A/N!-Okay, this is my first fanfic...so don't be too hard on me. i'm learning a lot on how to write, so i'm not that good. well, enjoy

A Very Merry Christmas to you

Chapter 1: The Long Exhausting Trip

"Oh com'on Gallows! Don't you dare chicken out again. We're almost there anyways!"

It had been atleast one year since Gallows had left his precious Baskar colony to venture off and become a drifter. Virginia had noticed that whenever she mentioned Halle, or anything to do with her and her "weapon"/cane, Gallows always gave a shudder. As far as Virginia was concerned, Gallows had never want to vsit Baskar colony, except if they really need to rest (w/out paying any gella!), or they need more info on the mediums and Gaurdians. Unfortunately, they were short on money, since they paid thousands of Gella to get their weapons prepared for their final battle against Beatrice (which they won), and buying all the berries and effective boosts they could find.

"PLEEEEAAAAASE don't make me go!" Gallows begged and pleaded. He'd already been hurt enough, well physicaly, and mentally; with all of the women slapping him over the head whenever he tried to flirt, and mental abuse from none other than the infamous punk, who was on his horse, riding right next to him. And the last thing he needed was to have Halle and Jet team up and beat the crap outta him with harsh words and physical abuse, mostly from Halle!

"Hmph, the pig deserves it, with all of his stupid actions and words, maybe Halle can whip him into shape!" The silver haired drifter gave Gallows a smirk, and started to chuckle to himself.

Thinking of the best way to get the punk to be quiet, he came back w/an awesome comeback: "Shut up punk.":A/N Hope you all know i was just kiddin! that's like the worst comeback ever!)

"Oooooooo, nice one Gallows, maybe you'd like to have a dictionary. You know, the kind that tell you how to actually insult!" Jet once again gave him an I always win look on his arrogant face that Gallows was just dying to collide his fists with.

"Jet, knock it off! Gallows is having a hard time already. Please don't make it harder than it already seems!" Virginia sighed as she slightly bucked her feet towards her horse's stomach to make it go faster. Heck, they needed to get faster, before one of them gets hurt. Turning her head towards Jet she sighed to herself again...really hurt.

"God dammit Virginia, why do always have to tell me what to do? Or better yet, why am i even listening to your idiotic words? I can can do whatever the hell i want!" That's when Gallow's anger got the best of him. Because in that same moment, he instantly attatched himself to Jet and flew him off his horse.

"YAAAAAAAAAA!" Gallows cried as he pounced on Jet, with the two of them falling to the ground. Immedietly, Virginia lept off her horse and ran over towards the two fighting males.

"Get off me you crazy git!" Jet screamed, and tried to push Gallows off, but Gallows held his ground. punching at Gallows helplessly, he realized he was no match for him, because the heavy weight of Gallows seemed to be crushing his bones. Finally raising his foot ready to kick Gallows, he saw an arm reach for Gallows shoulder, and pulled him off the young tennager. Too bad Jet has too quick reflexes, because in that same instant, he kicked his foot high up in the air as strong as he could.

He suddenly froze, expecting to hear Gallow's howl in pain. Instead, he heard a cry of delicate pain made by a woman. And the only woman that was around was-


Seeing Clive and his horse galloping over towards the scene of the crime, since he had been watching this entertaining fight (until right now), got of his horse, and raced towards Virginia, who on the ground, clutching her stomach as she groaned in pain.

Jet was ready to get up and brush himself off, not really caring if Virginia was hurt or not. Instead he was lifted off the ground by huge tanned arms. Looking straight into a pair of angry eyes it made his heart stop. Trying not to gaze at them, he turned his head away.

"Now look watcha did you damn punk. You hurt our leader! You cold hearted jerk!" And with that, Gallows threw him to the ground as hard as he could, not caring if he would break the stick figured teenager's back.

"Gallows please, no more fighting." Clive said seriously staring at Gallows with scolding eyes. "We already know what that leads to." He gestrured towards Virginia, who was still on the ground, still moaning.

Forgetting all about Halle and her can from hell, he ran towards Clive and suggested to go to Baskar colony, since they were only about a half hour away. Clive nodded and carefully picked up the hurting girl and placed her gently on her horse, and put a blanket over her, since it was only moring, and it was about 40 degrees. Then he turned to Gallows, and then his eyes travelled towards Jet, who was still on the ground, obviously unconcious. Gallows turned around and saw his young comrade sprawled on the ground. He looked so peaceful when he wasn't awake. Gallows though. When he is, it's like he's the son of the Devil!

