A Difficult Predicament

by samisweet

Summary: Multiple universes crash together as a destiny gone wrong causes a rip in time. A war of the worlds begin in rapid succession and it is up to the traiterous Usagi to save the universe. Is her betrayal really what it seems and will the senshi ever trust her again?

Bright flaming buildings lit up the night sky, spitting glowing embers out in contempt. Straw thatches and wooden huts caught easily, the fire spreading from one house to the next in rapid succession. Electric blue inferno fought against red as the heat expanded. Screams and shouts were barely above the roar of the fire as the occupants of the small village fled in terror. A few braver men fought long and hard against the invaders, the clattering of swords drowned out by both the fire and the people. Women, children, and men alike were killed by the raiders. Blood was splattered across the crackling ground, shining in the parts that hadn't fed to the growing blaze. Body parts cluttered the area in a sickening layer. Children cried hard as fear grew in their eyes.

She watched from a tall tree a little ways from the glowing village. Her eyes mirrored her pain. It was not a part of her mission to help them, and it would slow her down, but she couldn't let it happen. Winds blew across the thick forest, causing tendrils of dark blonde hair to brush across her face. She adjusted the crescent clasp of her silver cloak, pulling it around her body. Her serene, cold face held no trace of emotion once again as she drew up the cowl of her hood to hide her identity. She had finalized her decision. Her eyes glowed silver-gold for a moment before she simply melted into the thick branch. The only trace was a burst of silver glitter, but that faded away in the matter of seconds.


The man laughed as flames erupted from his hands, burning people alive. His cloak, red in color, flapped behind him in an unseen wind. A woman pleaded with her eyes as she tripped, facing him. His face held the slightest remorse before her ashes floated away. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a woman in a silver cloak rose out of the ground. Her hands glowed silver-gold before a beautiful silver-steeled katana formed in her hands. The hilt was intricately carved in gold and imbedded with precious and semi-precious gems, all set in a design of the solar system. Twirling it skillfully and dexterously, her face blank from all emotion, she struck the man right down his middle, and his cleanly halved body fell apart, blood spurting out and entrails spilling. Her katana flashed as she twirled it and struck another man, this time beheading him.

More men ran towards her. Swords clashed against hers, but was no match. She blocked an offensive maneuver before running her sword through a man's middle. A woman punched her with ember-glowing hands, fiery with bright red fire. She parried off the attacks before kicking the girl in the abdomen, causing her to fly backwards and hit a boulder. Two men and a woman, dressed in red but having no cloaks, started to swing their flaming katanas towards her. All three crashed down on to her own silver katana, sparking brightly. She pushed against them, setting her feet apart. The blades began to inch towards her face and with a thrust she managed to throw the unskilled trainers onto the ground. Another team of men turned towards her with ruby-glowing eyes, their hands glowing with the same flame, their capes flapping in the flying smoke.

"Purity shuriken!" a burning white shuriken formed in her out-stretched palm and with a flick of her wrist, it flew at dangerous speeds towards the men. It cleanly cut through all five, spinning back towards her extended hand and disappearing into it. She withdrew her body into her cloak, the silky fabric hanging loosely. She showed no evidence of the amazing exertion she put out.

"Aiieeeeeee!" an abrupt scream startled her and she spun around, hands glowing. A figure cloaked in dark red punched a woman that had been about to attack her. A fast spin-kick later, the woman was on the ground. The figure's hands glowed with red flames and the person put them together in a meditating form. A spiral blast of fire headed out, burning the wooden wagons that had been trying to escape, laden with the attacking army. Screams echoed before all was quiet. The red cloaked figure bounded away into the night and her silver-blue orbs sparked with recognition as she watched. She turned to face the remaining villagers. Her eye glowed with silver as she rose into the air, her cloak whipping around her body. A thick torrent of water doused the threatening blaze.

