A/n: Here am again! On to the next chapter! Yayness!

To dl-sPirit: Yay, I'm happy you actually liked it! Oooooh, so you have an embarrassing picture of Anti Cosmo? Show me, lol! Thank ya for your review!

To Spiritual Magic: Aw, you're right. It's better to just ignore that freak Bob. And nope, I don't think he actually can write, heh. But you understand how mean it was of that guy… Anyway, I'm glad you think I CAN write. It makes me feel a lot better! (smiles)

To Creature of Habit: Thank you very much for defending me! I really was a bit shocked when I read that review of Bob, but hey, the show must go on! (grins) Nope, that guy won't keep me away from writing. In his dreams! And you thought I described that airport thing very well? Thanks! But I got some help of a dictionary, to be honest, teehee… Hey, I indeed made a picture of that cage-moment (or whatever you want to call it)! They're not so hard to drawn, you know!

To Wanda Wish: Thank you! Very kind of you to tell me I'm a good writer! I think there's no bigger compliment than that, for a (so-called) writer. You've got a very popular story on this site, you know? You're one great writer yourself too! Wonderful! Keep up the good work!

As promised, Anti Cosmo let his wife out of the birdcage as soon as they were in the plane to Hawaii.

She carefully crept out of the cage, curiously looking around. '…wow, it is so big in here! And the windows are way smaller than the ones in the hall of the airport!' She didn't seem to like that.

'…I think you're right. The windows are indeed smaller than the windows in the hall. Big deal! What do you want to do about it? Like it matters!...hey, were are you going?' Anti Cosmo asked, when he saw Anti Wanda wanted to stamp out of the plane, and he poofed the cage away.

'I want my money back! They are cheaters! Boo!' she growled, but Anti Cosmo knew to catch her and pushed her further inside the vehicle, '…now now, they have really nice windows in here too, poppet. Easy down! Well, where shall we sit down?'

'I wanna sit next to the window! Me me!' Woosh, she quickly dove on a chair which was the closest one to a window. She had forgotten her frustration about the small windows already. 'Yes!' Anti Cosmo thought relieved, flopping next to his wife. Good thing there wasn't much necessary to distract Anti Wanda.

Because everything in Fairyport went so darn fast, the plane left immediately after the last genie had taken her seat. The big thing made funny noises, and a few moments later, the plane floated in the air gracefully. Everybody calmed down now they were in the air, on their way to their destinations, and so the ambiance was quite pleasurable.

Anti Cosmo felt in his pocket. Did he still have his present for his wife…ah, yes, here it was. He took a tiny, black box out of his waistcoat. Perfect. When he turned to look at his wife, he began to laugh. She had pushed her face against the window next to her, saying: '…hey, is it my fault or is the weather really so foggy right now? I mean, it's summer! And yet I can't see a thing!'

'…the weather isn't foggy, dear. The window is steamed up because of your panting against it.' Anti Cosmo remarked, smiling, '…and…hum…remember that I had a gift for you?'

Anti Wanda pulled her face of the glass, and grinned when she stared at the box he was holding. '…wow, are ya gonna ask me to marry you? Again? Okay then! I do! I really do!'

Anti Cosmo chuckled, slowly shaking his head. '…nice try, but no. It's something else. Something useful…go on, unpack it!' He pushed his present into Anti Wanda's hands, who looked at it in confusing.

'…well, okay then…' She took off the top of the little box, held the thing in the air, and turned it. A small, silver chain fell on her lap. She saw there was a tiny, sort of visiting card attached to it, and she picked it up, frowning. '…um…what is it, hon?'

'…it is a necklace. Um…with a charming visiting card, 'Anti Cosmo explained, while Anti Wanda hand him over the necklace, '…see, you are somebody who gets lost, most of the time. And that's, since you're my spouse, pretty annoying. So when I was looking for you all over the place, I've bought you this cute thing as a nice decoration of your neck. And, because you're a little runaway, as a solution for your…running away. On the visiting card I've put our address, so they can bring you back to me if you ever get lost. Oh, and that's my mobile phone number. You never know.'

