Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto…

Summary: Racer and Florists by day, assassin by night. What if a raven-haired assassin met his customer who is an annoying pink-haired maiden? Will his customer and he will made war out of them? Or it's the other way around? SasuSaku

Chapter 4: The explanation behind this mission is WHAT!

"I told you, we need to talk." Sasuke said while dragging her to the back door to see Naruto leaning at the wall.

"Sasuke-teme, let's do this and get going." Naruto said impatiently. Sasuke nodded while letting Sakura sit on the bench.

"Sakura-chan…we, Sasuke and I, need to tell you something VERY important." Neruto said seriously while looking at Sasuke who nodded.

"Sakura, you're in danger."

"So what information did you get?" Orochimaru asked while looking at Neji seriously.

"Well. There's a newbie in our class…I don't like him at all." Neji said while leaning at the door.

" Who is this newbie?"

"He's Uchiha Sasuke…I bet he's Itachi's sibling." Neji looked at him. Orochimaru smirked.

"He is."

"So you mean-"

"He'll be a BIG burden for us, Neji." Kabuto said while walking towards them holding a dagger covered with blood.

"Don't tell me…He's a spy." Neji glared at Kabuto. Kabuto shook his head and pressed his eyeglasses and smirked.

"He's our enemy…He's one of the Kages' high-ranked assassins." Kabuto explained.

"Kage? So you mean the Kage's making their move." Neji smirked. Kabuto nodded.

"I'll be going now. I have some business with our pink flower." Neji turned his heels but was stopped by Orochimaru.

"By the way, don't do anything reckless until I say so, Neji." Neji nodded and walked away.

"Sakura, you're in danger."

Danger? Is she in danger? She's always in danger since HE came! Sakura laughed hysterically. Sasuke and Naruto exchanged looks with each other. Is this girl insane? They already told her the she's in danger and all she DO IS LAUGH!

"We're serious."

"And I'm serious too…" Sakura deceased from laughing and gave the two boys a stern look. Sakura tapped her foot in rhythm while waiting some explanations.

Silence occurred between the three, waiting and some are sending looks like 'I'm –Dead-serious- NOW' 'Give-me-explanations-or-DIE!' and 'I'm-HUNGRY-can-I-go-now' looks.

"I'm hungry." Naruto started.


"Okay. My stomach is grumb-" Naruto chirped while massaging his tummy. Sakura's eyes twitched at this.

"What I meant is explain WHY I'm in danger."

"Okay. We're from a 'secret' organization…" Naruto started.

"So don't even bother to ask." Sasuke blunted.

"We're here to protect you…"

"Coz' it was obviously assigned to us."

"Yeah. We're here as undercover as a student of Jin High…"

"Coz' our lazy-old BOSS said that we're the same age as yours."

"And we're now about to eat RAMEN!"

"And he's to baka."

"NANI?..!" Naruto fumed and was about to punch Sasuke when…


"THAT explanation is SO PATHETIC! I'M-"

"We are here to protect you from the other organization because of who knows what that's why we're here." Sasuke explained. Sakura looked dumbfounded. Naruto looked sleepy. Sasuke waited for the annoying girl to response.

"You all are crazy. I'm going home." Sakura stated and was about to walk off when a strong hand grip her wrist.

"You're not going home without us."

"FYI, You didn't even give a very GOOD explanation of WHY I'M IN DANGER and NOW I'm NOT ALLOWED TO GO HOME ALONE?..!" Sakura fumed while prying her now pale wrist in Sasuke's hand.

"Sasuke. I think she HAS a point." Naruto whispered. Sasuke gritted his teeth. The dobe, for once, IS RIGHT! They didn't EVEN know the reason why this annoying PINKY is in DANGER! Sasuke sighed and let go of her hand. Sakura muttered a 'Thank you' and left.

"So, let's get some ramen!"

"Get it yourself. I'm going to confront Tsunade." Sasuke said and walked away. Naruto looked at his retreating figure and hopped away from the school.



'Great. MORE annoying girls.' Sasuke thought while marching down towards the stockroom. He grabbed his blue apron and proceeded towards the cashier.

His everyday routine started in the flower shop. He asks the customers. Shouts at his fangirls. Gets his customers orders. Shouts at his fangirls. Gets the money from the customers and give the change. Lastly, SHOUTS AT HIS FANGIRLS!

"Ohayo SASUKE-KUN!" Ino greeted, more likely, shouted. She ran towards the counter waving some tickets in her right hand. Sasuke glared at this sight. Could his day get any worse?

"Sasuke-kun, honey, I got tickets at your race!" Ino shouted. Sasuke continue his work. Ino smiled at him and continue ranting at his race in a week. Sasuke then caught a pink in his vision. He turned to looked at the entrance and saw Sakura walking towards them.

"Ino, we have an important chore to do!" Sakura complained while looking at Sasuke. Sasuke looked at her in return. Sakura then glared at him and walked at Ino who is STILL ranting about the race.

"Saku-chan, that chore can STILL wait! I'm doing something here that IS important." Ino said while looking at Sasuke, who was now counting the money in the cash register.