The villagers muttered in wonderment and awe, thanking the heavens above. Three quarters of the village remained in charred ashes; the rest was wholesome and unaffected. She floated, her cloak flapping and revealing a strapless black leotard with nothing to cover her legs. Velvet black three-inch stiletto boots clung to her calves like a second skin, ending just below her knees. Suddenly, people began noticing and pointing at her.

"Thank you, miss," a shy young girl stepped forward, hair raggedy and tangled.

"You're welcome," she gave the young lass a cold smile; it was all she could provide. The crowd exploded into tears of appreciativeness and applause. Her smile grew warmer. "As a gift and a token of my deepest apologies of what has happened, I give you these." Her hands and eyes glowed golden for a few second before she closed them in concentration. Silver and gold sparks surrounded her in a barrier before she stretched her arms forward, palm outwards. The sparks danced in a fast waltz as they headed towards a patch of thick grass. Out of the ground grew broad stocks of corn, beans, wheat, and other crops, substantial and green with beauty. "These shall keep you from hunger in the growing years to come and is fed by your happiness and generosity. Lest greed and voracity should overcome you, these crops will fail, leaving you to starve. Take heed my warning. At the moment, these will provide you food and sustenance. Now, I shall leave."

She gave one last glance at the village before leaping into the air and bouncing off of a wooden wagon. With another skillful jump, she landed in the branches of a tree. Bounding from tree limb to tree limb, she soon disappeared from the view of the gratified villagers.


"I know you've been following me for the past hour," she paused on a branch, hand resting lightly on the browned trunk. "Show yourself."

The figure that had helped her out in the village stepped forward through a patch of darkness. A hood covered the identity of the figure, but slim, pale hands withdrew from the folds of the cloak to draw it back.

"Usagi," the figure said with contempt. It was a female with bright violet eyes and gleaming raven hair. She was utterly beautiful, an epitome of heavenliness. A small pert nose complimented high cheekbones and full cherry lips. Her eyes were currently flashing with the hatred evident in her voice.

"Rei," 'Usagi' laughed coldly, pulling back her hood to reveal herself. "How unlike you to follow me so quietly. Aren't you going to nag me about how horrible I did? Or did I change too much?" Her tone was mocking, causing 'Rei' to glare.

"Why?" Rei clenched her teeth, her hands burning with orange-red flames and her eyes glowing with the same fire. A gust of wind blew her dark red cloak away from her body, revealing a dark red spaghetti-strapped leotard decorated with lace and black beads and a black miniskirt that ended mid-thigh. It reminded Usagi of the fukus she wore during the senshi days. Red ballet flats, adorned with black beads, covered her feet. She wore no skirt or pants. Her cloak was fastened with a pin that had a flame etched in the surface, the sign of the planet Mars in front. Black hair was in a high side-ponytail that reached a little past her shoulders and red studs glittered from her ears.

"A Fire Warrior, huh?" Usagi smiled frostily. "And quite a high-ranking one, judging from the dark color of your cloak. Of course you would be. After all, you are the princess of Mars and fire, aren't you?"

"Don't change the subject," Rei replied irately, extending a closed fist. She swiftly opened it and a burst of inferno headed towards Usagi, who elegantly dodged it with a back handspring, flipping on to the ground. Rei followed, her hands gleaming brighter than before, her breathing heavy due to her lividness.

"I'm not," Usagi gave a mock-bow. "Dear princess, how sorry I am to annoy you. I shouldn't have stated the obvious."

"You disgust me," Rei spat, her glare deepening. Usagi laughed bitterly.

"That isn't anything new, Ms. Hino. I've disgusted you from the very beginning, haven't I? I've always been stupid and low. Is that why you hate me so? Because I harness what you wanted?"

"I hate you because –"

"I don't care," Usagi interrupted. Her eyes narrowed. "You can hate me all I want. It doesn't affect me. Not anymore."