Anti Wanda giggled flattered. '…so…ya bought that fer me because ya care about me?...' Anti Cosmo smiled, but didn't answer her. He just said: '…turn around, poppet.'

She decently did what he told her to do, and swung around. Anti Cosmo fasten the pretty necklace, and nodded satisfied: now she couldn't lose her way anymore. Which was, surprisingly enough, a big relief for him. '…right, you're wearing it now. Like it?...'

Anti Wanda stared with admiration at the expensive-looking piece of jewellery, and blushed. '…thank ya, sweetie!... ya really shouldn't have bought that fer me…'

'Oh, but you were worth it,' he admitted, a bit bashful, '…I'm glad you're happy with it. You deserve it, for going on a holiday with me, after all I've done…'

Well, she was pretty charmed by his uneasy attitude. Anti Wanda wrapped her arms around him in a reflex and began to snuggle him lovingly, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

'…yer very sweet…' she said, without any hesitation.

'Naah. Believe me, I'm not so sweet.' Anti Cosmo sniffed.

'And I say yer very sweet.' she repeated.

'…if…you really think so…'he muttered, somehow surprised of her resolute decision.

'…yer a very sweet guy...' Anti Wanda softly said, snuggling even closer to him, and began to drowse away. Since the whole traveling had been quite exhausting, Anti Cosmo wasn't really surprised. She didn't have much sleep last evening anyway…although she was able to sleep in, this morning. Aw, the hell with it.

At first, Anti Cosmo didn't mind she was falling asleep against him. He had survived last night with her, so he would also endure her cuddling during this flight. Besides, he kind of liked it. She was quite adorable…

…but an older married couple of fairies, which were sitting behind them, interrupt the cozy feeling he had.

'AW! Don't you think that's the cutest thing you've ever seen in your whole life, Edgar!' the lady's voice shrieked, '…young lovers are soooo lovely, right dear?'

Anti Cosmo turned red. What the heck! He stopped daydreaming and tried to push his wife away from him. Mpfh! Why didn't she wake up!...

'Just like you and me when we were young, Janice…but at least you didn't drool on me.' the husband of the lady said.

Crap, Anti Wanda was indeed drooling! Blast it; this was one of his newest waistcoats! He felt really ashamed, and now desperately tried to wake Anti Wanda up. 'Come on, let go of me! You're embarrassing me!...' he hissed.

She just didn't open her eyes, so Anti Cosmo carefully pushed her on her own seat again. Better…now he was even able to sit normally.

'I guess the love isn't totally disappeared these days, Edgar. That gives an old lady like me hope.' the Janice-woman sighted. The Edgar-guy also sighted. '…sure thing, dearest. Hopefully the future kids ( like the kids of those youngsters here, for example) will save the world one day…'

Future kids? The future kids of him and Anti Wanda, they meant? Holy smoke! Anti Cosmo blushed even more. What on Earth were those old geezers thinking of! Like stupid children could save the day! They were kids, no Powerpuff Girls!

The following minutes everything went on like this: old couple gave annoying, "let's save the world"-like comments, Anti Cosmo wanted to pull his hair out of his head, and he constantly had to push Anti Wanda away from him because she slid against his body the whole time. And that was bad, since the old fairies behind them had to give some more "let's save the world"-like comments then.

Suddenly, Anti Cosmo was fed up with it. He decided to just ignore the babbling buffoons behind him, and yawned. Oof, being annoyed sure makes you tired… He slyly looked at Anti Wanda. Once again, she was snuggling against him, looking very comfortable. She was a die-hard, oh yes.

She was sucking her thumb since she seemed to have forgotten Anti Cosmo's monocle. She had a happy, typical Anti Wanda-smile on her face, and her curly hair playfully tickled his face.

Alright. Enough. She won, he gave up. '…okay then…you can have it your way…' Anti Cosmo sighted, pulling her close, '…if you really want to be intimate with me, go ahead, lovely…' Anti Cosmo stroke her hair tenderly, and he felt her face was getting warmer. Apparently she wasn't totally asleep anymore.

'Why aren't their more peaceful Anti fairies like them in the world…' he heard the woman say. He groaned softly. '…because the rest of the world is way too annoying for such a task, you twit…'

The plane would arrive at the airport of Hawaii in the morning of Saturday, so they both slept for a couple of hours.

