?"

Cindy laughed. "In your dreams, big brain. In your dreams," she playfully told him.