"Do you really think that you'll be able to defeat us?" Rei laughed. "We have the best of the best. All of your former senshi are the best of the best. Ami has become an Ice Warrior, Makoto is a Grass Warrior, Minako is a Lightening Warrior, Haruka is an Air Warrior, Michiru is a Water Warrior, and little Hotaru has grown up to be a Psychic Warrior. We can manipulate you easily. From what I've seen, all you can do is alterations to your past attacks and a little bit of the elements. You won't be able to go against all of us. Look at your cloak. It's still the silver-white of beginners. You haven't manipulated a single element to become your strength. You're weak."

"Don't underestimate me," Usagi shook her head. "You still think that I'm weak. I can kill you easier than a fly."

"Oh?" Rei raised an eyebrow, laughing. "And how do you propose you'd do that? Use your 'Moon Tiara Magic?' Usagi, we can easily defeat your light attacks. Light isn't even an element. It's just a form of power." Usagi noticed Rei's eyes flickering to the left. There. She did it again. She was planning something.

"I'm happy to know you've finally overcome my weakest attack," Usagi carefully watched Rei. "And I suppose you've joined the rebellion. Ah, of course you have. Look at the bracelet on your arm." A golden thread held a black charm on Rei's left wrist, barely noticeable and delicate. "One would have thought a harder way of identification would be better. But you guys don't look past the first thing you see. I should know."

"You are so damn despicable," Rei spat out. Her eyes flickered to the left on last time before she gave a slight gesture that Usagi wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Usagi shook her head and stepped back. A figure crashed into the ground just in front of her, a jumble of dark violet cloak.

"And you are so damn predictable," Usagi taunted. Bending over, she grabbed the figure by the hood and lifted it up, slamming it against a tree trunk. "State your name."

"Dark Mousey, at your service," the figure grunted, revealing a masculine voice. His hood fell back and bright amethyst eyes blinked back at her. He was breathtakingly handsome. Dark purple, almost black hair fell into his eyes, adding to his comeliness. He had a chiseled face and, from what could be seen, a lean, tall frame. A well toned body could be seen from the black muscle shirt he chose to wear. His eyes were narrowed in disdain.

"A Morphing Warrior, are we?" Usagi let go of the collar of his cloak. Dark glared. "And very high in ranking. Pretty close to Psychic Warriors. I presume you know Hotaru. Nice girl, isn't she?"

"From what I've heard, she's nicer than you a hundred-fold," he spat out.

"Really," Usagi laughed coolly. "And who told you that? Miss Rei, here? Did she also tell you that I was once their best friend? Their savior? Their light? Did she tell you that they used to love me more than anything else in the world? Or did she only tell you about the way I left them."

"She told me all I needed to know," Dark replied, just as frigid, but Usagi could see the questioning glance he gave to Rei.

"I'm not the enemy here," Usagi stated, before turning heel and walking away, her hands drawing her hood back up. With a graceful leap, she landed on a low branch.

"Usagi, don't you turn your back," Rei's teeth were gritted and she struggled to keep her power under control.

"Does it bring back bad memories?" was all Usagi said before bounding to another tree branch. Rei and Dark followed.

"Why did you help those villagers back there? I thought you didn't care."

"Contrary to popular belief, I still have heart," Usagi's voice grew quiet and she paused. "I can't stand the death of innocent humans."

"Not much of a statement knowing how many you killed."

"That's what you think," Usagi continued her journey. "Why are the both of you following me?"

"We're supposed to guard this forest from destruction until you leave," Dark spoke up when Rei didn't say anything, and the brunette elbowed him angrily.

"I'm not here to destroy it. I'm here on a mission."

"From your precious Mamoru, I suppose," Rei voiced Mamoru with abhorrence.

"No, from someone that is none of your business," Usagi sped up, her movements liquid and flowing. Dark splotches gave way to the cloudy sky overhead. Rei and Dark grew quiet, following her intently. She suddenly paused, eyes wary. "Another sneak attack? How rude, Rei."