Walking to the punk, he picked him up and set him on the punk's horse, not bothering to see if he was okay. Tieing him up, he got on his own horse, and slowly, they trotted towards the Baskar colony.

Regaining conciousness, Jet slowly started to open his eyes. Feeling that last bump on his forehead, he then decided that it's time to wake up. Scanning the area, he noticed that they were still out in Filgaia. He noticed also that he was on his horse, sitting upright. Rubbing his drowsy eyes, he then tried to figure out what was going on. Shaking his head, which brought a lot of discomfort, he tried to get his mind cleared to think what happened before he woke up.

Suddenly remembering the big lug, knocking him backwards, causing him to lose conciouness.

"That oaf!" He mumbled as he cursed silently in his head. He'll get that idiot Baskar, ooooooh he'll get him back so hard!

"Oh good, you're awake."

Looking back, he saw Clive and Gallows staring at him kindly, which totally annoys him, and he sent them both a venomous glare. "How long have i been out?" He asked, still sending them waves of hate.

"Dunno, maybe an hour or two." Gallows replied, not dare to even look at him. So he just continued to stare sideways.

"Aren't we supposed to be at this oaf's place right now?" Jet demanded, ignoring Gallow's glares at him.

"Apparently, we were supposed to be there two hours ago." Clive explained. "Unfortunately, do to you and Gallow's outburst," he muttered glancing at the both of them, "we had turned to horses around the wrong way, and it was until now, we realized we were going the wrong way."

Jet snorted and turned back to the front, not even saying any comments. Stupid drifters, Jet sneered and folded his arms, no wonder we're always late to every single town we go to.

Thinking to himself, he suddenly smiled (hoping nobody would notice) at the thought of it. One time he remembered that when they were at Humphrey's Peak, Virginia made everyone her famous "homemade stew." As smart as everyone was, or hoped, nobody dared to eat that much of Virginia's cooking. Unfortunately for Gallows, he was so hungry he didn't care and ate practically half of the stew. The following morning, they had to stop atleast twice every hour to let Gallows leap off his horse and do his "nature calls." Since then he doesn't think that Gallows even dared to eat or even touch Virginia's cooking. This hurt her feelings slightly, but she couldn't blame him. The two things Virginia's totally sucks at is cooking and knitting. Jet only knew far too well that the last time Virginia tried to knit him something, it gave him a horrible rash because she knitted the wrong side of the fabric. Scratching his neck at the thought of it, wondered where Virginia was.

Not even daring to ask those two bastards behind him, he decided to search for their fearless leader. After a few turns to his right, he saw her on her white horse sleeping peacefully as the horse trotted. Looking at her closely he suddenly remembered what he had done to her. Muttering to himself, he just started to look at her once more. Then he looks were starting to look like stares. He tried to look away, but whenever he look at her face that was pressed up against the mane, he always found that he had butterflies in his stomach. What was this feeling he had? Whatever it was, he wanted it to go away. Since he found out that he was not hu-not normal, he decided that he had no feelings whatsoever. But now he's starting to change his mind.

Why did Virginia always make him feel like this? Sure they were friends n'all, but why did he feel so warm whenever he looks her way, or he would act nervous around her whenever he had something to say? Must be something about girls i don't know about yet. He thought to himself as he shook his head and turned his head back into place, hoping his comrades wouldn't notice that he was staring at their leader for countless minutes. Guess he just get used to it.

"Are we there yet?"

"No, not yet."

Five minutes later...

"Are we there yet?"

"No, not quite."

Another ten minutes pass...

"Are we there YET?"

"No Gallows, and please stop asking."

Six seconds go by...

"I'm hungry! Aren't we there yet?"


Jet sighed in exhaustion. He can't stand to be here! Not like this. Gosh, Gallows had been driving him up the wall, and it wasn't even noon yet! Please...please...He pleaded. We have to be here by now! Finally Jet spoke up in desperation, not wanting any part of this journey any longer.


Suddenly, Gallows jumped for joy."Look! I see it I see it! the Baskar colony! I see the Gaurdian church!YAY WE'RE HERE!" He suddenly whipped at his horse, and galloped happily toward his hometown. Jet and Clive chuckled as they saw Gallows nearly fall off his horse while trying to get off it.

Finally, Jet thought, the journey is over!

Oh but how little he knew...

A/N: SOOOOOO? Watcha think of it? Okay, it might be bad. But hey, i'm new here! Please review for all you Wild Arms Fans! hope to have next chapter ready soon!