"Ino, if you think that is important, THAT can wait!" Sakura fumed. Ino looked at her and turned back at Sasuke.

"Saku, if you think that going to your dead parents in this kind of night is important…THAT CAN ALSO WAIT!" Ino shouted. Sakura growled at this and waited outside the shop. Sasuke sighed.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm going to bet many yen on you! So WI-"

"Yamanaka. I think you better shut up now. I'm tires of your yapping." Sasuke blunted as he walked towards the cosmos flower. Ino looked at him and pouted.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm just supporting you!"

"I know…and I grew tired of it." Sasuke said coldly while picking up some cosmos and wrapped it in a pretty red paper.

"You're just saying that coz' you're tired, Sasuke-kun. I'll let you off!" Ino said while sitting herself at the counter.

Sasuke walked outside and looked at Sakura who was now sitting at the bench waiting for her nosy friend. Sasuke coughed to get her attention but she didn't look back.

"Oi." Sakura looked at him and raised a brow. Sasuke sighed and held the flowers between them. Sakura looked at him questioningly.

"Here." Sakura looked at the neatly wrapped cosmos infront of her. She took it and smiled at him.

"Thank you."

"It's not for you…It's for your parents." Sasuke said while pocketing his hands on his pockets. Sakura's eyes twitch and smiled at him forcedly.

"I-I know that." Sakura stated. Sasuke smirked at this and seat beside her. Sakura looked up and admired the stars shining in the sky. How she wished that her parents were still alive and watched the same sky she sees now with her.

"Thinking of your parents." Sasuke started. Sakura jerked and looked at him oddly. Sasuke looked up and sighed.

"Wishing them to be alive and see the same stars today. Right?" Sasuke asked, more likely, stated. Is he reading her thoughts? Sakura smiled.

"Maybe." Sasuke looked at her in the corner of his eye and stood up. Sakura looked at him. He dusted his pants and put his hands in his pockets.

"That cosmos will rot if you're still here." Sakura smiled and stood up. Sasuke then walked back to the shop and stopped.

"Bring your nosy friend also." Sasuke ordered without even turning and continue to walk inside.

"Sasuke-kun, Sakura! I've been waiting for hours!" Ino shouted angrily. Naruto rubbed his ear while muttering how noisy Ino is. Sakura smiled and grabbed Ino's hand.

"Mou. We're going now! Ja'ne!" Sakura said and left off with Ino. Naruto cheered since Ino was out of the shop. Kakashi sighed in relief that somehow the shop is now quiet. Sasuke smirked and went down the basement.


"Oi, Tsunade. I need some explanations on this assignment." Sasuke said while sitting on the couch, waiting for his BOSS to answer. Tsunade looked at him and raised a brow.

"Are you questioning my missions for you?" Tsunade implied while resting her head on the back of her hands. Sasuke gave her a stern look.

"I'm serious…The victim is asking us why are we protecting her from no one." Sasuke explained.

"And you explained how?"

"I explained nothing. I only said that we're here to protect her from who knows what." Sasuke implied. Tsunade smirked.

"Keep it up."


"You heard me."

"I know. What I mean is why? I don't get it."

"Oh. So the great Uchiha Sasuke is confused? I'm shocked." Tsunade said sarcastically. Sasuke glared at her.

"Are you testing my patience, Granny?" Sasuke said. Tsunade's eyes twitched in annoyance. How dare he!

"Since you're 'confused', I can't explain the true reason behind that." Tsunade said. Sasuke glared at her intensely. She's testing him. Why? Maybe because he called her granny? She is SO low!

"Look, Granny. I don't have time for your jokes now explain to me what the REAL reason behind this assignment is!" Sasuke fumed. Tsunade smirked at his reaction.

"I also don't have time for this also. I have my own business and you have yours. So run along now and protect her from danger." Tsunade waved her hand back and forth shooing him away from her office. Sasuke muttered curses before he left.

Tsunade sighed and stretched her arms in relaxation. Shizune walk up to her, with Tonton .

"I suggest that you should explain it to them. They had a right to know." Shizune suggested. Tonton nodded its head. Tsunade laughed at this and looked at them.

"Shizune, this is not the right time for them to know."


Okay…I'm now finish my chapter four of BLUE SONG…Next up is High School Days! By the Way…I had a new fic called Fire Gakuen, I uploaded it maybe the second week of May? I think. So SUPPORT it like my other fics! I'm so SORRY coz' I promised that I'll update fast because its summer but I ended up updating slow…I had this summer league in our village and I'm the team captain of this league so I got to do many task to make my team alive and kicking! And since it's finish, I can update now except that the fact I had school…laughs nervously…So READ AND REVIEW! R&R!

Chapter Preview: Will I believe you?

"YOU'RE INSANE!" Sakura shouted at him while running for her dear life. Sasuke, on the other hand, thinking of ways to get them out of the trouble.


"Don't worry. Eventhough, you don't believe us, I'm still going to protect you." Sasuke said while holding her tightly.