"What are you talking about?" Usagi inspected Rei closely and found her confusion genuine. She sighed.

"Why me?" Usagi closed her eyes, focusing, when suddenly; they snapped open, glowing silver, her hands luminescent with the same glow. Throwing her hands into the air, she formed a thin, transparent silver-gold shield around the trio. Little blasts of energy thudded against the force field, hissing as they disappeared into it. "Show yourselves, those who dare to go against me!"

Silence greeted her. She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to let down the force field." The shield disappeared into Usagi's hands and Rei and Dark stood at attentive stances. Usagi felt the back of her neck prickling, and instinctively, threw whoever was headed her way onto the ground with a graceful maneuver. She dived after the figure, pinning its arms with her knees and drawing the hooded face close. "State your name."

"Never," the figure spat, revealing its masculinity. He had an icy, drawling voice. Usagi drew back the hood to find a man just as handsome as Dark, with platinum blond hair slicked back and cool blue eyes. He was more beautiful than handsome, however, with his pronounced features, but a strong, square chin gave it away. She could feel Dark and Rei landing behind her.

Usagi drew her face close to his, her eyes daring him to do anything to her. "You are obviously a Magic Warrior, what with that little display of energy. Rei, is he one of yours?"

"No," Rei's brow was furrowed in concentration. "But he looks familiar."

"Remember that boy who dropped out of nowhere?" Dark exclaimed. "The one who was running away from a supposed Voldemort fellow! And then one of the Magic Warriors took him away to train, telling us that he'd be back to join in two years."

"Yeah," a look of realization dawned on Rei's face. "He was probably trying to find us and then saw Usagi!"

"Wonderful," Usagi said sarcastically, her voice cold and snappy. "The entire Rebellion is alerted against me. Who are you, anyway?" Usagi released the blond, springing up and showing off a few flips.

"Draco Malfoy," the blond glared at the unlikely trio. "And I was looking for Rebellion headquarters, but look who decided to betray us."

"Shut up, low ranking shit," Dark was apparently miffed by Draco. "We're on orders to escort Usagi out of this forest."

"What, jealous of my looks?" Draco laughed haughtily as he sprang up to his feet. Dark narrowed his eyes.

"Please, you and I both know that I'm better looking," Dark turned towards Rei. "Isn't that right, Rei?"

"Actually," Rei taunted, her eyes glimmering with humor. "I think Draco is tons hotter than you."

Dark's jaw dropped. "I thought you loved me!" He pouted. Usagi watched coolly, her arms crossing over her chest.

"Dark, you know I'm happy with Jadeite, who's ten times better than Draco," Rei grinned, winking.

"Jadeite?" Usagi questioned, glancing at Rei. "So now you're with the enemy?"

"No, he turned sides," Rei scowled.

"He's a double agent," she stated. "He didn't turn sides. I'd think you were smart enough to figure that out. He was using you since you were close to the highest ranking. That's how the Administration of Oz was able to penetrate through your defenses and destroy the secondary headquarters, the only place where Jadeite was allowed. It was easy access since it was located beneath Crescent Port's third post, right by the bay."

"How do you know all this?" Rei's voice held hurt, although she refused to cry. She was beyond sorrow since so much had happened.

"I hold more power than you think."

"So you're admitting you're working for the Administration?"

"Actually, you have no proof of that," Usagi gave a cold smile. "This is exactly why you can't capture me at this very moment. Oh, and Dark, I think you and Draco both need to deflate your egos and get back to what you should be doing." Usagi swung around a branch like a gymnast before launching herself into the air and landing perfectly on another branch. Dark, Draco, and Rei followed like hound dogs, throwing spats back and forth, yet keeping a close eye on Usagi. Usagi smiled lightly in spite of herself, happy that things were at least a little normal. But this was just the beginning of her journey. She had much, much more to do.