But at night, Anti Wanda woke up. The sexy stewardess of the plane had woken her because the sexy stewardess sang through the intercom that the plane would arrive their destination (Hawaii) in the morning. Yeah, like Anti Wanda cared!

Anti Wanda was shocked to find Anti Cosmo snuggling against her! Wow, apparently he didn't mind her hugs that bad…Although Anti Wanda enjoyed the warmth of her husband greatly, she pushed him away softly: she had to go to the bathroom VERY badly, and even a cuddling Anti Cosmo wouldn't be able to stop her bladder.

'...um…I'll be back in a minute, hon!...' she softly said. Then she jumped off the chair and raced to the toilet a fast as she could: hurry! Hurry!

Anti Cosmo woke up because of a giggling couple of lovebirds in front of him. Apparently, they were having a lot of fun with just the two of them. Anti Cosmo found himself thinking he would like to have some fun too, with just Anti Wanda and himself.

But when he looked to check if his wife still was asleep, he saw she was gone! Oh no! Anti Cosmo turned pale. See? One moment without keeping an eye on her, and away she was. WHY HIM!

Anti Cosmo looked around him in panic. No, old geezers hadn't seen her. No, the young lovers in front of him neither. The sexy stewardess sure caught his attention for a while, but she also hadn't seen his wife slip away. What a cruel world it was!

He was about to bite his nails in frustration… when Anti Wanda came out of the bathroom. Thank God she wasn't playing with tampons or sanitary towels! And he saw there wasn't even toilet paper what stuck to her shoes, something what was one of the biggest cliché's in the world of comedies. Yippee.

'Hi! Looks like yer awake too!' she yelled through the plane in a shrill voice when she saw Anti Cosmo waved slowly at her, and disturbed many passengers in their sleep. They all glared angry at her, but Anti Wanda was too stupid to see that, and happily flew back to her husband.

Well, Anti Cosmo felt quite ashamed, and so he was glad when she sat next to him again: he could prevent her from doing weird things. At least, he thought so.

'Did I miss anything?' Anti Wanda asked him. He grinned, and pointed at the young couple. '…except those snuggling creeps there? Naah…'

He was tired. He still was. He wanted to go to sleep again, but no without the weight of Anti Wanda's body against him. It was very pleasant to sleep with her, regardless if it was in his bed or on a crappy chair of a plane.

Meanwhile, Anti Wanda was staring fascinated at the lovers in front of them. '…what are they doin', Anti Cosmo?' she finally asked Anti Cosmo.

'…um…well, they are…showing the rest of the lane that they are deeply in love!' he wisely answered, '…and you can show that on many different ways, which I aren't going to explain because we're in a plane full of curious creatures who are also listening.'

'…are ya deeeeeply in love with me, Anti Cozzie?' Anti Wanda giggled playfully. Anti Cosmo blushed, and hesitated to answer her. But he finally said:'…I have absolutely no idea. But I do like it to…be with you.'

'Fair enough fer me!...' Anti Wanda chuckled. She yawned casually, began to suck on her thumb again, and muttered: '…too bad I've forgotten yer other konocle…'

'Oh, take this one then. I'll poof a new one, dear. There you go… Now, let's have another nap. The night's long, you know…' Anti Cosmo smiled, giving his monocle to Anti Wanda. She nodded silently, putting his glassy thing in her mouth again. '…yer right.'

She stared at him for a while, before asking: '…Anti Cos? Could ya raise yer arm a bit?' Anti Cosmo was confused, but decently did what his wife asked him to do. '…like this, you mean?...'

'Yes! Perfect!' Anti Wanda said enthusiastically. She snuggled close to him and looked up at her husband. '…ya can put yer arm down now, sweetie. You'll have to wrap me in yer arm then, but I don't mind that, y'know…'

'…oh, I do know, poppet…and I don't mind it either.' Anti Cosmo sighted softly, kissing her on her cheek, '…now, just relax dear: remember, we're on a holiday!...'

A/n: They should land in Hawaii soon! You'll see what will happen next…