The night was slowly giving in to dawn, golden tendrils reaching out into the sky, lighting black to blue and sending clouds of rose and peach into the heavens. As the sky was changing color, the dark forest began to light up, the chirping and croaking of crickets and cicadas turning into the sweet twittering of morning birds. The quarto became quiet as they journeyed through the forest. Usagi had remained awake for two entire days now and exhaustion was slowly setting into her bones. A pounding headache blocked her clear-headedness and her movements grew much slower. Knowing that she was at a point of vulnerability now, she quickly set up a strong mental defense against intruders, in case she fainted. She could not risk sharing her knowledge unknowingly. Her eyes were beginning to droop but she fought to get further, although she knew it wouldn't be good for her on the long run. She paused to rest on a branch, swaying lightly.

"Is something wrong?" Rei demanded, breaking the silence that surrounded them.

"I haven't slept or ate for two days straight," Usagi replied, summoning a little bit of water to drink. "I have to continue. Each minute lost is a minute that cannot be contributed to saving the universe. It is on my shoulders and my shoulders alone. I must go on."

"Save the universe? What do you mean?"

Usagi realized she had said too much in her light daze and shook her head, not willing to continue. "Forget I said anything. It isn't for you to know. I'll have to fix your memory."

"Don't touch her," Dark's hands and eyes glowed with amethyst energy. "If you value your life."

"I can't risk you killing one of the highest ranking officials," Draco narrowed his eyes, his blue orbs glowing with an eerie white, the same energy covering his hands.

"Oh please," Usagi mumbled before spreading her fingers and putting her hands out, palm first. "Obliviate!" a pure white washed over the Rebellion members, erasing the important bit of information she had let out. It took too much energy from her almost limitless (when she was full and well-slept) store and she fainted promptly. Her body fell from at least one hundred feet from the sky. The last thing she remembered was a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist, strangely pale lavender hair and warm blue eyes, and a strikingly handsome face before blacking out completely into the welcoming darkness.


The man was tall and seemingly made of shadows; he was laughing darkly. Usagi stood facing him, fully in her fuku. The past few years had caused her to take on a rapid transformation phase and she was already Eternal Sailor Moon. Desperate times called for desperate measures and none of her other senshi knew of her fighting. The man laughed once again.

"Your senshi will die and you will live alone forever," his deep, reverberating voice taunted her, and she clenched her fists angrily.

"No, I won't let you kill them!" she shouted, the staff of the Silver Crescent Blade forming in her hands. It stood a little taller than her and a dangerous blade in the shape of a crescent was mounted on the top, the Silver Imperial Crystal resting in the hollow.

"That's too late, Sailor Moon," the man let out tendrils of black energy. They wrapped around Usagi's ankles and wrists, bringing her closer to him. He ran a finger down her cheek and trailed her jaw. She wrenched out of the energy, her breathing heavy. "You know what you have to do. You can't save them unless you do it."

"I'd never join you," she whispered harshly, tears gathering in her eyes. "Even if it means suicide."

"Oh, Sailor Moon," the man sighed, walking around her in menacing circles. "You're too powerful to let die. And you know if you do muster the courage to take your own life, your senshi would be killed. Would you do that to them? Would you let them die? This is your last chance, Sailor Moon. You can come willingly or you'll be brainwashed and your friends will be killed."

She hung her head in defeat, just as a tear rolled down her face. "I'm sorry senshi. But I must do what's for your best. Fine. I'll join you."

"I knew you'd see," the man beamed at her, his cruel laugh echoing in the empty starry night sky. His hands circled her wrists and he leaned in, placing a snide kiss on her lips. She jerked away once again, screaming as loud as she could.


Usagi gasped and her eyes snapped open. Sweat rolled down her face in beads and she swallowed a scream that was threatening to tear out of her throat. Carefully looking around, she noticed that she was in an all white room. Ivy and various machines were hooked to her with needles and pads. Ripping off the pads and uncaringly taking out the needles, she swung her feet to the floor. The last thing she could recall was someone catching her as she fell from the tree. Oh no. Her eyes widened. How long had it been since she was out? She glanced around her and stood. All she wore was a virgin white hospital gown. She focused her energy and her black leotard, stilettos, and silver cape melted onto her body, leaving the gown on the floor. A clear purple force field surrounded her in a ten foot radius. Machines bleeped outside of the bubble, although no one was there.

"Interesting," Usagi murmured, gently touching the purple force field. It rippled under her hands before a thick volt of electricity, fire, and water threw her back. "Looks like my senshi don't want me to leave."

"You're right," a familiar voice resonated from one side of the room. Usagi calmly crossed her arms and smirked.

"You were always the quieter one in the group," she walked towards the force field. "But I really don't have time to chat and reminisce."

"Such a shame that we don't run by your orders anymore," a figure cloaked in pale blue stepped forward, removing its hood. It was a woman, at around 5'2", with shoulder length dark blue hair and eyes that were pale blue. Her hair, which had once been in a short bob, was now layered and slightly wavy. She had an hourglass figure and was beautiful, her intelligence shining in her now icy eyes. A cold smile played on her lips as she formed an icicle in one hand, sharp and gleaming in the pale glow of the light. "You're staying right where you are and while Hotaru disables all your movement, I will hook you up to those machines once again. We're gonna find out all your little secrets."

"Oh, Ami," Usagi fakely pouted. "I'm hurt that you would treat your first friend this way. But, alas, I seriously do not have time for this. Please let me out."

"No," Ami's voice was low, just above a whisper, as if daring Usagi to do something rash. Usagi laughed coolly, her eyes arctic. She stepped towards the force field slowly, her hands glowing silver-gold. Ami prepared an attack, eyes radiant with pale blue energy. "The beautiful thing about this force field is that it lets things in. But not out." With that, she crossed her arms in the formation of her 'Bubbles Blast' attack, but instead of the cold fog, thin pin-pricks of ice thudded against the purple shield, sinking in to fly dangerously at Usagi. The blonde merely stepped to the left and the ice stuck to the ground.

"Wow, you've really gotten strong," Usagi's voice was frigidly sarcastic, her eyes wide in an artificial look of surprise. "But, Ami, you were always the weakest senshi power-wise. You realize your only strength is your brain. And by now, I've accumulated much more than you about our… situation. And I am going to escape right in front of you." With that, Usagi simply melted into the floor in a burst of glitter before reappearing on the other side of the shield. "Boo hoo. And thought you had really caught me."

"Wh-what?" Ami stood frozen for a moment, eyes wide with astonishment, before pushing a small button on her communicator watch. Red lights began flashing as sirens alarmed the entire headquarters against Usagi's escape. Usagi laughed.

"You never could fight your own fights," the blonde tossed her hair. "Do you truly think a bunch of weak Trainers could pull me down?"

"No, but a bunch of the best Warriors and Masters out there could," Ami glared. "And I'm one of them."

"I'm scared."

"As you should be."

"No, you're the one that should be afraid," Usagi smiled a knowing grin. Without warning, she charged at the Ice Warrior, kicking her across the room. Usagi's escape would have to be quick. She hurried towards the door and kicked it open, causing it to splinter into two. There were already Trainers heading her way, eyes and hands glowing with their respective elements. A couple of Water Trainers let out thick torrents of liquid and Usagi dodged them easily, swiping out all of them with a low spin kick. Parrying off the moves of a few Fight Trainers, she knocked them over with powerful punches. A flip over the heads of more Trainers landed her in a clear spot. She hurried towards double door, dodging attacks. Glancing behind her, she shouted out a spell. "Petrificus Totalus!" Since Draco was a Magic Warrior, he'd be able to un-petrify all of the young Trainers that thudded to the floor. Her first Warrior was a familiar Grass one. Makoto Kino was dangerously beautiful, with seductive, smoky green eyes and thick, curling russet hair. Her auburn hair was currently in a high ponytail. A dark green cloak covered her body as her eyes glowed with grass green.

"It's been a while, hasn't it Usagi?" Makoto's radiant eyes narrowed as she went to an offensive stance, revealing a green leotard and white miniskirt. Green ballet flats and rose earrings completed her look. She smirked.

"It has, darling," Usagi pulled back into a defensive stance, her eyes and hands glowing silver-gold. Makoto roared in anger, her out-stretched palms letting out a number of razor-sharp leaves. Usagi dodged them with flips and hand-springs, small bursts of fire burning the few that threatened her. She smiled with victory. Pulling her hands in front of her, she threw a burst of blue energy at Makoto, who flipped backwards to dodge it. A thick bundle of vines shot out of her hands and encased Usagi, squeezing her and sending electricity down the green plants. The blonde screamed as pain ripped through her veins, and with an explosion of silver, was disentangled from the menacing trailing plants. "Let's do this like women." She lunged at Makoto, throwing punches every which way, causing Makoto to parry them off and use her powerful legs to kick Usagi towards the wall. The blonde rebounded off of the walls and landed in a crouched position.

"Too much for you, Usagi?" Makoto taunted.

"I'm not even warmed up," Usagi smirked. Rei, Dark, and Ami burst into the medical wing, all positioning themselves in fighting stances. "Not fair. I'm outnumbered."

"Whose fault is that?" Dark shouted as he threw himself at Usagi. Rei, Ami and Makoto quickly joined intent on capturing the blonde that had evaded the force field. Usagi easily dodged and parried off their moves, finally landing an effective kick on Makoto that sent her crashing into a wall, slumping over in unconsciousness. Rei cried out in fury, sending fire blast after fire blast, causing the end of Usagi's cloak to catch fire. The blonde huffed in indignation. "Stupefy!" A thin red beam hit Rei in the chest and she fell over, frozen. "Petrificus Totalus!" Ami fell over as well. That left Dark. Usagi smirked as she pointed a finger at him. A red beam caught his fleeing body and he fell over as well. Suddenly, a kick out of nowhere sent her crashing into a wall. She groaned as pain from cracked ribs shot through her side. Stars burst in her eyes and she quickly healed herself before jumping up.

"That was a low blow," she was a facing a gorgeous man with light lavender hair and ice blue eyes. His hair was in a mushroom cut and fell into his eyes, adding boyish charm. He was ripped, with thick muscles and full eight-pack abs, his arms rippling. Usagi would have swooned in any other situation, but given that this man had the dark maroon cloak of a high-ranking Fight Warrior, and the aura of a Saiyan that he was giving off, she didn't want to think of how much it would hurt to fight him. He was gently floating in the air, arms crossed.

"And you would know much about it," his voice was deep and his tone cold. Usagi smiled frigidly.

"I don't even know who you are. But I'm willing to destroy you if you stand in my path towards destiny," Usagi's body glowed with silver-gold energy.

"You can call me Trunks," the man replied, his body bursting into gold before a blond haired, turquoise eyed man stood in front of her.

"Ooh, Super Saiyan," Usagi cooed sarcastically. "Well, Super Saiyan, meet your match. Moon Eternal Power Make-UP!" Her body exploded into a flurry of glitter, feathers, and ribbons, and Eternal Sailor Moon replaced her in all her glory. Her cupped sleeves were gone and her black leotard had replaced her white one. Sheer white gloves covered her from elbow down. A white sailor collar remained to partially cover her shoulders. A two-tiered white miniskirt with silver and gold embroidery barely covered her bottom and pink bows adorned her chest and the small of her back. Her boots were black with gold and silver and the Imperial Silver Crystal rested in the middle of the bow on her chest, the only thing supporting it a silver clasp. Feathery white wings protruded from her back. She grinned.

"Nice magic trick," Trunks narrowed his eyes. "Let's see what you can really do." With that, he blasted a ball of glowing white towards Usagi, who put an arm in front of her, creating a force field that absorbed the energy.

"My turn," Usagi closed her eyes in concentration. "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy KISS!" A pale beam of energy left her hands and hit Trunks right in the chest, causing him to slam into the metal walls. Suddenly, he disappeared and reappeared behind Usagi, a small power blast sending her careening towards the floor. She disappeared into it and came up a few feet away. "Nice." She smirked, the ends of her bows whipping around as energy crackled around her body, encasing her in silver and gold. Her eyes radiated an ethereal glow and she put her hands together, forming the signs of the elements. The crescent mark on her forehead burst into light as a surge of water, fire, electricity, and ice slammed into Trunks' body, creating smoke as the four elements fused together. When it cleared, Trunks was nowhere to be seen. Usagi took this moment to fly at startling speeds towards the south, sensing that this was the exit.

"Thinking about escaping, hime?" Setsuna, known better as Sailor Pluto and a Warrior Unknown, stood in front of the double doors that led outside.

"You know what must happen Puu," her voice held no trace of emotion, contempt or otherwise. The garnet-eyed woman gave a mysterious smile.

"Hime, I cannot let you go."

"You've seen the future. Now move or I shall hurt you."

"You need help."

"I need no one," Usagi glared at the floor, her voice a quiet whisper. "I've survived the past ten years in this timeless dimension, never aging, never growing. They've only been here less than five of those years. They don't know what it was like before. They don't know what's really going on."

"Listen, hime, you need to take at least one person before you leave," Setsuna's eyes mirrored the pain in the blonde's heart, and she stepped aside. "But if you are truly confident that you will defeat them on your own, by all means, go right ahead. Just remember that you are the last and only hope. If you die, no one will replace you and the world will plunge into darkness."

The blonde paused for a moment, thinking. Help would be nice, but who would be willing to help her? Could she trust these naïve people? She needed a large variety of powers, but more than five would slow her down. Someone high-ranking would be nice. And so far, Rei, Trunks, Draco, and Dark were the best candidates. "Rei, Dark, Draco, and Trunks. That's all I'll be taking."

"There will be people waiting for you at Port L&B. I will not tell them what their mission is. It is up to you to reveal what you want to."

"Mission accepted."

You guys would probably like some explanations. I understand this can be a bit confusing.

Let's see… there are many different kinds of Warriors. Each specializes in one element or specialty attacks. They control and manipulate these elements. Trainers, on the other hands, are training to be specialized Warriors, and therefore, they aren't nearly as powerful. Masters are those who don't have any magic capabilities and therefore depend on their fighting skills to help the Rebellion.

As to the entire Usagi situation, I won't explain very much regarding it. This isn't because I'm mean, but because it needs to be introduced in a more subtle way.

This was a pretty long chapter, like four times the length of my regular ones, but I wanted enough to make a good intro to my new story. If any of you have questions, don't hesitate to ask, and remember to please review! I'm not sure what other anime/books/cartoons I'm going to cross it over with, but I'll see what I can find. I'm not an anime freak, so I don't know very many animes, but I'll be glad to look up info if any of you want to see someone.

I'd like to tell you all that after the next chapter of Breaking Ice, I will be taking a break from my writing. One shots will come out, but with intense writer's block and less time, I won't be writing new chapters for my existing stories, unless one of you can provide me with inspiration or a few suggestion/ideas on what I can do.

I won't be writing much on this fic unless you guys really like it. It's a multi-crossover. I don't know very many other animes since I'm not all that interested in them, but I am looking for others to include. Help and constructive cristicism is gladly accepted. The following are what's currently included/most likely will be.

Gundam Wing

Teen Titans


DN Angel

Rurouni Kenshin

Weiss Kruz- a little bit of extra info is appreciated!

Harry Potter

A wee little bit of LoTR and hints of PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl

Oh yeah. You know that button that says go? Please press it and leave me an uber quick review! Or a long one… whichever you have time for!